Thursday, June 5, 2014

Patience is needed to do the internal work

2013-02-04 Seminar Day 01-Patiently pursuing the goal controlling the urge to speak - Niranjana Swami ISKCON Chowpatty

I am going to speak this evening from essays written by Srila BVT on vereses from Upadesamrita and these are 12 essays given in sri bhaktyaloka on the two verses which describe the 6 activites that are favorable and 6 activitires that are unfavorable for DS. Today we will to talk about daya or patience- we are going to put together based on this essay and another essay BVT has written in the same book - and speak about the topic of patience which is very relevant for practitioners of Bhakti Yoga, especially since these essays are especially to those who are engaged in sadhana and who are aspiring to achieve the goal of their sadhana which BVt also explains in the essay - what that goal is? In order to achieve that goal one has to be very patient.Patience is a virtue and Rupa Goswami gives it as something that is essential if one wants to advance on Bhakti. Modern times we want things very quickly , often times devotees in execution of their sadhana being impatient - BVt explains that sometimes they abandon their sadhana because they are not patient. He presents it in a very profound way ................................

As we said the chapter is called daya or patience..

One confusing word here is "those who are patient cannot do any work" - We should remember who he is addressing. Regular people might be impatient but they will do what they need to do to get to work- he is speaking about internal work- those who are impatient it is very difficult to do the internal work that is required to achieve the goal which he delineates- ahead-He summaraizes at the end what this goal is