Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Humbling Ourselves

1994-006 Humbling Ourselves SB 01-02-19 - Radhanath Swami Mumbai 1994-01-13 IDesireTree

SB 1.2.19

tadā rajas-tamo-bhāvāḥ
 kāma-lobhādayaś ca ye
ceta etair anāviddhaṁ
 sthitaṁ sattve prasīdati
As soon as irrevocable loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature’s modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering, disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness, and he becomes completely happy.
Lecture Transcript(with mistakes and words missed. Pls forgive me)
Krishna explains there is no other means to completely free the heart of contamination other than Bhakti or DS. Some people aspire for mukti, but acc to the highest realms of  Xcendental understanding that desire is considered a contamination - the desire to be free of all material miseries existence is considered to be a selfish propisition it is not the true quality of the soul.

Our Natural Position
sa vai pumsam ... The supreme occupation - the natural eternal position is to selflessly serve the SL with no motivation BVT. prayed - My Lord , I am your servant You can do anything You like- You can kill me or protect me- I have no preference I am only meant for Your pleasure. bhavatad bhakti tvayi. devotees do not seek their own satisfaction 0- they only seek service- do not want wealth women- even freedom from suffering only Your loving service birth after birth ... aslisya va padam pinastu mam.My Lord I am coming to surrender at Your Lotus feet and now You can do whatveevr You like to do with Me. If you like- you can embrace me, trample upon me or you can make me broken hearted by not being present before me You have any right to any thing You like bec I am Your servant unconditionally- this alone is the pure quality of the soul and this is the aspiration of every devotee- simply to be engaged in the loving service of the Lord.

To be more humble than a blade of grass .....
When Sri CM came to this world- He esp came to establish the Supreme Position of loving devotion , the path of Bhakti over any other religious concept. When He was living in Navadvipa Dhama each night He would have kirtans in Srivas Pandit's house the sight of His dancing was the most beautiful manifestation that was ever present in this cosmic manifestation.but only the pure in heart and truly humble were allowed. One time a faultless austere honest brahmacari so much desire to receive the mercy of the Lord. He would live in the forest and throughout His life He would only drink little milk and eat nothing else- He was absolutely celibate- performing such tapasya very difficult to endure. So CM He would personally close the doors of Srivas's house so that no one would come in unless they were completely surrendered to the path of Bhakti. This brahmacari would request Srivas everyday- everyone was so blissfully engaged in the loving service of the Lord.by loudly chanting HKHKKKHHHRHRRRHH.

Srivas explained that the Lord was strict but this brahmacari would humbly beg him- Srivas explained that the Lord was disturbed by anyone who was not pure in his devotion- he said I can let you in but you have to hide so the Lord cannot see you. The kirtan began and CM began to dance along with His associates. CM stopped the kirtan- He said I am not able to experience the ecstacy of Krishna's love- there must be someone who is not pure in devotion. Srivas explained that a brahmacari very austere, great renunciate- I have hidden him- CM began to chastise this man- - Do You think you can attain Krishna by drinking milkk that any amount of renunciation has any value to Krishna- that you are a Brahmin attracts Krishna in any way- Hanuman was monkey, Gajendera was an elephant- an animal with pure desire can attain mercy of the Lord- You are not fit. As the Brahmacari was walking out he was thinking- The Lord is so merciful- He is purifying me of all my wretched material desires- He is so kind- I am so fortunate that for a few moments I was able to see His dancing and chanting- in utter humility he left the house. CM could understand his mentality- even after severly chastised and insulted by the Lord he gratefully accepted as true for His purification . so the Lord called him back in . He fell at the feet of CM and CM placed His Lotus Feet at the top of the brahmacari's head. because You have learned the principle of humility and devotion beyond renunciation knowledge and everything else in this world I grant You the love of God- All devotees became jubilant and call the holy Names of the Lord. This humble state of mind- by which we aspire only for service must be the goal of our lives- nothing else. CM prayed trnad api sunicena ..... To be more humble than a blade of grass even more humble than the straw in the street , more tolerant than a tree- ready to offer all respect to others and to expect none in return. Simply to bear insult is the beginning of humility but real humility is something positive, not neutral, not negative. When a devotee endures tribulation or insult that he should be grateful -that is humility. That Krishna  You are so kind That you are giving me this loving purification- this is what it means to be more humble than a blade of grass- when you step in a blade of grass it does not complain, it does not claim any position- it is in the lowest position. And when you spit on it or when you step on it or do what so many people do on it- the blade of grass is in a neutral condition- it simply accepts it, it does not complain - What does it mean to be more humble than a blade of grass it means to positively be grateful and thank Krishna for His mercy- Krishna You are so wonderful- You are doing this just to help me become a devotee- just to purify me of the multitudes of wretched sins in my heart- 

Krishna You can do whatever You like with me
When we offer some prayer to Krishna some prayer for success in our DS and we fail and everything goes wrong- Do we thank Krishna? Yes Krishna I am so unqualified and undeserving and You are helping me realize this by making my life a failure- the ruination that has come upon me is just to expose my fastidious nonsense state of heart- You are so kind Krishna Do whatever you like- that is real humility and that is what is required to chant the holy Names in quality- we should not complain we should not be particular we should be surrendered. 

A conditional devotee is particular we expect something for what we do- a sober and serious devote simply expects service- what the result maybe is whatever Krishna feels is best- a devotee has no position to protect because a servant has no position at all- the master has a position therefore the master can do whatever He likes with us and we are willing to gratefully accept. 

The Supreme Lord He is so kind- that He will test us again and again and when these tests come that He is giving the opportunity to develop the most important virtues in spiritual life- when we fail the test, when we complain we blame someone else and we think Krishna this is not fair- we try to defend our position our egos what we have done is lost the opportunity that Krishna has given us- to imbibe the most precious quality of humility- 

Service attitude- worship the Vaishnavas
How learned we maybe what position - even in a spiritual society we may have is irrelevant to Krishna- na ham vipra....CM was in the highest position- brahmin by birth grandson of nelambar chakravrthy and also a sannyasi- socially to be worshiped by all other classes acc to vedic tradition if one does not bow down to a sanyasi when he sees one he is supposed to fast for the whole day. CM was not expecting honor , distinction or service from others- it is a great danger to have some spiritual position to expect some service from others then you are fallen - you are simply meant to engage people in Krishna's service and by that engagement you become the servant- by engaging someone in Krishna's service you become that persons's servant . CM wherever He went He induced people to chant the Holy names of Krishna- in this way He was rendering the most valuable precious service to humanity. In this way he explained  gopi bhartur .... das anu das. I claim no position except that I am aspiring to be a servant of the servant of Krishna who is the Lord of the gopis. But sometimes we want to criticize and judge others bec our expectations from them are not fulfilled immd our service attitude is spoiled. Infact Sri CM wanted to demonstrate that one who gives up this service attitude to criticize a vaishnava devotee of the Lord- His spiritual progress is stopped- He illustrated this through His own mother
(story of how Saci Devi feels that Advaita Acraya is responsible for both of her sons going away from her and becoming renunciates and how she offends him, but CM does not give her mercy until she takes the dust of Advaita Acarya's Lotus Feet and places her head on his Lotus Feet).

CM was very pleased- "Because today you with honest and sincere humility have worshiped the Lotus feet of this great Vaishnava Advaita, now you are being given Krishna Prema " all devotees became very happy and began to cry out Haribol.

Humble and Sincere Devotion the currency
So in this verse from SB we find it is this humble and sincere devotion that is the be all and end all of the lives of those who are truly seeking shelter of the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Thinking that this is some formality or some ritual or some external action- the Lord does not see what you do but how you do. In India people without any motivation in mind want to touch the Deities feet or sadhus feet- there is no value to that unless i it is genuinely done in the mood of service and humility then that act can completely purify our entire existence - it is not a ritual- taking the dust from the feet of a great vaishnava devotees of the Lord means sub ordinating yourself to be the servant of that soul- I am willing to do whatever you ask me- I am your servant I have no position in this world other than to be the servant  of ther servant of such a great soul- if you take the servant of the feet in that consciousness then that dust will purify your mind and heart and that dust will be the most precious priceless gift that will award love of Krishna into your life. Don't think that dust from the feet of Krishna or His devotee is so cheap. It is the consciousness which purchases the true quality of that substance. NDT has prayed that the dust from the feet of the Goswamis is my food- the only food that truly nourishes my life- what is our life- it doesnt mean this physical body- the life of a devotee is his desire to serve- whatever desire we have to serve- the extent to which we have that we have life . From a spiritual point of view whatever selfish desires, desires for enjoyment we have it is like death. CM explains that it is in this state of consciousness with this aspiration of always being the servant of the Lotus Feet of the great souls that we can actually chant the Holy Names of the Lord .

