Thursday, June 5, 2014

Cure of Souls in Vaishnava Communities - HG Ravindra Svarupa Prabhu

Part - 01 a

The course is "Cure of Souls ......"
The phrase Cure of souls is an old English expression when a preist would take a parish it was said he was given the cure of souls in that area. Curate- refers to the old use of the word cure.

the word means care- care of souls but I also like the modern sense of cure- making well.
In one sens theis course is what iskcon is supposed to be about- curing souls of the comtanination of material existence and returning them o the association of Krishna.
I am going to use the work of a Chirsitian preacher -
Boisen is 1876-1965 an American lived a long life is actually because he was a strict brahmacari all his life.

Why I am going to use Boisen I will explain in the course of discussion.

First book- "Exploration of the inner world- a study of mental disorder and religious experience" reprinted a couple times.This is regarded as a classic in the psychology of religion. Second book- Religion in crisis and custom". this is his autobiographjical study of mental disorder and religion. Then I found " a manual for pastors"

Boisen is regarded as the founder of Clinical Pastoral Education that is to do with the pastoral care of mentally ill people and there is an association that carries this.

this course is not about the pastoral care of mentally ill people. What happened to Boisen he had a schizophrenic episode put in mental hospital  When he came out of the hospital could not convince anyone he was doing good. He was put again for a year. He came to the conclusion that what he was diagnosed as schizophrenia was actually a spiritual crisis  St Paul,maybe even Jesus, George Fox went through similar crisis- breaking up of the inner world and putting it back together on a new foundation that's what was happening to him. When the crisis is resolved successfully then you have a siant or religious leader. When it is unsuccesful you have someone who is maybe crazy and spends the rest of life in the mental hospital or he can be stabilized in an unsatisfactory way.

Anton Boisen was discharged from the mental hospital- he was already an ordained minister of the Presbyterian church.- very strict Presbyterian upbringing. He went back to study the psychology of religion and was able to work as a chaplain in a mental hospital to verify what he had thought he had discivered. Certain insights into what he calls the laws of spiritual life. Then he went and applied the same ideas to a normal parish- he had students who had the Cure of Souls and they decide to look at what was going on with all the people in their congregation to apply it normal life and discovered the same things apply there- this is in the first book Exploration of the inner world. In the second book he tried to apply the same ideas a religious groups as  wholes.

Boisen uses a lot of insights form social psychology- the book has an appendix of terms. It is the notion that the internal structure of the individual mirrors his social structure- that we are fundamentally social beings and we have internalized things that are happening in the society at large.

e.g - for Boisen salvation means to be accepted in the company of those you esteem most highly -pure devotees. Sin from a psychological point of view is isolation from the association of those people from whom you want to be accepted.

It turns out social psychology is very important for ISKCON bec our personalistic phil . As far as I am concerned the idea that God is a person is tied to the idea