Thursday, June 5, 2014

2013 01 13 Sunday Feast Mahaprabhu cures envious Gopal Chapalla Radhanath Swami ISKCON Chowpatty

This is one of the more prominent pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu which is told in CC and also referred to in Caitanya Bhagavat.Bec of the crucial message that it carries.

Psychology is one of the sciences of medicine - it is also a very important study in order to actually imbibe Vaishnava Character- what was the Psychology of Gopal Chapala and that of Srivas Thakur. Their values were completely oppsoite although both were trying to achive ethe same thing- real fulfilment- anada mayo bhyasat. But according to what we sare influenced by we seek our fulfilment in various ways. ST was seeking it under the influcen of the his eternal soul- anotehr words actions, words, were the manifestation of the quality of his etrnal soul. jivera swarupa hoya .... the nature of the atma is to find dfulfiment in giving Krishna fulfillment. when you water the root of the tree every part of the three is satisfoied. He was motivated by uncondiional love- GC was influenced by false ego- seeking fulfillment in his own prestige in his power and sensory powers. The symptom of the disease of GC manifested as Envy. why envy? Generally we envy someone who has something common with us. GC sort of spriitual leader in Navadvipa- ST very simple humble person but was gaining respect and honor from others. GC had a paricular interpretation of brahminical culture and the cutlure of the vedas and that was if you want to make true spiritual progress then you have to be scholarly, study vedas, submit to brahmins- if they bless you you will take your next birth as brahamanas. And ST and others were speaking the conclusion of all the knowledge of the vedas is to surrender to Vasudeva. After many births and deatchs when you finally come to the actiuall culmination of true surrender to vasuedeva knowing that He is the cause of all causes and all that is. sarva dharman parityaja mam ekam saranam- to abondaon all varities of dharma and occupation and religion just srrender to me- deliver you do not fear. ST was seeing every living being as an eternal servant of krishna and wanted to inspire everyone to attain the peerfection of all knowledg loving devotional sewrvice- he had compolete faith in the vedic conclusion that by simply chanting the name of hari one can attain the ultimate perfection of life. One os ST's very best friends was HT who was from a caste perspective an untouchable- for the caste samartha brahamansa like GC was untouchable unseeable- his shadow touched your house you had to wash your house with cow dung- and here ST was inviting haridas in at the kirtans embracing him and was teaching common people who had no real qualifications as far as he ws concerned that they can attain the perfection of life by dancing and signing- ? We see the world through our particular state of consciousness If that envy of the ego is allowed to flourish within our consciousness then we rationalize , see, percieve, interpret everything in the cloud of that envy- and we can genuinely be convinced of it- he was seeing Srivas as a genuine enemy of vedic culture and he could take so many instances to prove oit and so many verese of scripture to justify it. His decision was i must destroy him. He put all kinds of abominable things and ut it infront of ST's house at night when kirtan was going on. St did not know. GC 's plan was that in the morning when people would see they could conclude that ST was performing low class rituals that people in tamo guna perform and his name would be destroyed. ST had no eny and no pride- he only wanted to please krishna and therefore he had no fear.

When St saw all this he admitted to something he never did- he told all the people of navadvipa that this is what he did every night.,But nobody believed him and they cleaned up for him and purified the place. GC because of this offense he got leprosy - in those days you werent alloed to live amongst peope of soceity you were anished if you had leprosy- not onlt was he totally suffering physically- emaciated, deformed, fingers, toes, nose fell off- his family and society disowned him- he had no one- living alone near the bank of the ganges- he became somewhat repentant but not enough-. Once Lord CM was passing he said "pls save me" CM said that "because you have offended ST you will suffer like this for million births and he waled away. He said that out of compassion, love for GC's soul- bec he knew that he had to deeply understand the offense. What we learn from this is anybody can say i am sorry because they want to avoid some reaction- but that is not what liberates us from the offense- what truly liberates us when we truly want to change from the core of the heart. Very imp message. He was suffering, crying, begging but CM understood that he just wants to get out of what he has done but he hasnt really changed- he is still envious. But he did change in due course of time. Greatest blessing for GC was leprosy- as far as ST was concerned he always liked GC. he as praying for him- no feeling of anger animosity revenge he was a wellwisher because of taking shelter of krishna. These are the qualities of one who takes shelter of krishna.this is what a vaishnava is- SP explains that the prominent of vaishnava is that they have no envy- bec they have taken shelter of krishna. the deepest disease of the heart is envy if we love krishna we cannot be envious of anything- if we are envious of krishna we are potentially envious of everyone if the circumstanes ra efavorable. so hat leprosy cause dhim to reflect and deeply understand how good srivas was and how wrong he was. He was like that for years. This si something that is very important for a devotee to understand- sometimes we thing why is god letting something happen but from the perspective of truth- nasato vidyata ebhava - that has no cessation is real.... this body is going to grow old a, diseased and die, but the sould is ertenal no birth no death. Krishna sees for how we are as a eternal souls, 1 or 2 lifetimes is insiginiifcant there is an eg that one acarya gives- this particular physical life of ours is like taking a pencil