Giving - the price of love for Krishna We should not expect anything for ourselves but we should always be anxious to give ourselves.
(story of CM when he was a young student how we throws his book on sanskrit grammar and logic - just because his young friend had also written it and he did not want him to be disheartened )My friend is feeling bad that this book will be worthless because of the book I have written. He threw His book in the river ganges in front of His friend.Why? CM did not care for any other principle than pleasing or serving His devotees- He wanted His devotees to be famous , He wnated His devotee to find pleasure and He was willing to sacrifice all of the work that He had done if that would satisfy His devotee. This is the principle of Humility we should aspire for . CM estd these principles to teach us- they are not just beautiful stories to enjoy but they are lessons to be learned- we want to be enjoyed by the Lord and His devotees. To the degree you want to enjoy you will suffer especially if you are a little sincere, If you approach Krishna and says Krishna I want to surrender to You- then you made a big mistake if you want to enjoy the material world- At the point you say to Krishna "I am Yours" at that point there is no turning back- Krishna has accepted you. And if you change your mind and say Krishna maybe I am yours but this is mine and this is also mine and everything else I can find should also be mine.
I want good health, nice respect from others, adoration from others, power , influence and so many things.What do you think Krishna will do- He will make you miserable. A devotee suffers to the degree he has attachment to enjoy material world., There is no more miserable species on earth than a devotee who is trying to forget Krishna and enjoy material life. They pull fish in nets and they are flapping in pain, beggars on the street are suffering so terribly but not as badly as a devotee who is trying to enjoy material life. That is Krishna;s mercy. "You have given Me Your life, now You want to take it back. my mercy is yasyaham anugrihami.... tad dhanam sanaya"You will be frustrated- but that frustration is glorious because it is bringing us back to our constitutional position. But why should we suffer like this.

CM has taught by this beautiful eg of throwing His only book into the Ganges- that we are simply meant for the enjoyment and service of the devotees and we will pay any cost to please the devotees-= w will accept any sacrifice, endure any hardship or tribulation, give up what is most dear to our live s to please the devotees- What do we get in return - we should we expect one thing in return - more service. After enduring such hardship for the pleasure of Krishna and His devotees we should expect only one thing- the opportunity to give more and more and more for the rest of eternity that is Krishna Consciousness - that is love that is the price of Krishna.

Bhaktya mam abhijanati ...... it is only  by this type of unalloyed devotion that Krishna can be understood as He is- that is the payment- Krishna will not accept any counterfeit payment of any other sort.

How can we practice this high ideal given our condition?
 But it is so frustrating because in our hearts this so far way- there is so many lusty desires, envy, too much pride- we expect so much- how can we ever approach- but Krishna's grace is very powerful as explained in this verse - that simply by rendering Ds , by simply aspiring with this goal in mind with enthusiasm and patience, simply serving the Lord and His devotees, chanting His Holy Names, praying for this humility Krishna by His causeless grace reveals this most precious treasure from withim. So let us always aspire- pout aside our own conditioned desires to associate with Krishna's devotes, to serve them and to chant the Holy names Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.....
This is actually all what CM taught us nitya siddha.... udoya- the love of God is within the heart of all living being, just associate with His devotees, make the order if Guru your life  and chant the HN's that is all that is reqd then love of God will awaken in your heart. That brahmacari he underwent so many severe austerities - his whole life he was celibate and fasting - but until he was grateful and humble to receive the chastisement of the Lord he was not given entrance into Love of God. Saci Mata although she was the mother of SPG until she humbled herself with great sincerity and she took the dust of the feet of the vaishnavas on her head she was not given love of God.,So let us aspire for this and let us unite on this principle of being  servant of the servant and blissfully chanting His HNs.


How can we find out what offenses we have committed? 
When Madhai became a devotee, he fell at the feet of Nityananda Prabu and begged His forgiveness, but was still feeling too much pain in his heart- he approached NP on another occasion and said that You have forgiven me,but I have committed offenses to countless living entities- I dont know who they are- How can I beg forgiveness from them and be forgiven by them. NP told him that you have to please Krishna and the way you cna do this - with your hand you take the humbl position of building built a ghat at the Ganges and everyone who comes you bow down at his Lotus Feet andtake the dust from his feet and with a sincere heart beg that please forgive me for any offenses I have knowingly or unknowingly committedagainst you..And Madhai did like this.

We in this age of Kali we are prone to commit offenses. First of all we must be extremely aware and careful that we must not commit any other offenses, offenses that we have knowingly committed we must beg for forgiveness sincerely and serve that devotee we have offended. And for those we do not know we may have done we should be a humble encouraging servant of all Vaishnavas - this will please Krishna and chant the HNS- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.....

We know from BG that realized devotee does not hanker or lament, but in order to become sorry for a mistake there is some lamentation?
Devotees are hakering for service , Gopis are hankering for Krishna and when he left they were lamenting so much. Krishna says brahma bhuta prasannatma.... when you reach that state where you do not hanker or lament for any material thing then you can enter bhakti- when you have stopped hankering and lamenting for your material desires- we should not hanker or lament for any personal SG, but we should lament any offense against Vaishnava and always hanker for any service to any Vaishnava.

Should we lament that we have wasted time or not been sincer enough?
We have just sung the song by NDT... " manusya janama bhaya radha krishna na bhajiya....""Xlation" - My life Oh Lord Hari I have simply spoiled- not served my Lord, no love for You, purposefully drunk poision- this is how the greatest acaryas have prayed to teh Lord- they are lamenting that they have not given their complete hearts to Krishna.

this is how the acaryas pray. HDT thought he was so wrteched, so sinful but still the Lord hari allowed him to chant- bvecause he was thinking like this he could chant so purely- devotees should lament and hanker always in this way.

je anilo preme dhana acarya thakur.... always hankering for the association of devotees- Ramamnda Raya when he was asked by CM about suffering he said to be without the association of devotees is the only suffering- tonight we have so many devotees are we grateful to Krishna for that.

To be in the association of devotees- to chant the HNs,to dance, hear Krishna Katha is the most precious gift in the world- the most intimate expression of Krishna's love that He has given to us- so we should hanker for these opportunities - if we have to stay at home hen there is a nice satsang we should weep cry that we are missing it.

So let us celebrate this great occasion by giving our humble obeisances to Nathji Prabhu, Maithili Priya Mataji ...for making these wonderful arrangements so. that we could all come together  to chant the Holy Names of Krishna.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Krishna Steals soft butter like hearts of His Devotees

From the lecture:

Being very angry and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, Kṛṣṇa, with false tears in His eyes, broke the container of yogurt with a piece of stone. Then He entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter in a solitary place.
It is natural that when a child becomes angry he can begin crying with false tears in his eyes. So Kṛṣṇa did this, and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, He broke the pot with a stone, entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter.

Lecture:(not verbatim and points have been missed)
We are reading about the Damodar Lila wherein the Absolute truth Parabrahman in the form of a very small baby child Krishna is performing pastimes in Gokul in such a way to conquer the hearts of the devotees and ultimately give every living being the opportunity to be attracted to the infinite sweetness of Krishna.

In conventional religion or spirituality God reveals Himself as an all powerful creator maintainer and destroyer of all that exists, pronounces laws, absoluate laws that are meant for everyone to follow, gives heavenly rewards or hellish punishments as per how they respond to those Laws. THe AT manifests incredible power, stregth . magnificance, strength. People initially obey out of fear of what will happen if they will not obey. Gradually after obeying out of fear we get purified and gradually love awakens from within us. Sometimes Human beings attach their own false ego upon their particular conceptions of God and if all God is an all powerful destroyer then on behalf of God we should be all powerful destroyers- if God conquers everyone we should conquer everyone.

the power of God is not supposed to boost our ego- the powr of God is understood to humble us.

Here we find that the AT, cause of all causes, as a very innocent baby who has just learned how to walk and although as the almighty God tells people to be obedient here He is acting very disobedient. why? Some people do not understand who Krishna is- how does He expect us to follow rules if He does not follow rules. Krishna His power, He has a Sudarshana Chakra- when He was only 1 or 2 days old He showed us what He could do to Putana. In the same little size He has- He delivered this incredible demon- no person who could be as demoniac as Putana in this world. We have some terrorist and evil people but can we imagine if Putana was here tonight.

