Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Diversity necessity for growth - Part 1

From the lecture:

2013-04-28 Various - Sunday Feast Lecture - Radhanath Swami ISKCON Chicago

Love by seeing the unity in the diversity
Diversity creates beauty. When we do not understand the inherent unity then there is egoism , envy, fear , hatred, war, terrorism, marital disasters, disasters between brothers and sisters. Living in a house a husband, wife or in a temple ashrama- we all have different natures. The ego wants everyone to be like me, the way I think is how they should think, and they think , that the way they think is the way I should think, then there is conflict. Harmonizing means to honor and respect the differences we have for the higher principles which is - the material nature is very difficult to overcome but when we take shelter of the Lord we can cross beyond it- that means taking shelter of the Higher principles. Ralph Waldo emerson wrote- " Diveristy is creating so much division on every level of humanity. And in so many cases it creates situations that leave us in ruins. The reason is we have become disconnected from our own self.Thats where it begins.

 The concept of Yoga is to reunite. On a broader level to reunite everyone as brothers and sisters.
mamivamso jiva loke -In Bhakti we understand every living being is a part of God, is Krsna in a little infinitesimal part. But Krishna is the original source and when we learn to love the original source then we learn to love the original source we see Krishna in every part- even if that part maybe covered by all sorts of egoism still within that part there is Krishna. See that spiritual essence in others unless we realize how we are a part of Krishna. Bhakti is the path of realizing that through love. Our reln with Krsna is jivera swarupa hoye- eternal servant of the Lord. What does servant mean- service is the highest possible realization- nitya siddha - prem divine love unconditional love for Krishna is dormant within the heart of everyone. We have simply forgotten- when that love is awakened then its is expressed through trying to please Krishna- in this world when we love somebody we want to please them give them happiness. Mother does so many sacrifices to give happiness to the child... when we realize the glory of seva, unconditional service as an expression of our love and also by the means we awaken that love , then we naturally extend that same realization for every living being for every living being is a part of Krishna. BVT wrote that anyone can say they love God- in every religion there are certain sectors that say they have the monopoly over God. The test that one has love for God- is we have genuine compassion for all living beings-you cannot have love without that  else its a mental conception not a reality. so when we have this love its the thread the harmonizes all the apparent dualities of the world- happiness distress, honor dishonor-

Apparent conflicts are actually gifts
 If we see this little lifetime is a single little pencil dot on a long line drawn by the pencil.Try to imagine like this, there is a pencil line that goes to infinity and its a really sharp pointed pencil and you put one dot on it- that is what our lifetime is. If we see reality from that perspective, just that one little dot- but why is this happening, how- we become confused about this situation- why? The fact is it is just one dot on an infinite line- but we see it as all in all and see it according to the immediate experience we are having. But we see success and failure opens special doors to self improvement on one level and to self realization on  a higher level.

If you just always succeeded life would be very boring- even if you dont like to fail, it enhances the quality of life. Only pleasure we will stop appreciating the pleasure. In SW you dont need that because there is ananda.

When we see from this perspective- then all the dualities even then variations and diversities in our relationships- when two people do not get along because they have their issues and it is very hard to forgive each other. To keep the relationship together not just on a cease fire level but on a reln of affection and respect- we have to focus on something higher. When these apparent conflicts come - they are teachings us you cannot survive unless you grow and the fact is unless these situations come we will remain complacent and never grow.Most of us are complacent in our chanting reading- nobody liked the fact we could die in a few minutes but on the flight with the emergency I was not complacent.

Crises between people, in our worldly situation are actually gifts teaching us or inviting us into a higher realm-. SP said show your love for me by how you cooperate. But there are so many reasons why we don't cooperate. Problem for me- No every devotee was not  born in Chicago- everyone else has weird conceptions. People from Europe Africa- have different upbringing, conditions how are we going to cooperate. At the same time- any temple situation only so many posts that can be filled- people want same posts, same facilities- how do we deal with that. SP said you can show your love by how you can cooperate.The dynamics of potential conflicts due to all these difference are an opportunity and believe it or not they are a necessity to spiritually grow.

Diversity creates an urgency to go deeper
Unless it is right in our face, then we are not going to take seriously what we have to do to make it work- the only way we can make it work and every single person has to take this responsibility. The way we make it work is not by changing everyone else but it has to begin by changing ourselves and unless we change ourself, we cant productively expect to change anyone else. St Francis instructed his followers, you should always preach and when necessary we should say something.That means Our character, our example is actually going to make the change., Unless our words or based on the foundation of our character they may impress people's minds but they will not change their hearts.What comes from the heart can actually touch another heart.

These diversities actually create an urgency to go deeper, to go higher in our sadhana in our values, in our character and ultimately to really take shelter. As we see in this verse- daivi hyesha gunamayi- we cannot do it ourselves- the diversities  the dualities, so much conflict are beyon our ability to transcend- but when we are put in those situations we realize that we have to genuinesly truly take shelter. When we take shelter through the proper motivations proper guidance- we invite grace that brings us into a realm of consciosuness that is beyond the dualities where all the diverities can be expoerienced as gifts from God- All the doveristies are actually there to bring our love for Krishna, love for each other and love for everyone else to a higher conception.

Wanting service and not position
Ram navami- the appearance of Ram- one little part from Ramayana - a heart breaking experience.

If Rama becomes the Prince regent , then Kausalya will become the favorite queen becase she is Rama's mother and if Kaikeyi's is neglected then where am I- I become nothing, I become irrelevant. So she had fear. Manthra was so insecure because of her deformity she as always suspicious and always afraid , the power of her envy convinced Kaikeyi to create a whole scheme where Rama would be exiled to the forest for 14 years and Bharat would be the king..........Lord Rama was demonstrating ideal relationships- relns with father, mothers brothers, animals, demons- showing the highest integrity- Neither Rama, Bharat wanted the position  There was a long debate- arguing like anything- but it is an argument of love- each was the total well wisher of the other. Rama said Bharat should be king and bharat said Rama should be.

Ultimately Rama said- this is how you can please me- You go back and become king..........