Friday, June 21, 2013

Diversity a necessity for growth- Part 3

Diversity a necessity for growth

When the exile was over and it was time to return, Rama told Hanumana that Bharat has been ruling the kingdom for 14 years and now it is time for me to come back and reclaim the kingdom but I do not want to do that if Bharat wants to be the king. If from the core of his heart if he really wants me to be the king then I will go back to please him.

even among the great saints, and devotees- when you have so much you can become attached to it- even in the line of service there is a tendency to be attached - it is the nature of this world.

Rama said Bharata has been ruling for 14 years - if he has slightest speck of attachment to doing it then he must continue - unless his love for me to come back is totally unconditional and pure I will not come back.

How do you determine if a person has the slightest inkling of a  trace of such a desire in their heart? Rama knew that it takes one to know one, because Hanuman had a completely pure and unconditional heart he could detect if there was a trace in bharat. Rama told I am going on the pushpaka with Sita, Laxmana and Sita towards Ayodhya- you go before us to Nandigram to the straw hut where Bharat is living and you tell him that the exile is over and Rama is returning and if you detect through his facial expression, bodily movements, tone of his voice or your intuition that he has a trace of remorse that he is going to lose all the power he has then I will give him honor and respect and serve him as the king.

Ramayana the story of unconditional love
As soon as Hanuman met Bharat- he said When is Rama coming exile time is over- Hanuman said Rama is on his way- he was totally comprehensive in his analysis- from the core of his heart he examined
the reaction of Bharat- Bharata's hands went up, he started looking in the direction Rama was coming . Hanuman detected that his wealth and love was to serve Lord Rama- Hanuman felt humbled and insignificant in the presence of Bharat- they embraced each other and were crying and weeping in ecstasy-Finally hanuman his heart was exploded with bliss and he pointed his finger and said "Bharat look He has come" from a distant horizon they saw the pushpaka- both began to dance and celebrate. Rama came off the chariot and first thing He embraced Bharat.

 Ramayana  is the story of unconditional love,of  unity in diversity,of  real wealth. Unity in diversity- Hanuman a monkey-but they were unified by a higher principle- all interactions- the model we find here in the purest state we cannot imitate , but we should apply these principles in every single aspect of live- encounters with nature, with circumstances, with interactions with people- this is bhakti- to make that internal change within ourselves.

Sadbhuja Form
Sarva Bhauma Bhattacharya saw this incredible form of the Lord. Blue- Two arms of Krishna playing the flute, two were Rama - color of the Durbha grass with the bow and arrow- two were Lord Caitanya goldne arms holding danda and kanadalu.

Rmaa showed us the highest principles of love through His devotees- Guha Jatayau- Hanuman, Bharat, Kausalya.
Krishna manifested the highest reciprocation of love with the gopas, gopis Sri Radha., CM came to give entrance to the same realm of love to anyone and everyone- caste, sex, religion or animals- tigers, snakes insects of they opened their hearts to receive it.

Prime benediction of the chanting of the Lord's Holy Names. When we value this servitude and try to live in the footsteps of the great devotees and chant with sincerity, humility, attentively- transformation takes place- we discover the infinite wealth we all have- we gradually understand how Krishna loves us. His love is infinite.

Scientist was explaining concepts of scientific discovery- I do not have time or ability to explain it to you. But really what he was saying was how totally inconceivable matter is- creation is beyond the capacity of human intelligence- thats just how cells and atoms are working- Krishna made it that way- bigger perspective- how atomic particles are working and interacting with each other is amazing- we cannot even see it- cannot see the energies that are activating those neutrons, protons etc. A larger scale the sun is just floating in the sky- so much light and heat- its 1000s of times bigger than planet earth.

Doesn't matter if you have Phd, if you do not have gas the car doesn't move. In chicago winter without heat- what do you do- you freeze- heater, car incense- you have to have something to keep that energy alive. But the sun- its not like the demigods have solar pipes that go through the air to get oil, natural gases to keep the sun going- it keeps going for millions of years and does not get smaller- why doesn't it burn out- too close too far we all die. Just within tiny speck of our universe- inconceivable potency. Krishna just desires creation- exhales and cosmic manifestation comes as a fulfillment of His desires.

Love- The greatest of all of Krishna's opulences
The greatest of all the opulences of Krishna is the opulence of love- All attractive, the beauty and the sweetness of His love- He has infinite , unsurpassable, incomprehensible love for every living entity- for the soul in the mosquito- remember that when he is biting you- He has infinite love for that little soul in each and every one of us.This humbles us.When we are touched with the realization of How much Krishna loves us it doesn't matter what happens in this crazy world. Whatever happens beyond our control Krishna's love for us is beyond any of the things that happens to us beyond the short pencil dot of this little world we live in and beyond the lifetime. When we experience Krishna's love, infinite love for us, unlimited love for us-we understand , we realize and we taste it then we naturally reciprocate with unconditional infinite love for Krishna.

 In that state there is love and compassion in all circumstances for everyone- thats essence of religion,thats the purpose of life- when we experience that we do not become proud. On the material platform we compete- I have something, I do not want anyone to have anything more than me. Ego " I do not want anybody give as good classes as me"- Thats the nature of ego.I could dance - but it would really disturb me if somebody could dance as good as me. That is the ego.Because we are empty inside we need these things, useless things, fame adoration- stuff. Where there is love- when we taste Krishna's inifnite love for us we are satisfied - it humbles us as we know that Krishna has the same infinite love for everyone and everyone has the same potential to have the same infinite love for Krishna. That understanding is the Supreme unifying ingredient within a world of unlimited variations and so many dualities- this is the matchless gift which Srila Prabhupada was presenting to all of us and to the whole world. Properly understanding the goal of Bhakti and the chanting of the Holy Names.