She was very evil, killing babies, could manifest a form 12 miles long. Extremely evil. what to speak of aghasura, Pralambasura. Krishna in His childlike way would deliver all of them would not only stop all atrocities but also deliver all of them. What Supreme Court justice can give a person liberation what to speak of elevation to Vaikuntha. when He is acting in this way - it is simply to give pleasure to the devotees and to attract the hearts of the world. We have free will- whether we are willing to open our minds to be attracted by Krishna's beautiful pastimes.The ultimate power of God is God's  beauty is God's love, God's sweetness- it is infinitely greater than even His powers- it is His greatest powers, because He is Rasa Bihari.

We are conquered by the love of Krishna and Krishna willingly is conquered by the love of Hid devotees. In this beautiful story a revelation of the Spiritual World- Yashoda Mai is churning butter into Yogurt and she is sining songs about Krishna. VEry early in the morning. As she is singing about Krishna her mpotherly love intensifies and milk starts flowing from her breasts., Krishna who is bed, wakes up and is hungry to taste her milk- in other words Krishna is hungry to taste His devotee's love. He stops her from churning , climbs on her lap and she begins to feed him her milk.Ecstacy of her heart is increasing every moment and the milk gets sweeter bec the milk is her ecstatic love. Krishna reciprocates according to how a devotee approaches- by seeing His beauty her milk gets sweeter- Krishna reciprocates by making His face more attractive. This is the Spiritual platform- His beauty is ever oincreasing- this is acintya- how the Supreme ly beautiful all pervading beauty increase ininfitely. Does that make senses- it cant make sens- it is beyoind our imagination. How the summit of all beauty which is completely whole- it contains everyting nothing can exist outside of it - yet it is veer increasing every moment for eternity. That is Krishna inconcievable.

She hears milk boiling over. She puts Krishna down and ran intuitively and the acaryas asks why in the world would she put Krishna down for some milk boiling over? Because that milk was meant for Krishna later in the day- special Pushpagandha Milk- she would get the best grasses- she would water the grasses with the 8 best cows of all the 900,000 cows then she would feed that best grass to the best cows. That milk has teh fragrance of Lotus Flowers. In Kali Yuga today even Lotus Flowers hardly have any fragrance- this was unimainable fragrance this milk. This was very sweet very delicious and when she soul use that milk to make preparations for Krishna sandesh, barfi kher and Krishna would enjoy it so much.She was thinking of the future and she was thinking only of the moment. That is how parents are thinking of the future and children think of the moment.- nature of babies is not so much planning the future. Parents duty is to plan for the future and harmonize with the present.- if we do not havoc. So she put Him down to save the milk tat would nourish Him for the rest of the day. She had her plan of what she would do, so she ran. Krishna became very angy- not actual anger- it is ultimately meant for the devotee's well being- He wanted to give Yashoda Mai the Highest every increasing happiness. She bites His lips with His teeth and starts to cry false tears- SP explains. How could the absolute truth have anything false - ecause it is simply for the sake of loving relationships.
He picks up a stone and breaks the pot of milk. He runs over to anotehr room- takes   a wooden grinding mortar and climbs on it and gets to the butter hanging from the ropes of the ceiling so that monkeys and Krishna cannot get it. He climbs up and gets it and calls the monkeys and feeds them with His own hands- distributing- Food for Life- mid day meals- giving the poor monkeys nice butter and they are very happily eating.

Taking butter churned by mother yashoda for Krishna hHe is putting it in His own mouth a, then putting that same hand in the pot and giving it to the monkeys- how fortunate are the monkeys. They are tasting Mother Yashoda's love. As He is eating His butter it is becoming Maha prasadam- and personally with His own hand He is giving it to the monkeys- all that love and compassion is going into the butter- what is that taste of such spiritually surcharged butter. Just then Yashoda Mai comes back and seh sees the mess that Krishna created and sees that all the butter she made - He is giving it all the monkeys- so many monkeys in her house. She smiles but as ather she has to teach Krishna a proper lesson- she picked up a stick- she came behind Lord Krishna very quietly- the monkeys saw Yashoda mai with a stick immd ran away fear in their eyese- this is a very serious pastime- the psychology in it is so deep. We read bhaja hure mana sri nandana- when we take shelter of Sri Nanadannana we become fearless- these monkeys took shelter of sri Nandanandana - they were ecstatic when the ate the better but they were so afraid that were very ready to leave that scene of Krishna feeding them with their own hands. But their fear was not like the fear of this world- that inhibits happiness. this fear on the Xcendental level is the perfection of fearlesses- taken shelter if Krishna but the fear os the love of Yashoda- they are overpowered by Her love and it can make Krishna cry- even Krishna became afraid- He followed the monkeys

Kunti's dependence on the Holy Name

1995-009 Kunti's Dependence On Holy Name SB 01-08-38 - Radhanath Swami Mumbai 1995-01-07
Queen Kunti who is the mother of the Pandavas is well aware of the power and glory of her five sons. Arjuna was the greatest archer, even Siva was defeated by him. He was the intimate friend of Sr Krishna.Bhima was the most powerful person of the entire world. With one stroke of his club how he could annihilate 100s of the most powerful elephants. Queen Kunti saw with her own eyes as he pulverized even the most powerful Rakshahs . Sahadeva and Nakula were glorious maharathis in combat. Yudhishthira was the personification of dharma- because of his unexcelled piety he could never be conquered. By their birthright they were meant to rule the entire world. Here we find that after the great victory of the Pandavas they were installed as kings in the great palace of Hastinapur. Every king in the world was surrenederd at the feet of Yudhisthira. Yet , queen Kunti upon seeing that Lord Krishna was about to leave them - she offered these prayers.

She is praying here:  

SB 1.8.38: As the name and fame of a particular body is finished with the disappearance of the living spirit, similarly if You do not look upon us, all our fame and activities, along with the Pāṇḍavas and Yadus, will end at once.

Queen Kunti is recognizing that even the most powerful wealthy,successful, famous, of all personalities- her own sons were completely dependent  on Krishna's mercy for their very existence.
Krishna is the life and the soul of all devotees lives., infact Krishna is the life and soul of everyone- devotees recognize and appreciate that fact. And those who are not devotees cannot appreciate this fact.

nitya nityanam cetas.... we are all dependent on ?Krishna- He is the intelligence of the intelligent, he is the strength of the strong, the power of the powerful, He is the ability in man, everything is being enacted in this creation on the basis if Krishna's energy. Without Krishna's help we are blind, deaf dumb, our heart cannot beat even once, our lungs cannot breathe for s second, all the basic functions of survival are being enacted by Krishna's energy- the existence of the rains, the earth,sun and our body is completely dependent on the will of Krishna. So devotees are always anxious to remember Krishna with a grateful heart at every moment.

Kunti was such a devotee. She understood that all this kingdom, fame, glory is all useless without Krishna. She had know reason or purpose to survive without Krishna. Like a fish cannot survive without water a devotee cannot survive under any circumstance without remembering Krishna. This is the quality of love. It is this love that is the perfection of human existence. We are not these bodies, the body must die, it is inevitable. The function of this body is like a vehicle it is meant to help us in this human form to achieve the goal of life. But how we misuse this opportnuity of human life, trying to exploit the resources of nature through enjoyment of the body. Such activities only entangle us in ignorance and bondage. Whoever we are, KC is that method that teaches the natural function of the soul, which is to engage in the loving service of the Lord. The few moments that we have in this life of ours we must use in the service of the Lord. Whether death comes today or deach comes tomorrow. In the eyes of eternity it is matter of few moments in fact, what we will do with these few moments is the greatest and most imp consideration in our lives. Kunti did not care about the for any of the glory and opulence oif this world, she was only concerned with having Krishna.

When she had nothing, everything was taken away- she was chanting the names of Krishna and when she had everything the world at her feet she was always chanting the names of Krishna. Queen Kunti has been worshipped and her prayers have been studied by the greatest saints and rsis- although her prayers are a simple offering a mother- she was not a scholar, tapasvi, yogi- she was a mother but the simplicity of her prayers embodied the essence of all knowledge. The conclusion of all the Vedas- because they were in pursuance of always remembering Krishna.

