Saturday, March 10, 2012

Loneliness: We are longing to Feel God's Love

Longing for Love of God – Radhanath Swami

People are starving for God’s love.  They are lonely. But they have created a whole system to run away and hide their minds with all kinds of material, relative, superficial and useless activities.  Why is television so popular?  Not because the programs are so good, but because the people are so bored, they cannot tolerate their thoughts.  They do not want to face them. Therefore, they have to find some source of forgetting them.
In the old days, people used to do athletics, sports and all kinds of other social events.  Today, they take a sleeping pill and just snore off forgetting everything. And if that does not work, they drink some alcohol or take some intoxication to enhance the effect.  They work so hard to create the devices to forget the loneliness within their own hearts.
Learn to love God.  Love of God is what our soul is hankering for.  It is the only thing that will make us feel the joy in our life.  Nothing else will work. The soul is part of God; it longs to unite with God. Nothing else can replace that relationship.  How to build that relationship? Associate with saintly people.  Chant the holy name. Hear from the holy books. Worship the Lord with faith and devotion, and work to forget the loneliness.
By Radhanath Swami