Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Diversity a necessity for growth- Part 2

There is not only our own egos that create conflict, but there is all kinds of egos around us that can incite division. sometimes brother's wives do not like the husband's brother and they can easily get affected. People have very very sectarian egoistic views and they very much influence the way we think. Not only do we have the mind that is affected by the bad dog of egoism, lust, anger, envy, greed and illusion , but there are so many factors around us inciting us and creating divisions.

For Bharat it was his own mother- but she wanted Ram to be in the forest and Bharat to be the king.Everyone was trying to convince Rama to go back but his love for his brother was so deep that nothing could budge him. Higher principle.
Bharat at every single kingdom was ruling the kingdom from his little straw hut- sometimes just drinking cow urine as he did not want to enjoy what was meant for Rama, he did it all as an expression of Ram to serve and maintained Ayodhya in the most wonderful way for the pleasure of Rama.

Finding Real happiness
A little later in the story- Ravana- he was just thinking about me- did not know anything about love.Anything wrong he wanted to do he could justify it through scripture. He wanted Sita Rama's wife to enjoy for Himself. He stole Sita away. His entire city was made of solid gold.Still was not enough for Him- he was the wealthiest man on earth.He had so many ladies to enjoy- but he wanted Sita. SB tells this about Hiranyakasipu- he had conquered the entire universe but he could not find a moment of real happiness   because he had not been able to control his own mind and senses. The more you have the more you need. If you are not finding happiness within yourself you cannot find it anywhere.No matter what you have , what you cna achieve, what you can do. Love is about finding the wealth within ourselves and using our abilities to express that love. When we don't find that within, we are trying to fill that vacuum with stuff from outside- power, money, fame, incredible skills. All that stuff can't go beyond that sharp pointed dot on that infinite line. It can hardly be sustainable within that dot on that infinite line. Sita could have been the princess above all others but all she wanted was Rama. Hanumana was a brahmacari all he wanted was to serve. The dynamics of Hanuman's consciousness - lets try to analyze it very briefly- give every drop of his energy just to bring Sita back to Rama. As a Brahmacari he did not have any possessions- his only aspiration was to see Rama and Sita happy together- that is seva- unconditional love. That love wasn't just sitting peacefully in a shanti stage.- jumped across the ocean..

For a devotee who has discovered that transcendental love within herself and himself  , honor and dishonor really does not make much difference. It only really affects us- when our level of satisfaction or fulfilment is on such a superficial shallow level.Just like in a river, if you are on the surface of the river all the waves,  the rains and winds affect you, but if you are deep in the current of the river you do not even notice the rains or the winds.So we are only affected by the transformations in this world because we are so shallow in our realizations of life, who we are, who is God and what is real happiness. It doesn't matter how much knowledge we have in our brains,money, skills, power, followers- none of that bring us any deeper. You can have or not have it, but Hanuman was satisfied within. He stood fearlessly in front of Ravana and told him-  Ravana you are a coward.

This is how love transcends the dualities of nature- pleasure, pain, honor, dishonor(example of Hanuman's tail being lighted and him still being very happy)


Ravana started the fire with enmity to another- that fire came to burn his own wealth. When we try to hurt others- when we have envy, enmity, hate towards another. Then like the tail of Hanuman the fire of that negative quality of going to burn us from within and karmically it is going to burn us from without. Very good message. He started the fire himself that will destroy his kingdom. That is the nature of envy.

Real Wealth
He went to meet Ram in the cave in Kishikindha ksetra. Rama came out of the cave to meet Hanuman- he told the whole story Sita's message to Him and the extra services he did. Greatest treasure is the treasure of love and that love is expressed through service. Rama said I have nothing to give you as a reward ... all I have is my embrace , woith deep satisfaction and infinite transcendental love Rama embraced Hanuman- that was the only thing that Hanuman could want..

If you want to know how rich you are- find out how many things you have that money cannot buy. The things that money can buy is not wealth. Real wealth is the inner treasure- things that money cannot buy. Love, Grace when we have those things then we have true wealth. Then we can billionaires or monks living within a cave. Doesnt matter that wealth is there within the hearts of all of us. Then whatever position we are in - we can use it.

Eventually there was a great battle  as hanuman predicted Ravana and his entire dynasty was destroyed and his brother Vibhisihna was made the king- Rama , hanuman and Vibhishana did not want it- but Rama wanted vibhishana to do it as a service to him.