Queen Kunti is remembering Krishna in so many wonderful ways- How Krishna the Supreme AT appeared in the beautiful land of Vrindavan and enacted wonderful pastimes to attract everyone's hearts.

srnvanti gayanti... SP would love to quote this prayer of QKunti:
To continually to chant, hear and repeat and take pleasure in other's doing so are most dear to Krishna.Krishna reveals His Lotus Feet only to such souls. By one glimpse of those Lotus feet, we neevr have to face the repetition of birth and deatch again. So Lord Sri CM has come to this owlrd to teach us how to continually chant, hear and repeat the glories of the Lord and take pleasures in otehrs doing so. Harinaam Sankirtana and Krishna Katha is the means by which we can achieve the Lotus feet of Krishna. SP the great descedent of Sri CM's mercy taiught by his example how the devotee takes greatest pleasure in others chanting and hearing. Kc is a movement of selfless compassion- movement of greatest welfare and charity- it is a movement where everyone can take part in this wonderful opportunity in giving Krishna to others. This is our pleasure in life. We see it is very very difficult to give up the objects of the senses. The senses are very strong- even a man of great discrimination is victimized by the senses. Only when we experience a higher pleasure can we give up the temporary pleasure of the senses. The greatest pleasure is to see others progressing in recieving the mercy of Krishna. As long as we are aspiring to help others in becoming Krishna we never become stagnant in this path. If we are selfishly concerned with our own Spiritual progress- often times we become tired and frustrated in spiritual activitie. Sometimes devotees have this difficulty.

If we are apsiring to take pleasure in seeing otehr's progressing then ur enthusiaism for Ks will always increase. If you feed a hungry man you solve his problem for a day. If you give a sick man medication you solve his problm for sometime. But if you enthuse a person to hear and chant the glories of the Lord you put the person on the ath where there is no more suffering and no more birth and eeatch.

This is so pleasure of a devotee to see others joyfully dance and chant and to take part in the process. Queen Kunti is telling us that the life of all life is Krishna, to satisfy Krishna is the real satisfaction of the soul. To help to see others satisfying Krishna is an even greater pleasure t the soul It is so simple and so wonderful. when Lord CM was living in Navadvipa Dham this was his message to everyone. The common people who were materialistic but receptive to hear the truth- He would teach them this message. That at your own homes, worship Krishna- no need to change your occupations worship Krishna, speak about Krishna, hear about him, associate with devotees of Krishna, always chant His Holy Names, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare........In this way we can always be connected intimately with Krishna- the natural aspiration of every sou;l. The residents of navadvipa followed His instruction. Everyone was chanting Krishna's names - not all but- at least innocent souls. the envious people were angry to see Ks spreading everywhere. The common people wherever they went whatever they did- they would all relate to one another by chanting Krishna's names. This was heard everywhere- what a wonderful civilization and Lord CM e took the greatest pleasure in saying this... although He was always absorbed in the divine ecstasies of this love and whoever would accept it would give him the pleasures. T\even the elephant, rhino, snakes, lions, deer and rabbits- bec they were taking the names of Krishna they gave Him the greatest pleasure. Little Narayani- when Lord Caitanya told her chant the names of Krishna- she began to chant- tears flowed from her eyes and she went into ecstacy and feel on the ground, this gave CM the greatest pleasure. What gives Krishna pleasure should give us pleasure. Let us repeat the divine message the highest truth in this age of Kali Yuga that we could all become spiritually joyful- purified of the reasons of all sufferings by just hearing about Krishna, by remembering Krishna  and chanting His Holy Names. Hare Krishna.,.....
these elephants, deers, tigers snakes, where not very advaned in understanding the scriptures- but they sincerely and innocently took the names of Krishna. IF we have good brain that can scrutinizingly analyse difference matter and spirit and the higher rasas then we must study the Vaishnava scripture. Unless we are philosophically convinced then material nature is so powerful that she will take our conviction away from the faith in the holy Names.

Just today, I was speaking to my Godbrother of a devotee who is convinced about KS but because he heard from philosphers who were offensive to Krishna- then he gave up the path of bhakti and became a materialist. It is very important that we hear from the proper sources to gain faith in harinaam sankirtan that comes by associating twith sincere devotees of the Lord. But if we do not have such a capacity then Krishna is availble by simply being attached to the devoteesand the Holy names. SB explains that whatver attachment you have now- transfer it to sadhus- if someone is really attached to associting with devotees that person will go BTG very soon.

SP, for children would give cookies and by doing like this the children would become attached to Him. Because what would they understand in Sb class but they understood cookies and that SP was giving cookies. and then they became attached to SP- because SP was so nice and by giving them that attachment he gave them KC. To become attached to a devotee means we are become attached to Krishna. If we are attached to devotees that means we will try to please them and to please devotees means to please Krishna.Only way we can really please the devotees is by chanting the names of Krishna.

CC is the most advanced work of philosophy on the earth planet. SP translated the entire work in 18 volumes. In one very illustrious purport he explained that all the philosophy and propaganda in this world is to induce people to sincerely and attentively chant the Holy Names of Krishna. Because Krishna is non-different than His name.ceto darapana -- Name of Krishna has the potency to cleanse the most dirtiest most sinful of all hearts- It is the foremost process of devotion to hear and chant the names and glories of the Lord. So Queen Kunti she is so much praying to Krishna that without you my Lord what is our kingdom, what is our fame, our wealth- without You it is like a dead corpse no life no meaning no pleasure for us. You my Lord are my life and our soul, and our meaning and pleasure to life is utterly dependent to Your presence. So we should all aspire to develop this quality of consiousness- that nothing has any value without Krishna. this world is a burden if it is dicsonnected from Krishna and everything of this world is most wonderful when it is connected to Krishna. Krishna is so kindly appeared within His name- let us make the hearing and chanting of the names and glories of Krishna be our life and soul- let every aspect of our life revolve around the hearing cand the chanting of Krishna';s name in the company of His devotees.
This whole world is becoming a place where people are become attached to more and more objects of the senses. Let us attached ourselves more and more to Krishna's devotees. Krishna's glories and to Krishna's Holy Names.

we are so happy to be hear again in Matunga Railway colony. In english Language when a person is always thinking in terms of accomplishing one thing he is called to have a one trackj mind- we all want to have one track minds- Krishna and the pleasure of Krishna.

Many of you working in the railway helping to make life comfortable for people traveling from one place to another- devotee are also thinking like this, we want to put the whole world on track to that place the abode of Krishna. We want to create such a wonderful atmosphere that people love to stay on this train going back home BTG. By having nice prasad nice relns, nice pravachans, nice kirtans  that no one ever leaves this train going BTG. This is the pleasure of our lives. Thank you very much.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Seeing Material and Spiritual Perspective of any calamity- Nepal air crash

From the lecture:

12-05-23 SB-01-09-14 - Seeing Material and Spiritual Perspectives of any Calamity - Radhanath Swami ISKCON Chowpatty

I am very grateful to be with all of you again in Radha gopinath temple. Thank you for coming.
Bhishma one of the great, mahajanas - means the highest authorities in understanding the truth who by there words and their lives- exemplify and personify the way in which we live in this world we see God, we see ourselves and how we see the workings of material nature. BG explains these five truths- ishvara- supreme controller- the origin of everything that exists- sanskrit word describes the Supreme controller of all controllers, cause of all causes, His form His pastimes, His Holynames and abodes are Sat cit ananda - eternal full of knowledg and full of bliss. this sat feature of the Lord is very important to understand.

the second elemnt is the jiva- mamaivamso jiva loke- eternally part an dparcel of Krishna - Lord CM in His teachings that are recorded in our scriptures- spoken to Sri Sanatana Goswami in varanasi for two months- throughout they day everyday.

KKG summarized it many chapters of CC. He built all of his teachings on a simple foundation. The very basis of the beginning of all knowledge- jivera svarupa hoya nityera Krishna das- eternal servant - this eternality is very important to understand - every jiva is eternal a dn sat cit ananda - by free will he choses rather than to serve the Lord- comes under the influence of prakriti- the third prinicple.

what is prakriti- the Lord primarily has three energy- antaranga sakti, jiva sakti and bahiranga sakti. The spiritual energy of the Lord where everything is in truth understood as sat cit ananda. Everything is fully conscious , realized of the truth of themselves, God and every living being. There is the Brahmajyoti and innumerable Vaikuntha planets within the spiritual energy. To try to understand God with our own intelligence is impossible.Innumerable planets and innumerable universes- cannot be counted. they are not in the 100, 1000s billions, there are innumerable universes and beyond the cosmic manifestation in the brahmajyoti there are innumerably more Vaikuntha planets. Goal of impersonalists is to enter into the pure energy of the Lord- no birth no suffering. The devotee their desire is to enter into Vaikuntha - to enjoy - some impersonal Mayawada philosophers challenge - what do you do in Vaikuntha - look at vishnu all day- but God is one- how wonderful it is that the Lord expands into each planet as Vishnu, Rama, Narsimha, etc and there are innumerable devotees.

