Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When we share our joy of devotion with each other the greatest blessings come.

When we share our joy of devotion with each other the greatest blessings come.

SG is giving the description of Rohini. In this world whoever we are there is always the light and dark parts of life. If we expecting everything to go our way- we can never be happy- there is tragedy, crises , failures for whoever we are.

Adhyatmika, Adhi daivika, Adhidevika
own mind- distress, anxiety, diseases

The real source of ll suffering when the soul identifies with the temporary body and things of this body.

Bible says to live in this world but not of this world.
SP's heart grieved to see his own brothers and sisters - thinking all there is to life is the uncertainties of this world. Wake up understand who you are , what is your relationship- understand that happiness cannot ever be touched by any situation of this world. This balance of compassion on a human level for whatever type of suffering people have and the connection to the eternal infinite divine source of life the soul- we can celebrate the beauty and the fortune of Krishna and the opportunity that everyone in the world has for that- at the same time feeling the suffering of others and wanting to help them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Rohini apparently transgressed etiquette by dressing beautifully. We must understand that the purpose of rules, regulations, etiquette is to please God- means to please the Lord's devotees and be compassionate to all living beings.

One time a Sanyasi a Swami came to the temple for Maharaj ws a pujari. Young new devotees were very excited- they bowed them in the room- he got angry this is an offense - do not bow to anyone in the temple of Krishna except Krishna.

Purpose of rules is to transform our character - they should make us humble and respectful
if those same methods make us hard hearted eositic nd judgemental - we have missed the purpose What please Krishna.

rohini was pleasing Krishna immensely- she was dressed very beautifully against the expected social custom- but Nanda and Yashoda had given it to her with love and joy and by accepting it she would give them joy.- She is the mother of Balarama the original Guru and all Gurus- she was serving everyone- despite the miseries of material life that she was experiencing her heart was permeated with happiness as there was something beautiful to celebrate- Krishna's mercy.

If we are miserable and despondent what we can do for anyone0- I am miserable because you are miserable let us suffer together- this love we suffer together birth after birth.

Life is more than that - if we there is darkness in the world there is one thing that can give light in darkness which is light- when Devotees actually find inner joy. inner peace , inner love of Krishna of the beauty of the soul- and see that potential in others then even in the greatest suffering, with compassion we are happy - its not that people are suffering and we go dancing and say too bad we are happy- that is not how it is- you feel for them and you want to give them the joy that is beyond the circumstances and pain and joy of the world

SP how can we repay you?
Just accept what I have given you and give it to others- when we accept what he has given to us it is a meaningful life which is beyond the suffering of the world. The more we give the joy we have recd then it increases - the joy is watering the root- when we learn to love Krishna then we learn to love every living being.

Rath yatra- Krishna is manifesting the mood of in giving we receive.

Rath Yatra Vrindavan vasis are meditating on bringing Krishna back to Vrindavan home where there is the deepest intimate love.Pull ropes to bring Krishna to Vrindavan - the result- if you are bringing Krishna to vrindavan where are you going - to Vrindavan back home back to godhead- automatically we go back to vrindavan when we bring Krishna back without any motivation we got BTG. If we please Krsna then ultimately we become pleased.

This bhakti or DS to Me, it will give blissful eternal life to anybody who simply accepts it. Doesn't matter male, female, red, white, yellow, high sates low caste no caste, literate, illiterate,rich or poor, we simply serve with devotion seva, and Krishna is pleased with the quality of our service, by love and devotion, Krishna reveals the treasure within ourselves of eternal blissful life. Rohini was celebrating by serving the guests with great joy - we feel for them from a platform of actually being a soln to the problem by connecting to the eternal joy of Krishna's love- by spreading this bhakti and chanting the Holy Name

When sometimes, is really suffering, loss of loved one- people try to help the person to forget the misery but in Bhakti param drstva nivartate- we want to help people to Xcend the misery to recognize and feel the misery that is there but simultaneously to xcend it- if we dont feel it we become callous and hard hearted towards it esp towards other people, but when we feel it from a xcendent [perspective by giving people infinite hope of who we are what we have and what we could give.


He forgot to pull up the anchor- our motivation to be the proprietor, the enjoyer and the controller it is our selfish desires, we have to have the intent to pull them up - we have to have the tapasya the austerity in resisting these tendencies within us- then our sadhana will actually give us really good progress towards the destination- CM- the bhakti lata beeja is like a little seed - sadhana is like the watering of the seed the water makes the seed grow but weeds also grow- we have to be very attentive- able to identify the weeds and pull them out- if we do not then the same water will also water the weeds and the weeds are going to smother and choke the seed of devotion if we do not pull them out- selfishness, egoism, fault finding are all weeds- we have to keep watering with hearing and chanting if we do not pull out the weeds we become more hardhearted and mean instead of compassionate and that happens to often and that is actually what sincerity means - SP- would tell just take this KC sincerely without ulterior motives with actually striving to live with the right motivations.

 Human life is meant for tapasya and accept favorable and reject unfavorable- chanting is most favorable - ten offenses stifle the effect of chanting the HN when we are critical egoistic- therefore as we are performing our sadhana we have have to under stand the spirit that Lor CM emphasized gopi bhartur pada kamalayor --- strive to be a humble servant- if we are not humble, gentle, compassionate not pulling up the weeds that will choke those qualities then we are materialistic like any other religionist- if we are not tasting bhakti then we will seek out the taste of fault finding and sens gratification and we lose our taste for sadhana as we are not doing it properly. In SB simply by practicing DS all good qualities come- but we cant separate striving to live by the proper character of a vaishnava that is what DS is also. BSSt wrote if we dont have this humble service attitude we can chant birth after brth and never find love of God, because we allow these weeds to grow and grow and let that anchor us deeper into the body - so yes the first and foremost is the chanting of Gods name, reading SB, serving Vaishnavas, worshipping the Deity and going on pilgrimage- but if we do not do it in the proper char and make offenses ultimately only one this that can liberate  us and tht is Krishna's grace- we follow the re principles to get the grace of Krishna. Krishna doesnt give grace bec of the rituals we perform he gives it because of the intent and sincerity with which we perform our sadhana- if we dont have sincerity we associate with those who do and try to cultivate- however senior we may be safe way to practice is to think i am a brand new devotee- else we think i know i am senior and we become complacent - if we perform our sadhana with humility nothing can stop us.