Thursday, June 5, 2014

Who is a Vaishnava - Part 3

Lecture Link: Who is a Vaishnava - Part 3 HH Radhanath Swami

Another time he was eating Bihari Lal put a big plate in front of him and would bring him prasad. Not far away a dog had puppies and these puppies would see a plate of prasad and they would run up and eat off the plate as he was eating. After seeing this, Bihari Lal chased the dogs away the next day. JDB asked where are the dogs- I am fasting until I have the association of these dogs. He would not eat. Bihari Lala brought the dogs back - gathered around in a circle around the plate and JDB ate blissfully - He said they are dogs of the holy Dhama of Nava dvipa. On anotehr occassion Bihari Lal was carrying him on  a basket on the shoulder - a wealthy man gave a big donation - BL gave it JDB - he said go back to that wealthy man- take this money back- you gave me only a few rupees, I feel the wt of it is so heavy- how will my servant survive.I can imagine you have so many rupees- how much of a wt is on your life. At other times he would accept donations- One time someone offered 200Rs- this is about 150 years ago, how much is it worth today- JDT took that money and told BHL that buy rasagullas worth 200Rs.

Ac to Sacidanananda Prabhu that is crores of Rs- Rasagullas. JDT said that feed them to the cows of Nava dvipa but dont give them to the bogus Babajis. The cos of the Holy Dhama.
When he was 146 years old he was in Sruya Kunda in Vraja bhumi and was going to Navadvipa. All the paramhamsa said you are so old why are you leaving Vrindavan- why not stay here- it is the Holiets place near Radha Kunda. JDB from the heart of his heart- he said I am a very fallen soul- Vrindavan is the place for the highest paramhamsas - internal part of Krishna's lila- I am very fallen. Let me give my life in Navadvipa- Lord CM and NP will give love of Krishna they give true realization of Vrindavan even to the most fallen souls like me. Let me return to Navadvipa.That was his humility. He was a guru of so many great great souls Disciple of Madhusudan Das Babaji who was just 2-3 lines after Baladeva Vidyabhusan , great souls he initiated like BVT writing prolific literatures and spreading the Holy Name lilke anything but he considered himself very fallen- living in the dust of navadvipa and cxalling out for the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu and Lord CM.

That was his last day in Vrindavna. He was so exalted by all sages and vaishnavas that when BVT had that vision of where the birthplace of Lord CM is - this is strongly controversial even to this day.Bec in the Kuliya gram side of navadvipa there has been for 100years a place that is worshipped as the birthplace of Lord CM. BVT from his examinations of scriptures, maps and discussions with exalted people- he said that that could not be that place...........

But he found the real place was on the other side of Ganga , He had a vision of light emanated form that place- he saw all Tulasi Plants growing although it was just a field nothin else would grow inly tulasi would grow. his final cinfirmation had to come from the realization of JDB- BHL got him ins  basket and got him down. JDB leaped out of the basket and started chanting the Lord;s names. BVT then said with all certainty that this is the birth place of Lord CM.

Today is also the disapperance day of HH Tamal krishna goswami Maharaja.Its already 11 o clock and SB is way beyond its boundary. Should I speak a few words about TKG.

what can I say about this very loving kind Godbrother who personally showered me with such immense affection kindness encouragement. I believe in 1968, he first came to SP along with his best friend who was lated Vishnu Jana Swami Maharaja. Thjey came to San Francisco and obviously a great saint from a prev life , he just committed himself 100% to SP and his mission.

Now in those days there was no instituon of ISKCON a little storefront in N"Y and IN SFO. In SFO noody wore dhoti or shaved heads very simple, but he joined there- meeting SP, hearing the phil, chanting the HN, tasting prasad committed his life. Practically from the first day although he was committed to serve as das anu das- SP saw himself as a leader , he was willing to commit himself and to take any typoe of risk for his gurudev. SP said that nothing great can be done without takin risk- if you are not willing to take risk then remain mediocre. SP took such immense risk at the age of 70 with nobody to recieve him. To stay in NYC despite everybody asking him to go i was a risk. When they gave him a storefront and told him that they could help with the first month;s rent- he did not nobody ands yet he signed the contract tooh the storefront in Manhattan that was risk.

SFO, London- signed for the land in Mumbai when he did not have any money- he took risks.
These early devotees include TKG had such faith and although PS disciples were rapidly growing more centers more places, SP had such trust in the commitment and abilities of tKG. Quite amazing. devotees were doing Harinaam Sankirtana- there was nothing else- no books , magazines to distribute. Temples were little storefornts- and do nama sankirtana- yoube heard about those days.

SP ordered TKG to organize first class sankirtana parties first time-most imp service in all of ISKCON.JHe put him incharge. Devotees were going all scattered out- he roganized the,m dressed in proper way, singing proper way- he organized in proper way and he inspired them with all faith to go outside and do nama sankirtana it was incrediblly sankirtana. SP told him to go all centers in ISKONC to organize nama sankirtana. NY has senior people and he is coming to tell them how to do nama sankritana . Dstributing BTG- he took it so seriously he was ogrganizing it when it first came out and couple years later- distribution was practically nothing- TKg was just determined that he would organize 1000s of BTG to be distributed- SP told him to go center to inspire and train people how to dsistribute BTG- Sometime later- SP started printing his books and SP had that faith and triust in the dtermination, enthusiasm and commitment of TKG. He just systemized organized book distribution very much in various parts of the wolrd- spearheaded. SP called him to London- nama sankirtana, btg, book distribution, stds of cleanliness, deity worhsip stds, like SP right hand man in so many ways. SP when he came to India- very difficult project end of 1970 his disciples arrived. Organizing a movement here anything devotees tried to do land money always getting chated and getting sick, very difficult . SP called TKg because he had such faith and trust in his commitment and allegiance in exactly doing things the parampara way. He put TKg in the most difficult service at that time to be the GBC of all of India when there was nothing here- for several years he did it- SP more or less was the GBD but TKG was his right hand- famous story when TKG wanted to take sanyas big controversy - he was so determined he wanted to give his life, no distractions form SP service. SP gave him sanyasa and he saw how SP loved Book distribution- he wanted to go to the west to expan Book distribution- he went to America joined with Vishnujana Swami maharaja who was doing drama , rock shows mantra- TKG organized from one little bus he organized an army of Book distributors- through their preaching and BD brining dozens from secular world, and training them to be book distributor- 4 major buses , 25 vans criss crossing all of america broke all recoird for BD.


SP called him for so many projects. Yesterday I was in Calcutta SP was striuggling to get land in Mayapur forces within and without blocking SP from egtting land in Mayapur- he sent many people but nobody could succeed. From Calcutta SP sent TKg with cash, Rs no check credit card- not an easy Mayapur was a land of dacoits, some gaudiya maths but very dangerous place travel by bus. SP took a pience of cloth like a kaupin and wrapped it around his waist - ruppes aorund his waits to buy land. SP personally showed him how to ties it so nobyd could see it. He spent days and days anf ffinally he convinced the people to sell him the land and all those rupees in small notes, he had to write the serial number of every note in order for the transcatiuon to be accepted. He got the deed - impossible and middle of the night he came back to Calcutta SP light was still on - he was translating his books- usually nobody disturbed SP when he was translating his books. TKg came in prostrated before SP, went on his knees- he said SP the land in Mayapur is yours and then handed SP the deed of ownership.

SP said I think "I was waiting for You, he was very very pleased and longer than anyone else he served as SP personal secretary and during SP last year 27:53.