This is Krishna and each one of us is eternal- we have a choice to participate in the eternal realm or in the material realm where everything is controlled by time- where everything except the soul itself- is temporary- na hanyate hanyamane sarire.Soul - no weapon can even touch the soul- if an atomic bomb drops on somebody's head ground zero it cannot put the slightest little cut on the soul because the soul is of a different nature- it does not die when the body dies.

Everything is controlled by time- destined to destroy- earth water fire air ether- all elements are composed of these 5 basic elements- then mind intelligence and ego- these three can be affected by physical circumstances but cannot be destroyed by material force- by the influence of time they change but they cannot be destroyed by material circumstances. Forever changing- every cell, atmoic particle is constantly changing that is the influence of time.

Nthe next factor of the Gita is Karma- law of action- karma action according to morality, vikarma- sinful acts we get unfavorable painful reactions, akarama- no material reaction. That means aour actions are engaged in the loving service of the Lord. How within this material existence - Bhishma is explaining the pandavas did not do karma or vikarama they did akrma they were great devotees of the Lord. Up until Krishna tricked him Maharaja Yudhishthira had never spoken a lie and even then he did not do it. think about it- how controlled was Yudhishthira- never did anything that was deliberately immoral. the reason Krishna got him to Bhishma that he took responsibility - he was taking the blame for what he did not do- it was all Duryodhana and Dhrtrashtra 's fault and here Yudhishthira Maharaja is telling all these women are widows, children are orphans, all these soldiers are wounded - all because of me so that i could become a king- he felt every citizen was his child- he was willing to give his life for an insect.thats how he ruled the world by Krishna's grace. his nephew Pariksit when he became king how he was traveling around the world to make sure that all innocent creatures were protected. He was so pure, so devoted that Krishna Himself would bow to him. He accepted him as a superior- Krishna ran messages for Yudhishthira- as his messenger taking word's to Duryodhana. bhishma is seeing Yudhishthira standing before him as he lay on a bed of arrows. Bhishma was a mahajana was looking forward to his death he understood how this world works- so many atrocities even to good people- this is what Bhishma Dev is instructing us, yudhishthira didnt do any bad karma nor did Queen kunti- whatver mistakes they made it was never with animosity to others- this is real bad karma when we have enmity in our heart when we want to cause pain and hurt to others. why they had to suffer so ad- their father died, then they were in the custody of Dhritarasthra and Duryodhana hated them and wanted them exterminaed as he saw them as athreat- he was deeply envious- why is it that envious deeply wicked people win over others, Ravan had sita for a year, Pandavas banished for 12 years, house of lac, they were fed poison, humiliated- Bhishma is looking at yudhishthira- that you didnt deserve any of this- and your sons were killed they were great devotees, Abhimanyu everyone loved him - why di he have to die- the 5 sons of Draupadi and they were all mercilessly murderede in their sleep- they didnt have a chance to fight- why Krishna loved him, the pandavas loved them- how is this happening and the suffering of subhadra- she is yoga maya spritual potency of the Lord- yet when Abhimanyu was killed she was weeping excessively. Arjuna was deeply affected. Bhishma is asking how could this happen and then he is giving the answer in the future verses " even the great philosphers, rsis cannot understand why things happen in a certain way in the material world- it is the power of time" time is Krishna's manifestation . How? within the material manifestation Time controls everything- it is the isvaras- it is an energy- if we think about it that way growing old is blissful- we are being molded by Krishna's energy- everything- the sun is rising by the power of time- the mood is waxing and waning. Is that destruction bad- it is natural.

this beautiful garland of keli kadamba flowers is so beautiful. Personally most sweet fragrance in the entire universe is the Vrindavan Kadamba flower. But even this most fragrant, indescribabl fragrance in a day or so will shrivell up and will have nothing and a new kadamba flower will grow. But in the spiritual flower- the fragrance of a kadmaba flower's fragrance is evr increasing. Because in the spiritual world the destructive debilitating influence of time does not exist- it is opp in the spiritual world- everythign is ever increasing and growing.

If the great mahajana behalf of all the Mahajanas and greatest of sages they cannot understand the inconcievable nature of material existence - dukhalaya ashasvatam- everythign is temporary. We are not taught that by developing love for Krishna, by associating with devotees that material nature changes- material nature is material nature- it cannot change. The laws of karma which we try to follow- but they are limited- they affect happiness and distress in this life- affect our next life- lower species rat or cat or this or that- whatever it may be - could be a fish at chowpatty. so many varieties of life all due to karma- however pious we are we have to suffer- that is material existence.However pious you are you have to grow old, have disease and die. govinda da swas a very very pious devotee- he wrote this prayer
e dhana youvana outra parijana govinda das abhilas re, kamal dal jala jivana talmal

everything within this material creation - our body our life, all of our relatives, skills we work so hard for, everything is like a drop of water on the leaf of a lotus- any moment can slip away. That is the nature of this world- therefore we worship Lord Hari. So important because although everything in this world is so uncertain - thi means we are pious or impious pure, neopyhte devotees or atheists, there is danger at every step in this world. what is the difference between a devotee and a non devotee- in that same situation where there is danger at every step where suffering or death can come at any moment whoever we are - specially in this fragile earth planet in kali yuga- Sat yuga there was little more certainty- kali yuga is an ocean of faults things go wild.But there is one benediction- simply chanting the names of Lord Hari Krishna we can attain the Supreme Liberation. This padam padam yat vipadam na tesam- for a devotee we are seeking the reliazation of the eternal soul and the dangers of material existence or an impetus to take shlter of Krishna to take our spiritual lives more seriously. although everything is uncertain within this material existence there is one thing that Krishna is there to reciprocate with the love of His devotees at whatever level of Krishna Consoicousness we are on- Krishna is there for us. when He says He is there for us- He is talking about our eternal souls- whatever may happen in this world- Krishna is there for us in life and death. According to what we remember at the time of death we will attain. those who are sincere to remember Krishna, to serve Krishna, to please Krishna in life we know Krishna is going to be there with them in life and whatever situation happens.

In the BG Krishna explains that their different ways of dying - auspicious and inauspicious- but hat is for people who follow karma kanda- for devotees it does not matter how it happens, when it happens. where it happens- for a devotee Krishna is always there- for a devotee life and death are all auspicious- all auspicious does not mean that the body is in a pleasing situation, all auspicious means that the soul is being connected with Krishna- the soul is being blessed wth its eternal nature once again- it is being uplifted. Krishna promises- SP promised us if we are just sincere about our Krishna Consciousness- Krishna will be there in our life and Krishna will be there in our inevitable death.

So therefore, when sincere loving devotees and even those who are near and dear to sincere loving devotees- we should know that when they pass from this world from a spiritual perspective it is a glorious celebration because Krishna is there with them. That is Krishna's love and compassion - He will neever let any devotee's atma be lost if it turns towards Him. Srivas - his son died - Lord CM brought him to life- and he instructed everyone - I am the eternal soul- the bodies are coming and going but one thing is for sure that those who chant your names with loving devotion will come to you

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bring the two elements in you together by taking shelter of Yoga

Excerpt From the lecture by HH Sacinananda Maharaj

Victory on the inner Battlefield 7

My dear devotees, Lord will also do something to save you. You just have to learn to turn to Him. We will hear now how a person in great inner conflict turned to the Lord and how the Lord saved him from his inner conflict.

First of all - What is inner conflict? What does it mean when you are a divided soul? What does it mean to be in this stage of spirituality that you cannot act full heartedly. When you cannot act properly on the spiritual platform you have the inability to act. You just don't know what to do.
I was doing an experiment with 20 devotees during the Summer camp. Few times I mentioned about my two neighbors - dogs - who were also crying in front of our dog.I mentioned we have to help these dogs they are dying. There are some animals who give them great pain.I remember we stood with 15-20 devotees before these crying dogs who really searched for our shelter and help. Mother had run away- didnt care for her children. Now we have to take care. But know one felt in the heart the impulse to help them although they had heard many lectures about compassion. Today two devotees found in their heart the impulse to help and bathed them- so that the dogs can be healthy and free from these terrible animals.Aren't we often like the devotees who did'nt do anything. We know we should act but we just cannot.

