Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Humbling Ourselves

1994-006 Humbling Ourselves SB 01-02-19 - Radhanath Swami Mumbai 1994-01-13 IDesireTree

SB 1.2.19

tadā rajas-tamo-bhāvāḥ
 kāma-lobhādayaś ca ye
ceta etair anāviddhaṁ
 sthitaṁ sattve prasīdati
As soon as irrevocable loving service is established in the heart, the effects of nature’s modes of passion and ignorance, such as lust, desire and hankering, disappear from the heart. Then the devotee is established in goodness, and he becomes completely happy.
Lecture Transcript(with mistakes and words missed. Pls forgive me)
Krishna explains there is no other means to completely free the heart of contamination other than Bhakti or DS. Some people aspire for mukti, but acc to the highest realms of  Xcendental understanding that desire is considered a contamination - the desire to be free of all material miseries existence is considered to be a selfish propisition it is not the true quality of the soul.

Our Natural Position
sa vai pumsam ... The supreme occupation - the natural eternal position is to selflessly serve the SL with no motivation BVT. prayed - My Lord , I am your servant You can do anything You like- You can kill me or protect me- I have no preference I am only meant for Your pleasure. bhavatad bhakti tvayi. devotees do not seek their own satisfaction 0- they only seek service- do not want wealth women- even freedom from suffering only Your loving service birth after birth ... aslisya va padam pinastu mam.My Lord I am coming to surrender at Your Lotus feet and now You can do whatveevr You like to do with Me. If you like- you can embrace me, trample upon me or you can make me broken hearted by not being present before me You have any right to any thing You like bec I am Your servant unconditionally- this alone is the pure quality of the soul and this is the aspiration of every devotee- simply to be engaged in the loving service of the Lord.

To be more humble than a blade of grass .....
When Sri CM came to this world- He esp came to establish the Supreme Position of loving devotion , the path of Bhakti over any other religious concept. When He was living in Navadvipa Dhama each night He would have kirtans in Srivas Pandit's house the sight of His dancing was the most beautiful manifestation that was ever present in this cosmic manifestation.but only the pure in heart and truly humble were allowed. One time a faultless austere honest brahmacari so much desire to receive the mercy of the Lord. He would live in the forest and throughout His life He would only drink little milk and eat nothing else- He was absolutely celibate- performing such tapasya very difficult to endure. So CM He would personally close the doors of Srivas's house so that no one would come in unless they were completely surrendered to the path of Bhakti. This brahmacari would request Srivas everyday- everyone was so blissfully engaged in the loving service of the Lord.by loudly chanting HKHKKKHHHRHRRRHH.

Srivas explained that the Lord was strict but this brahmacari would humbly beg him- Srivas explained that the Lord was disturbed by anyone who was not pure in his devotion- he said I can let you in but you have to hide so the Lord cannot see you. The kirtan began and CM began to dance along with His associates. CM stopped the kirtan- He said I am not able to experience the ecstacy of Krishna's love- there must be someone who is not pure in devotion. Srivas explained that a brahmacari very austere, great renunciate- I have hidden him- CM began to chastise this man- - Do You think you can attain Krishna by drinking milkk that any amount of renunciation has any value to Krishna- that you are a Brahmin attracts Krishna in any way- Hanuman was monkey, Gajendera was an elephant- an animal with pure desire can attain mercy of the Lord- You are not fit. As the Brahmacari was walking out he was thinking- The Lord is so merciful- He is purifying me of all my wretched material desires- He is so kind- I am so fortunate that for a few moments I was able to see His dancing and chanting- in utter humility he left the house. CM could understand his mentality- even after severly chastised and insulted by the Lord he gratefully accepted as true for His purification . so the Lord called him back in . He fell at the feet of CM and CM placed His Lotus Feet at the top of the brahmacari's head. because You have learned the principle of humility and devotion beyond renunciation knowledge and everything else in this world I grant You the love of God- All devotees became jubilant and call the holy Names of the Lord. This humble state of mind- by which we aspire only for service must be the goal of our lives- nothing else. CM prayed trnad api sunicena ..... To be more humble than a blade of grass even more humble than the straw in the street , more tolerant than a tree- ready to offer all respect to others and to expect none in return. Simply to bear insult is the beginning of humility but real humility is something positive, not neutral, not negative. When a devotee endures tribulation or insult that he should be grateful -that is humility. That Krishna  You are so kind That you are giving me this loving purification- this is what it means to be more humble than a blade of grass- when you step in a blade of grass it does not complain, it does not claim any position- it is in the lowest position. And when you spit on it or when you step on it or do what so many people do on it- the blade of grass is in a neutral condition- it simply accepts it, it does not complain - What does it mean to be more humble than a blade of grass it means to positively be grateful and thank Krishna for His mercy- Krishna You are so wonderful- You are doing this just to help me become a devotee- just to purify me of the multitudes of wretched sins in my heart- 

Krishna You can do whatever You like with me
When we offer some prayer to Krishna some prayer for success in our DS and we fail and everything goes wrong- Do we thank Krishna? Yes Krishna I am so unqualified and undeserving and You are helping me realize this by making my life a failure- the ruination that has come upon me is just to expose my fastidious nonsense state of heart- You are so kind Krishna Do whatever you like- that is real humility and that is what is required to chant the holy Names in quality- we should not complain we should not be particular we should be surrendered. 

