Thursday, April 25, 2013

Who is a Vaishnava? - 7.4.33

SB 7.4 - Hiranyakaspiu terrorizes the universe. Text 33
WQualities of :Prahalada Maharaja are being summarized- we may read vols of philosophy memorize many teachings and veen have the powert o speak in such a way that people are mesmerized  In these few verses of SB it is clear, what is expected of us.- What are teh characteristics that we must sincerely strive to live by in our lives.As sri CM has spoken- one cannot really understand Krishna or how to love Krishna even by studying scriptures.

Lecture Link:

08-025 'Who Is A Vaisnava-1' Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami

Self worth and Self care- Modern
Giving the person the comfort that i am important valuable- sense of self sowrth. In kali yuga so many situations can be depressive to a persons mind. There is a whole movement for self -care- self value- but when that is only on the material plane it could make you feel better temporarily , inflate your false ego and give u an illusory sense of false value.

Giving people real self worth and self care- Real philanthropy
Bur Prahlada, PS are not just trying to pump our false ego- they are giving us the knowledge of who we really are-what we really are. What are real value is? and if we understand your value acc to their perspective you cannot think - I have real value and you dont. Moderm systems could bring that i am feeling self care an self value and I am better than you. But here we understand who we really are and that everybody is like that- we understand everybody;s essence is of immense value .

Krishna is like the sun and the jiva is compared to little sparks or rays oif the sun - from the perspective of the sun what is the significance of the spark- cannot illuminate very much. The farther the spark is away from the fire the less t grows and teh less value it has . When that spark comees closer to the feet of Radharani who is the source of all devotion then that spark grows brighter . When it is very close very close to Sri Sri Radha Gopinath then tit can generate light that can illuminate light o illuminate the entire world and universe- that little spark.

In actually trying to give a person their real sense of value we convince them that you are spirit soul and part and parcel of Krishna- there is love in your heart and there is unlimited joy in your heart. Theoretically that can make a person feel "That's nice" but real inner fulfillment has to go beyond the theoretical. bec situations in life can bewilder us from our theoretical understanding of things. But if we convince people of this concept of truth and bring them closer and closer to the feet of sri sri radha goipinath - then their real senses of the infinitesimal soul starts glowing brighter and brighter . Its divine qualities and virtues become more and more manifest. In the spiritual world we find that although there are unlimited jivatmas (rats alone in the city of mumbai are countless, what to speak of humans, microbes, bacteria, mosquitoes) Could human intelligence veer even create a number that could estimate the number of jivatmas in the cosmic manifestation. This is just a prison- small percentage of society. How many are there in the spiritual world- Goloka Vrindavan , svetadvipa, dwarka mathura, unlimited vaikunthas planets have more jivas than the cosmic manifestation.

Each living entity their heart is so close to Krishna due to love- Krishna can make everyone feel, that I love only you- my full love, affection , attraction is just for you. That doesn't give a you a superior complex over others- if you see Him loving others more you are not envious- Why? Because the soul is totally satisfied by Krishna's love for me. Therefore the more satisfied they are seeing Krishna loving someones else they are thrilled. The closer the soul comes to Krishna the real value of the soul is brought out. A real father who is trying to help the poor is not only giivng them some physical symptomatic relief- but is gving the knowledge of who they really are and brining them closer to Krishna. Therfoer Lord CM has given this instruction - bharat bhumi - we should all perfomr the highest welfare work for human society - and what is that highest welfare work - is to bring osuls closer to Krishna.

Our physical welfare work and emotional welfare work is connected to the needs of the soul.Give them food they will be hungry again give them prasad they will be hungry again- but by giving them orasad you have brought them closer to Krishna.

Heal a person's physical sickness but them in an environment where their souls are being awakened opractically burnt out soul spark is laying in the dark in the sand with no light in it- but if you can bring them closer to the Lotus feet of Radha Krishna then that type of philaphthropy is paroupkar.

Krishna has descended in His name in all of His fulness and all of His opulence - therefore the greatest charity we can oiffer to one another with real care and love is to bring peopl closer to Krishna by inducing them to take shelter of the HN. We cna be close to Krsihna in every sitaution and allow the soul in our heat to blaze with all the good qualities and the Holy Name is a method by which we can be close to Krishna in every situation at all times. Radha and Krishna are their names. This was Prahlad aMaharaja - even if he was a 5yr old boy he cared for the poor in heart and wealth like a father.

Bible Jesus said- Blessed our the poor in heart- what he is speaking is about those who have humble hearts - those who realize that nothing is mine everything is the property of God- the more we realize that the more we come closer to God.

Attachment and Relationships in Spiritual life
To His equals - attached like a sympathetic brother- not just a friend- we should have friendships in this spirit- attachment to them like a sympathetic brother- means deep down to the core of your heart you really care about them. His problems, is my problems, his suffering is my suffering, his joy is my joy.As a brotehr no matter what.Developing attachment on that level.

Developing attachment on that level. Mayawadis' are
against any kind of attachment and sometimes devotees also- bec we read about vairagya we get this idea we should detached from everything and everyone. From Vaishnava societies we get this idea we get that he is attached to his equals but not attached to exploiting the, . for his sense gratification- he is attached because he knows them as his brothers and sisters Krishna's children and he is attached to serving them with love- that is how we should try to cultivate attachments with all of our peers- attachment - serving out of love. RG 6 loving exchanges.

Natural PRide and Unnatural pride
To be attached to those exchanges with everyone is very good- symptom of a Mahajana and he considered his teachers, siksa gurus, SM's - Prabhupada said he treated his older godbrothers ans good as the SPG.How was he able to do this? completely free from unnatural pride- why unnatural- bec in spiritual life there is pride but it is natural pride- based on the truth. To be proud of Krishna is natural pride, proud of vaishnavas of the good things they do because they know they are being empowered by Krishna is natural pride. If you are proud of Krishna-will you not spontaaneously proud of something Krishna does through someone else- When we glorify Krishna we are shoing our pride oin Krishna- this is my God- our God. When we read about SP our hearts should swell with pride - not in oursleevs byut in Ps- When we see someone serving nicely we should be filled with pride- how they are empowered by Krishna < SP and the paramapara is natural pride. But false pride is when we put ourselves in the center- Natural pride in Krishna, Giuru and vaiushnavas beautifies us, trasncened all envy and disputes. Unnatural pride creates disunity, envy, destroys our humility- natural pride increases our humility- pride is with Krishna and others in teh center it makes us beautiful but when pride is with us in the center it makes us egotisitical.