This is a symptom of the Divided self.

  1. We know we should we act but we cannot act
  2. ignorance and illusion
  3. Depression and Indecision
  4. Isolation.

If you want to become a full hearted devotee on the spiritual platform you must know how to act properly , need to become free from ignorance and illusion, you must have feelings of love to overcome your depression and Indecision. Finally you must be able to overcome your isolation from God. Whenever you cannot act on the spiritual platform, depressed, isolated you know you are on the material platform.

Now Krishna personally is dedicated to save His devotees from these 4 symptoms and we will see how. But first I would like to introduce the person who he helped- Arjuna- the hero of our session today.


On the day of the battle requests his charioteer to take the chariot in the middle of the battle. Maybe Arjuna wanted to see the strength of the enemy. Then he could decide details on strategy. But as he is in the middle of the battlefield, he breaks down. On the other side he sees - he sees his brothers the kauravas, his teachers, etc. He developed all the symptoms of a nervous breakdown. Limbs of the body quivering, my mouth is drying up, my whole body is trembling, hair is standing on end , skin is burning like fore, bow has slipped from his hand, unable to stand here any longer, mind is reeling, I ill go into forest, I will meditate
Keshava I also want to fight- these are rascals they will destroyed the whole kingdom, I am getting crazy, Please help.

It was much worse than what we heard. He had a breakdown- he was the strongest person of his time. He became divided by the minute- one side said- I shall run to the Himalayas and the other side- maybe I should fight. "should I stay or should I go"

Have you ever been in two boats with one foot in one and the other in the other?
I was once with one foot on one piece of ice and the other on the other- finally I fell into the icy cold water and fell sick because the pieces were drifting in opposite directions. It is not healthy for you to have these two sides in you fighting or drifting apart. But for Krishna this was no problem. In the midst of the dilemma he looked at Arjuna and started to smile. No problem. Because He thought, my devotee will soon be in Yoga with Me. He will with my plan then he will be united inside. The whole BG is just instruction manual about yoga- it means to bring yourself together. Each chapter is called something yoga.

Why are we sometimes so divided - like a devotee and a non devotee at the same time? why do we have sometimes difficulties in our spiritual life? We are not practicing yoga with Krishna- we are not in yoga with Krishna. Conflict or the divided self can bring you closer to practice yoga..

Let me now go quickly how Krishna solved Arjuna's first problem-

inability to act properly through Karma Yoga.
Krishna said -- karman yeva adhikaratas te........
Arjuna you have a right to perfomr your dharma but you are not entitled to the fruits of action. Do what is right appropriate for your situation even if it i little faulty. Dont be attached to the outcome. This works even for you. The moment you find out what is your dharma- do what is proper- do not be concerned if people like you or do not like you, do not think abt the outcome0- successful or not successful. If you learn to find your dharma and do your activities according to your dharma- the whole universe will run into a gallop to help you.

Arjuna had another problem- I am overcome by illusion- Krishna destroyed it by telling him how he is an eternal soul Arjuna, Many births you and me have taken- I can remember my birth and appearances but you have forgotten- he gave him a new insight. If you want to change a person- you have to give them a way to act properly  and give them a new insight. And you have to save his depression and indecision. How do you cure depression and indecision.

Jaya Gopal what do you do against depression and indecision?
Answers from audience -Prasadam , Chant Hare Krishna - does it work? Think about this.I say to myself that I will not be like this anymore - associate with devotees, pray like anything

Saving his depression and indecision
There is one cure against depression found out by the American scientists- they wanted to find out who are the happy people and they found it - it was those people who help others-Why? because when you have feelings of love in your heart depression runs away. You must somehow develop love in your heart to cure depression. It is said in psychology- that if you want to cure depression and all this- you must have altered feelings of love- and Krishna evoked these feelings in Arjuna. The best is when you serve Krishna with love, your sadness and depression will go. Altered feelings of love are necessary to change indecision also. When we are in Jagannath Puri a year ago, Lord Jagannath would come out of the temple at 7am cool morning. It was 11 o clock- very hot sun, humid and the wet air was boiling the skin. People started to fall down on the ground. People sprayed cold water to revive the people. It was really dramatic, the tar started to melt. I was asking the police when is Lord Jagannath coming- the police chief said " why do you ask, He comes at His won time" Finally Lord Jagannath appeared -on His throne- I saw one devotee praying in the hot sun- another devotee came like this to cool him down- but the praying devotee continued to pray even if it was very hot. Finally he did the essential point of Bhakti yoga - totally upset he took the fan from the otehr devotee- he went to Lord Jagannath with so much love with the fan. I was standing next to the devotee- as then the Lord might see me. If you are far away from the devotee Krishna does not look at you. I saw a stream of mercy coming from Jagannath to the devotee who was fanned by him. Krishna trains Arjuna in this loving service of devotion and in this way he alters his love and brings him out of his depression.

Feeling Isolated
Most of us suffer from this divided self as Arjuna is also showing by feeling isloated- we feel we cant do it- we have no help. Krishna helps also with isolation- He promises His devotee a constant stream of support. tesam satata yuktam bhajatam priti purvakam......yena mam upayanti te. Those who are constantly serving Me with love, I give them full support and understanding by which they can come to Me. The result of Krishna's help in the BG is empowerment. Arjuna at the end of BG was asked by Krishna - what will you do now?
And he exploded with enthusiasm. My dear Krishna infallible one- my illusion  is gone, free from illusion- I have regained my memory by Your mercy- Altered feelings- I am now firm and free from doubt. He feel there is support for him.I have no doubt anymore, I can make it. You are there for Me. And Finally I am prepared to act according to Your instructions. Yoga bring the soul together. When you are in pieces and you can't act determinedly and properly with blissful art in your spiritual life- you need some more Yoga.

What is yoga and how it helps you to come together - is best explained by the English word Yoke- comes form the Sanskrit word Yoga.
 Two Ox are brought together by a piece of wood that holds them together.English dictionary says - overarchingly powerful element that creates union between two entities. So Yoga is a powerful process which creates unity between You and the Powerful Lord. Only in this union with God - feeling His closeness will you be able to be stregthened sufficently to say no to your lower self. Bhakti Yoga creates the union of love. when it comes into your heart then you can cure your divided self.

In the BG is an instruction manual on this yoga. It works. I request you at the end of my seminar to become students of the BG  with one new element to your studies- try to apply what you study- especially one powerful yoga practice from the BG it is from the 15th chapter of Purushottam yoga - it gives you 7 powerful practices that you can learn  in a relatively shrt time- in the asscoation of KRishna because He talks about this.

7 powerful practices from BG chapter 15
nirman moha jita sanga dosha adhyatma........

Sit before your mind and watch it.

  1. The next time pride comes up practice freedom from false pride- understanding it is Krishna's Lila's not my ability
  2. Next time you fall into illusion- meditate about how you are an eternal soul and part of Krishna.
  3. The third point- make it a point to not have association with materialistic people . Some of you may be a businessman or a rock and roll star - it is impractical for you to not associate with material people. BVT says to avoid false association  doesn't mean you do not drive in the same boat with materialists.To practice not having false association means no heart to heart exchange then you start become influenced. 
  4. 4th practice- understand the eternal - Today I talked with Bir Krishna Maharaj- very wonderful enlightenment Maharaj gave to me and I explained to him that sometimes I am a little impatient to see the slow advancement of devotees. He said - I also have this- but now I understand that development of KC may take many lifetimes- it is a development for the eternal soul over many stations. And when he spoke I remembered - I agree this is how I often preach- I remember my own spiritual master - with SP on his morning walk there was this one cat that would come and hang there, SP would play with it and remove it but it will hang there. One day a car had driven over teh cat and killed it. The devotees had become attached to the cat because it came everyday for one month waiting for SP and hanging on his Lotus Feet. Finally they decided to ask if there was a special reln going in. One devotee asked SP in private : Who was that cat? And SP said he is a disciple from a previous life- he did not make it, but now I have given him some extra help- that is why the disciple was so happy when hanging over the Lotus feet of the SP. The cat was saved. KC is an eternal process. We should understand this and then hen we see from this perspective that one little problem has happened is not so big in the face of eternity.
  5. Those who are interested to practice Purushottam Yoga it is in Bg 15.5. But the last point in this yoga is to surrender unto the Supreme Person and anyone who does this practice will attain the eternal kingdom of God.