A conditional devotee is particular we expect something for what we do- a sober and serious devote simply expects service- what the result maybe is whatever Krishna feels is best- a devotee has no position to protect because a servant has no position at all- the master has a position therefore the master can do whatever He likes with us and we are willing to gratefully accept. 

The Supreme Lord He is so kind- that He will test us again and again and when these tests come that He is giving the opportunity to develop the most important virtues in spiritual life- when we fail the test, when we complain we blame someone else and we think Krishna this is not fair- we try to defend our position our egos what we have done is lost the opportunity that Krishna has given us- to imbibe the most precious quality of humility- 

Service attitude- worship the Vaishnavas
How learned we maybe what position - even in a spiritual society we may have is irrelevant to Krishna- na ham vipra....CM was in the highest position- brahmin by birth grandson of nelambar chakravrthy and also a sannyasi- socially to be worshiped by all other classes acc to vedic tradition if one does not bow down to a sanyasi when he sees one he is supposed to fast for the whole day. CM was not expecting honor , distinction or service from others- it is a great danger to have some spiritual position to expect some service from others then you are fallen - you are simply meant to engage people in Krishna's service and by that engagement you become the servant- by engaging someone in Krishna's service you become that persons's servant . CM wherever He went He induced people to chant the Holy names of Krishna- in this way He was rendering the most valuable precious service to humanity. In this way he explained  gopi bhartur .... das anu das. I claim no position except that I am aspiring to be a servant of the servant of Krishna who is the Lord of the gopis. But sometimes we want to criticize and judge others bec our expectations from them are not fulfilled immd our service attitude is spoiled. Infact Sri CM wanted to demonstrate that one who gives up this service attitude to criticize a vaishnava devotee of the Lord- His spiritual progress is stopped- He illustrated this through His own mother
(story of how Saci Devi feels that Advaita Acraya is responsible for both of her sons going away from her and becoming renunciates and how she offends him, but CM does not give her mercy until she takes the dust of Advaita Acarya's Lotus Feet and places her head on his Lotus Feet).

CM was very pleased- "Because today you with honest and sincere humility have worshiped the Lotus feet of this great Vaishnava Advaita, now you are being given Krishna Prema " all devotees became very happy and began to cry out Haribol.

Humble and Sincere Devotion the currency
So in this verse from SB we find it is this humble and sincere devotion that is the be all and end all of the lives of those who are truly seeking shelter of the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Thinking that this is some formality or some ritual or some external action- the Lord does not see what you do but how you do. In India people without any motivation in mind want to touch the Deities feet or sadhus feet- there is no value to that unless i it is genuinely done in the mood of service and humility then that act can completely purify our entire existence - it is not a ritual- taking the dust from the feet of a great vaishnava devotees of the Lord means sub ordinating yourself to be the servant of that soul- I am willing to do whatever you ask me- I am your servant I have no position in this world other than to be the servant  of ther servant of such a great soul- if you take the servant of the feet in that consciousness then that dust will purify your mind and heart and that dust will be the most precious priceless gift that will award love of Krishna into your life. Don't think that dust from the feet of Krishna or His devotee is so cheap. It is the consciousness which purchases the true quality of that substance. NDT has prayed that the dust from the feet of the Goswamis is my food- the only food that truly nourishes my life- what is our life- it doesnt mean this physical body- the life of a devotee is his desire to serve- whatever desire we have to serve- the extent to which we have that we have life . From a spiritual point of view whatever selfish desires, desires for enjoyment we have it is like death. CM explains that it is in this state of consciousness with this aspiration of always being the servant of the Lotus Feet of the great souls that we can actually chant the Holy Names of the Lord .

