Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Moving Story of Sindhutai Sapkal

2 lessons:

One is she explained the most fulfilling she has ever done in her life, deepest experience in life and where she felt closest to God was in forgiving this man- that is the highlight of my life- by God's grace I had the strength to forgive him and serve him. Anyone can complain, criticize, could blame- it very well maybe true but we do not get anywhere- we cannot grow. When we see in whatever situation happens, an opportunity to come closer to God, an opportunity to love, to learn and to grow . That opportunity is always there. My life was a path full of thorns, but I made friends with those thorns and my life became beautiful and I have helped to make so many other lives beautiful.We should never give up and be discouraged.

When we take this lesson to a spiritual level in our loving service to the Lord and living in a spirit of being an instrument of Krishna's compassion we can find the deepest illumination and the ultimate goal and purpose of life. Because none of us can last very long in this world. padama padama yat - any moment anything can happen to anyone and it does happen.

Our life in the world is like  really sharp point on a long long line that goes into infinity. What is the significance of that point compared to the line. Na jayate mriyate - atma unborn undying, bodies are like vehicles, sets of clothes, atma takes on for sometime- we are born , we grow, we produce offspring, dwindle and then death. If we see this little pencil point as our all in all we get really disturbed and
confused about the circumstances that are happening to us ,then we get really entangled in the complexities of life. No matter who we are , what we can do we will get caught in the web of complexity somehow or the other, scholar or illiterate, billionaire or on the street and especially if you are a swami because you have to deal with so many people's complexities. Complexities come like the seasons- winter season and there is the summer season and we know the winter is coming. When we just get caught up- why is this happening to me- we maybe able to understand it from the perspective of karma , etc. But we take a step back and think- I am immortal, I am eternal and whatever is happening is an opportunity to move forward on that line and remove myself altogether from that line and be liberated. 

This is why we require Satsang associating with like minded and Holy people. Who like to reinforce this conviction is - we need each other and clarify the real purpose of our life. Your life is just a point on the line- it will perish. But the treasure of love for Krishna for every living being- that is our truest and greatest potential and that can never be taken away by anything. That is Yoga - to connect us to that. The reason we chant these beautiful kirtans or mantras - to reconnect our mind, senses, intelligence to our true eternal spiritual ego.In the bible Jesus says , in this world whateve rtreasure you have - will be stolen  by theives , rusted by rust or eaten by moths. He said make your treasure on the kingdom of God- which is within. This is the universal principle is within - that love for Krishna is within us, unselfish , unmotivated compassion for all living beings within us. If we can live in this world to connect to that- whether we are swamis,or swaminins, or we are in business, in entertainment, in education , farming, engineer, whatever we may be - if this is what we are living for to make that connection and to be an instrument of what we are connecting to- our life is ultimate fulfillment- an fulfilment and experience that even death cannot take away from us. My Guru SP, when he was 70 yearls old on that cargo ship, seasickness, heart attacks., he was now at boston harbor- he didn't know if anyone would be waiting for him-
He had no money. He wrote a beautiful prayer- he was praying not God let somebody be there for me- give me good health. His prayer was- Krishna give me the power to speak in such way that yYour message will enter their heart and make them happy- let me  be an instrument of your grace- to free them from the sufferings of this world to taste the sweetness of you love- let me be a puppet just a puppet and let me dance as you would like me to dance. When we connect to the infinite grace of God- Radha Krishna in our hearts there is no greater power and no greater gift- It is connecting to that grace that is the purpose the true spiritual purpose of chanting the kirtans of God's name and His glories. Its connecting to that grace thats the greatest opportunity for us in every situation. If we just learn the art - the art of seeing the opportunity and growing. Thank you very much.