Take shelter in Yoga which will bring the two elements in you together and then you will become really determined.
SP said if I had 18 disciples who were together and determined I could do so much. Krishna waits for you to come together. He waits for all of us and by practicing this wonderful process of Krishna Consciousness together it will happen.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

When we share our joy of devotion with each other the greatest blessings come.


When we share our joy of devotion with each other the greatest blessings come.

SG is giving the description of Rohini. In this world whoever we are there is always the light and dark parts of life. If we expecting everything to go our way- we can never be happy- there is tragedy, crises , failures for whoever we are.

Adhyatmika, Adhi daivika, Adhidevika
own mind- distress, anxiety, diseases

The real source of ll suffering when the soul identifies with the temporary body and things of this body.

Bible says to live in this world but not of this world.
SP's heart grieved to see his own brothers and sisters - thinking all there is to life is the uncertainties of this world. Wake up understand who you are , what is your relationship- understand that happiness cannot ever be touched by any situation of this world. This balance of compassion on a human level for whatever type of suffering people have and the connection to the eternal infinite divine source of life the soul- we can celebrate the beauty and the fortune of Krishna and the opportunity that everyone in the world has for that- at the same time feeling the suffering of others and wanting to help them physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Rohini apparently transgressed etiquette by dressing beautifully. We must understand that the purpose of rules, regulations, etiquette is to please God- means to please the Lord's devotees and be compassionate to all living beings.

One time a Sanyasi a Swami came to the temple for Maharaj ws a pujari. Young new devotees were very excited- they bowed them in the room- he got angry this is an offense - do not bow to anyone in the temple of Krishna except Krishna.

Purpose of rules is to transform our character - they should make us humble and respectful
if those same methods make us hard hearted eositic nd judgemental - we have missed the purpose What please Krishna.

rohini was pleasing Krishna immensely- she was dressed very beautifully against the expected social custom- but Nanda and Yashoda had given it to her with love and joy and by accepting it she would give them joy.- She is the mother of Balarama the original Guru and all Gurus- she was serving everyone- despite the miseries of material life that she was experiencing her heart was permeated with happiness as there was something beautiful to celebrate- Krishna's mercy.

If we are miserable and despondent what we can do for anyone0- I am miserable because you are miserable let us suffer together- this love we suffer together birth after birth.

Life is more than that - if we there is darkness in the world there is one thing that can give light in darkness which is light- when Devotees actually find inner joy. inner peace , inner love of Krishna of the beauty of the soul- and see that potential in others then even in the greatest suffering, with compassion we are happy - its not that people are suffering and we go dancing and say too bad we are happy- that is not how it is- you feel for them and you want to give them the joy that is beyond the circumstances and pain and joy of the world

SP how can we repay you?
Just accept what I have given you and give it to others- when we accept what he has given to us it is a meaningful life which is beyond the suffering of the world. The more we give the joy we have recd then it increases - the joy is watering the root- when we learn to love Krishna then we learn to love every living being.

Rath yatra- Krishna is manifesting the mood of in giving we receive.

Rath Yatra Vrindavan vasis are meditating on bringing Krishna back to Vrindavan home where there is the deepest intimate love.Pull ropes to bring Krishna to Vrindavan - the result- if you are bringing Krishna to vrindavan where are you going - to Vrindavan back home back to godhead- automatically we go back to vrindavan when we bring Krishna back without any motivation we got BTG. If we please Krsna then ultimately we become pleased.

This bhakti or DS to Me, it will give blissful eternal life to anybody who simply accepts it. Doesn't matter male, female, red, white, yellow, high sates low caste no caste, literate, illiterate,rich or poor, we simply serve with devotion seva, and Krishna is pleased with the quality of our service, by love and devotion, Krishna reveals the treasure within ourselves of eternal blissful life. Rohini was celebrating by serving the guests with great joy - we feel for them from a platform of actually being a soln to the problem by connecting to the eternal joy of Krishna's love- by spreading this bhakti and chanting the Holy Name

When sometimes, is really suffering, loss of loved one- people try to help the person to forget the misery but in Bhakti param drstva nivartate- we want to help people to Xcend the misery to recognize and feel the misery that is there but simultaneously to xcend it- if we dont feel it we become callous and hard hearted towards it esp towards other people, but when we feel it from a xcendent [perspective by giving people infinite hope of who we are what we have and what we could give.


He forgot to pull up the anchor- our motivation to be the proprietor, the enjoyer and the controller it is our selfish desires, we have to have the intent to pull them up - we have to have the tapasya the austerity in resisting these tendencies within us- then our sadhana will actually give us really good progress towards the destination- CM- the bhakti lata beeja is like a little seed - sadhana is like the watering of the seed the water makes the seed grow but weeds also grow- we have to be very attentive- able to identify the weeds and pull them out- if we do not then the same water will also water the weeds and the weeds are going to smother and choke the seed of devotion if we do not pull them out- selfishness, egoism, fault finding are all weeds- we have to keep watering with hearing and chanting if we do not pull out the weeds we become more hardhearted and mean instead of compassionate and that happens to often and that is actually what sincerity means - SP- would tell just take this KC sincerely without ulterior motives with actually striving to live with the right motivations.

 Human life is meant for tapasya and accept favorable and reject unfavorable- chanting is most favorable - ten offenses stifle the effect of chanting the HN when we are critical egoistic- therefore as we are performing our sadhana we have have to under stand the spirit that Lor CM emphasized gopi bhartur pada kamalayor --- strive to be a humble servant- if we are not humble, gentle, compassionate not pulling up the weeds that will choke those qualities then we are materialistic like any other religionist- if we are not tasting bhakti then we will seek out the taste of fault finding and sens gratification and we lose our taste for sadhana as we are not doing it properly. In SB simply by practicing DS all good qualities come- but we cant separate striving to live by the proper character of a vaishnava that is what DS is also. BSSt wrote if we dont have this humble service attitude we can chant birth after brth and never find love of God, because we allow these weeds to grow and grow and let that anchor us deeper into the body - so yes the first and foremost is the chanting of Gods name, reading SB, serving Vaishnavas, worshipping the Deity and going on pilgrimage- but if we do not do it in the proper char and make offenses ultimately only one this that can liberate  us and tht is Krishna's grace- we follow the re principles to get the grace of Krishna. Krishna doesnt give grace bec of the rituals we perform he gives it because of the intent and sincerity with which we perform our sadhana- if we dont have sincerity we associate with those who do and try to cultivate- however senior we may be safe way to practice is to think i am a brand new devotee- else we think i know i am senior and we become complacent - if we perform our sadhana with humility nothing can stop us.

tvam akincana gocara - Lord's mercy flows towards the humble.

12-03-09 CC Adi Lila 16-01 - Lord's Mercy flow towards the Humble - Radhanath Swami ISKCON Chowpatty

Nectarine mercy flows downstream, just like river flows downstream, Lord Caitanya extends himself to the fallen . India has so many rivers, Europe has the Rhine, Thames, Danube so many songs about them, America has so many rivers- Mississippi, etc. Whatever happens in the world the river keeps flowing.
"The Old Man River must know something , for he keeps flowing along". So much of a greatness of a nnation is known but what happens near the river. Egyptian civilization nuilt near Nile River- so much history along the banks of the Jordan river. Last night, we were uptil quite late looking at the full moon- so many things change in this world- but when you look up you see the same moon that you saw in LCM's time.Somehow or the other human beings havent figured how to change the moon yet even when so many cities have changed.
...............................................Similarly the river
Minor aparadha and serious aparadha
Minor aparadha is when you touch a devotee with your toe or step over a devotee in class- we should not do it, avoid them- it is important to attune your consciousness in being respectful.

Real offenses is when we actually try to hurt some one due to envy or arrogance- that is serious- that Krsna cannot tolerate. If we speak words or perform actions that impede a person's progress in life- due to arrogance or envy that is called the mad elephant offense and the scriptures explain that so much of the suffering that people go through is due to past offense- offense to vaishnavas is considered a mad elephant.
I was in Hrishikesh. Driving down from Dehradun to Hrishikesh there are big signs- they have this Gigantic photo of a gigantic male elephant pushing over a car- just like a child pushing over a mango elephant, car with full people looks like a matchbox.

I was wondering why they have these signs because what are you going to do if a mad elephant attacks. Then I was thinking they can chant the Holy Names while riving.

