Thursday, June 5, 2014

From HH Radhanath Swami lecture

One of the most transforming realizations that I had in my life was a discovery- all of our desires, aspirations and all the frustrations we undergo due to not fulfilling those desires- hey all originate each of our hearts- in that love is true fulfillment- I spent sometime with mother Teresa in Calcutta- she said - the greatest problem in this world is hunger- not hunger of the stomach- hunger of the heart- the wealthiest people in the world are frustrated- there is only one thing that can fulfill the hunger of the heart-momentary satisfaction to the mind and the enses only  to love and to be loved can give satisfaction to the heart - unfortunately our minds are so distracted trying to find that same experience in so many other alternatives- to love and to be loved is the most fundamental need for all human beings- it is the only true pleasure that can satisfy us- According to all the great scriptures- the origin of that love that need for love is the love between the atma- that when you put water in the root of the tree- the root noursihes the branches the twigs the leaves the flowers- Krishna tells in the gita-I am the source of all material and spiritual worlds everything emanates from Him.

When we learn the art of placing the water of our love in the root of existence - the Lord- then that love naturally reaches every living being- Mamivamso jiva loke- wherever there is life it is a part of God- factually you cannot love God and dislike anyone- that is the real test. In the bible Jesus said in First testament- love God with your heart , mind and soul and a natural by product of that is you love your neighbor as you love yourself- see everyone with equal vision- see the spiritual essence- If my mother has a disease - I may hate the disease but I love my mother. The atma is perfect, but when it is covered by avidya or ignorance then all sorts of symptoms come- dissatisfaction, envy, arrogance and all other things. Yoga is to equip us with the realization so that we can see beyond the disease- to understand our sister or brother- our connection with everyone. BVT explained when we connect with the love of God which is within our heart- it naturally manifests within this world in the form of compassion- selfless compassion - is this not the greatest need in this world- things of this world are neutral their value is in the consciousness in which we use it. Knife in the hands of a theif- slash throat to take what they have - a surgeon with a knife will save a surgeon's life. everyone within this creation has it potential spiritual value- if we simply learn how to use it with devotion love. Nitya siddha cita prema sadhana kabu nay- wake up sleeping soul- you are sleeping in the lap of Maya- you do not know your true potential.

When we awaken that love- not only do we find that real oasis of pleasure then we can be empowered to share it with everyone else.

In order to fill our hearts with meaning and value- we have to empty it from egoistic pursuits. Gita says tani sarvanai samyayaya.... you cant empty in a sustainable way unless we fill our hearts/minds with something better. And we cannot fill it with something better as long we keep cluttering it with inferior thoughts and words and actions. ...param drstva nivartate... in a sustainable way- we can overcome our material habits- by experiencing something higher deeper and greater. Thats whya yoga helps- if done with sincerity- tams thaiva bhajmyaham - what we are looking for will be revealed to us- in order to get the maximum benefit we have to be sar grahi we have to seek the essence- who am I, what do I really want to become un insrument of the sweet, all pervading love of the Supreme Lord- that is the highest aspiration.

On the banks of the river Ganga- under a Banyan tree 5000 years ago- sukatal- where the great SB was spoken. Pariksit was the emperor cursed to die in 7 days in the prime of his youth, all citizens loved him, he had a wonderful family he took shelter at the ganga devi- all sages of the whole planet gathered.

Among all the 100 sages and rishis they chose a 16 yr old boy so qualified- king asked him 3 questions primarily - just tell me the very essence of all the scriptures- ? what is the primary duty of every human being in all places and circumstances? What is the true duty of a person who is about to Die?

Time is precious- utlize every moment we have - nourish the real need of the heart-.

Sukadeva G tells a story in 10th canto about little Krishna about 2 years old."one who understands Krishna is bhagavn descends in this world and he is the possesor of all potencies even when he is a tiny baby and just to reciprocate with affection of vrajwasis- he appears like a helpless little child." A lady come out of the forest- no education - no caste- very simple lady living in the forest. she had a basket of fruits- nobody was interested in buying. Little baby Krishna- enthusiastic, just learned to work- he knows everything but just to attract our heart he is learning how to walk- he runs with grains in his hand- to barter- all the grains were falling from his hand and then only two pieces of grains left in his hand. she was so charmed by the sweetness of his smile- she wanted to please him.- she did not know who He was- she filled His arms with fruits- if you want come back I will give you more- He ran home carrying the fruits. Mothe asked where did you get these fruits- he said I purchased this. She said you cannot trust everyone- Meanwhile the lady turned around and her fruit basket was filled with precious jewels overflooded- she did not notice it- she wanted ot get more fruits from her hut to get more fruits to please Krishna- when she came back the basket was filled with the most priceless jewels- in her enthusiasm to please the Lord- she dumped the jewels and filled it with fruits- gave it to him and He was very happy.

Her basket of the the heart was filled with the purushartha shiromani - prem- love for teh God and for all living beings patram pushpam- simple bec she offered a few fruits with devotions- Gopal said lets distribute these fruits- giving to friends and neighbors- however many dhe gave out there was not end to those fruits- anyone who ate it they were completely satisfied - this is the reciprocation of bhakti- devotee wants to share the prema of the Lord with the world and the Lord wants to share the fruits of the devotees wlove with the world