One time I was there at Gokul dham our farm in Gokul. They said the neighbors farm has fresh water.
At a certain point the neighbor did not allow the Ox cart with the water tank. At a certain point they started going with the ox cart. I asked them why? They said the neighbors farm is now destroyed by a mad elephant.
To keep the elephant out of your rice crop , you have to build very big thick and high walls- bared wires can just be taken out very easily.

They eat huge amounts of food. In days of history, it was a sign of great wealth that you can maintain an elephant because they eat so much. It eats all the rice when you are just ready to harvets the rice. When he is totally overeaten - then he lays on his left side and rolls around and destroys everything. In a matter of a few days they destroyed his entire crop of rice and some years he brings friends.

but because elephants bdies are so heavy they cant go fast downhill. The elephant had to go really slow downhill so they escaped

when I heard this story, I was thinking that is it- that is the philosophy of bhakti- that is the verse is talking about. If we want to overcome this mad elephant offense to the vaishnavas- there is only one way to do it- cannot ourrun it or overcome it -we have to humble ourselves to take a low position then we are protected from makinf offenses and we take a humble position then we can also overcome the offense. Just like Jagaai and Madhai they offended Nityanand aPrabhu - only when the fell at His feet and a genuinely humble and sincere heart they asked for forgiveness - to want to serve- then they were completely forgive. When Madhai asked Nityananda i hurt others also- but you forgave me what about the others - He said just serve them- clean the bathing ghats and whoever came before Madhai he would perform his prostrated obeisances, he would beg forgiveness and with all humility he would serve them- not just a vocal thing- he would build ghats for them, carry their clothes for them ,wash after them - he freed himself of all the apradhas he ever did trnad api sunicena and in that humble position chanting the Holy Names of Krishna. this is the secret of success and there is no other way- sincere serious humility in service- only way to overcome our aparadhas and prevent future aparadhas and its is the only way to call out the Lord's name in a way He takes us serious. Krishna will connect us with Himself in any way we chant His name. But h\He will take us seriously to revela Himself and really help us when we chant with great seriousness- which means humility with a desire to serve   This is what Sri CM Himself demonstrated and this is what each one of His devotees personally demonstrated.

the Lord is like a river and the flow of the nectarean river of His mercy flows to them who feels himself to be low and humble- if you think you are something high- rivers do not flow up- have you seen a river flow upwards naturally. The nectarean mercy goes to those who feel themselevs lowly does not flow up to those who feel themselves great. Queen Kunti - those who are proud of high birth, High education,High wealth and High beauty they cannotcall your name with feeling. akincana Gocara- you are the property of the impoversihed

what is that impoversihed mean?It does not mean you have to be necassarily physically impoverished - it means you feel nothing is mine. after all the Gopis were supremely beautiful- but they were not proud of their beauty - it was only for Krishna's pleasure. Yudhisthira Maharaj was corontaed and became the richest king- but he wasnt proud- he thought all my wealth belong to Krishna. RG, SG, JG were the greatest scholars- but yet they were absolutely humble. When Lord CM called SG for lunch at the tota Gopinath temple- summer time, sun was blazing,noon, sand was scorchin Hot, impossible to walk on the sand. he did not have shoes, chappals and not even the wooden ones that Govinda Prabhu wears - he was barefoot- yet he walked on that sand- his feet were getting blistered and when he go there Lord caitanya had already eaten and was taking rest-servant Govinda gave Mahaprasad to SG. then Lord CM met SG - He asked how did you come? I came by the beach? Lord CM- why did you not come from the road from the Jagannath Temple. Sg did not say anything. Krishnadas Kaviraj Goswami is constantly reminding us about this principle of humility the culture of a Vaishnava - non-envious and humble. He is telling us what is in the mind of SG- he knows because he is there. SG was thining that I am so fallen and sinful - that if I go by the main road- pujaris aserving Jagaanath are always going in and out of the temple- if they touch me and ten go an serve the Deity- then it will be an offense- I cannot commit such an offense and neither implicate them in the offense.How many of us are so refined and sutle in our execution of humililty. Hari Bhakti Vilas many technilities and dos and donts- the purpose is to refine our consiounsess to become so sensitive to what is pleasing to the Lord- not to be callous, negligent, whimsical- these are detrimental platform to bhakti - to be here and now in that consciousness of what is the pleasing to the Lord - all the mudras, the entire archana process is to tune is in to what is pleasing to Krishna.

Raghava Pandit-Lord CM was praising him in Panihati because he always wanted to bring the best of the best for is deity of madan gopal. Better coconut growing ata  distant place- he got some , giving them to the Deity - fist give whole coconut so Deity could drink the water --- pujari who was bringing it in the pujari touched the ceiling- Raghava Oandit threw them away - saying it is not offerable as the ceiling is full of dust from the floor.it is not clean for the deity. He discarded those great coconuts

SP says- you may think this person who has a cleanse phobia- always worried about erms- he was just so tuned into making things perfect for Krishna. This was SG feeling - that a pujari of Jagananath may touch me and them touch Jagannath - rather than take this very very extended remote chance- he chose to walk on the blazing sand and his feet were terribly blistered.

But he wouldnt tell Lord CM his reason but Lord CM understood his heart- he is a symbol of humility. It wasnt that Lod CM was impressed by his blistered feet- but it was his heart. People may perfomr tapasya with ego- but the Lord does not accept that. The Lord showered his mercy on SG. SG said I dont know who I am, who is God, why material existence is the way it is- still people call me a pandit a scholar, please tell me who am I , what is my goal Lord CM said stop speaking like that your humility is breaking my heart. Yoru character, knowledge and qualities- you are fit of my Guru- but for the sake of strictness you are speaking like this- he is all good character but thinking himself most fallen- nectarean river of Lord CM's mercy is flowing, unrestrictedly and profoundly and inundating his heart - the river will not reach the heart that feel its high.

This si spiritual geology. NDT - SP quotes him - pativata pavan hetu -- when we listen to this verse - how it should syrike it our heart- he is praying to CM- sri krsna caitanya prabhu doya karo moy- My dear Lord you are most merciful- patitva pavana- especially inclinde to those who are most fallen., you can examine the entire creation and will not find anyone more fallen than me- therefore the first claim in mine.

they mean it. It is not that they are depressed unlike what the people of the world think. You go to a psychologist and quote these things and they will start injecting you with anti depressants. They will start counselling you. This is umility of a spiitual nature- this humility does not make you depressed - it makes you empowered- because it access the inundation of the river of the Lord's mercy. Material inferiority complex is when you have a big ego and it is not getting fulfilled and it makes you depressed and you feel inferior. But humility is means without ego- without false ego- TOTAL difference- vaishnava humility does not mean to be depressed when our ego is smashed - it means to be elated because of our ego is being liberatedthat our real ego is emerging over the false ego. That is humility - where we are connecting with the infinite grace of God to connect with us. That grace flows downstream- the sea level is a lowest place and thats where the river finds its destination- similarly the Lord;s mercy will find its destination when our heart is in a humble state. Sri CM is all about this. SBB thought he was a great scholar but Sri CM very experly humbled him that he knew nothing and teh river of that mercy inundated his life and situated him in PDS> Devananad Pandit was a great scholar- association with Vakreshwar pandit he realized he knew nothing. Pratap Rudra- was king of orissa- his army, his palace, his donations did not impress the Lord- what impressed the Lord is him becoming a humble sweeper and h came before God as a common mendicant devotee. What role did he take- he came to massage the Lord';s feet and he had already massaged the feet of the devotees and he was reciting on RR and SBB advise he was reciting Gopi Gita- CM asked him to continue reciting- then he came to tava kathamritam ........you are the munifect. Lord CM you have come to give me so much nectar - who are you - just a few hrs ago he did not want to meet Lord CM- he was dancing in ecstacy and fell in Pratap Rudra's arms- then He looked at him with disgust and said I have been touched by a materialist.

when LOrd CM asks who are you - cant tell a lie to the Absolute truth and get away with it he has to tell the truth- cannot say Kig Pratap Rudra and cannot lie and say he is somebody else.- he spoke with his heart of hearts- wasnt thinking I am Pratap Rudra.- I ma a servant of the servant of the servant and my only aspiration is to remain the servant of the servant of Your servants. that is actually what his heart wants. The river of teh Lord' nectarine mercy inundated his heart- he was in teh highest position but considering himself low. SP was the highets paramhamsa in the world on the Jala duta- he said you have given me the name Bhaktivedanta - but no bhakti ornot vednata only You can give me bhakti or devotion.