Giving - the price of love for Krishna We should not expect anything for ourselves but we should always be anxious to give ourselves.
(story of CM when he was a young student how we throws his book on sanskrit grammar and logic - just because his young friend had also written it and he did not want him to be disheartened )My friend is feeling bad that this book will be worthless because of the book I have written. He threw His book in the river ganges in front of His friend.Why? CM did not care for any other principle than pleasing or serving His devotees- He wanted His devotees to be famous , He wnated His devotee to find pleasure and He was willing to sacrifice all of the work that He had done if that would satisfy His devotee. This is the principle of Humility we should aspire for . CM estd these principles to teach us- they are not just beautiful stories to enjoy but they are lessons to be learned- we want to be enjoyed by the Lord and His devotees. To the degree you want to enjoy you will suffer especially if you are a little sincere, If you approach Krishna and says Krishna I want to surrender to You- then you made a big mistake if you want to enjoy the material world- At the point you say to Krishna "I am Yours" at that point there is no turning back- Krishna has accepted you. And if you change your mind and say Krishna maybe I am yours but this is mine and this is also mine and everything else I can find should also be mine.
I want good health, nice respect from others, adoration from others, power , influence and so many things.What do you think Krishna will do- He will make you miserable. A devotee suffers to the degree he has attachment to enjoy material world., There is no more miserable species on earth than a devotee who is trying to forget Krishna and enjoy material life. They pull fish in nets and they are flapping in pain, beggars on the street are suffering so terribly but not as badly as a devotee who is trying to enjoy material life. That is Krishna;s mercy. "You have given Me Your life, now You want to take it back. my mercy is yasyaham anugrihami.... tad dhanam sanaya"You will be frustrated- but that frustration is glorious because it is bringing us back to our constitutional position. But why should we suffer like this.

CM has taught by this beautiful eg of throwing His only book into the Ganges- that we are simply meant for the enjoyment and service of the devotees and we will pay any cost to please the devotees-= w will accept any sacrifice, endure any hardship or tribulation, give up what is most dear to our live s to please the devotees- What do we get in return - we should we expect one thing in return - more service. After enduring such hardship for the pleasure of Krishna and His devotees we should expect only one thing- the opportunity to give more and more and more for the rest of eternity that is Krishna Consciousness - that is love that is the price of Krishna.

Bhaktya mam abhijanati ...... it is only  by this type of unalloyed devotion that Krishna can be understood as He is- that is the payment- Krishna will not accept any counterfeit payment of any other sort.

How can we practice this high ideal given our condition?
 But it is so frustrating because in our hearts this so far way- there is so many lusty desires, envy, too much pride- we expect so much- how can we ever approach- but Krishna's grace is very powerful as explained in this verse - that simply by rendering Ds , by simply aspiring with this goal in mind with enthusiasm and patience, simply serving the Lord and His devotees, chanting His Holy Names, praying for this humility Krishna by His causeless grace reveals this most precious treasure from withim. So let us always aspire- pout aside our own conditioned desires to associate with Krishna's devotes, to serve them and to chant the Holy names Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.....
This is actually all what CM taught us nitya siddha.... udoya- the love of God is within the heart of all living being, just associate with His devotees, make the order if Guru your life  and chant the HN's that is all that is reqd then love of God will awaken in your heart. That brahmacari he underwent so many severe austerities - his whole life he was celibate and fasting - but until he was grateful and humble to receive the chastisement of the Lord he was not given entrance into Love of God. Saci Mata although she was the mother of SPG until she humbled herself with great sincerity and she took the dust of the feet of the vaishnavas on her head she was not given love of God.,So let us aspire for this and let us unite on this principle of being  servant of the servant and blissfully chanting His HNs.


How can we find out what offenses we have committed? 
When Madhai became a devotee, he fell at the feet of Nityananda Prabu and begged His forgiveness, but was still feeling too much pain in his heart- he approached NP on another occasion and said that You have forgiven me,but I have committed offenses to countless living entities- I dont know who they are- How can I beg forgiveness from them and be forgiven by them. NP told him that you have to please Krishna and the way you cna do this - with your hand you take the humbl position of building built a ghat at the Ganges and everyone who comes you bow down at his Lotus Feet andtake the dust from his feet and with a sincere heart beg that please forgive me for any offenses I have knowingly or unknowingly committedagainst you..And Madhai did like this.

We in this age of Kali we are prone to commit offenses. First of all we must be extremely aware and careful that we must not commit any other offenses, offenses that we have knowingly committed we must beg for forgiveness sincerely and serve that devotee we have offended. And for those we do not know we may have done we should be a humble encouraging servant of all Vaishnavas - this will please Krishna and chant the HNS- Hare Krishna Hare Krishna.....

We know from BG that realized devotee does not hanker or lament, but in order to become sorry for a mistake there is some lamentation?
Devotees are hakering for service , Gopis are hankering for Krishna and when he left they were lamenting so much. Krishna says brahma bhuta prasannatma.... when you reach that state where you do not hanker or lament for any material thing then you can enter bhakti- when you have stopped hankering and lamenting for your material desires- we should not hanker or lament for any personal SG, but we should lament any offense against Vaishnava and always hanker for any service to any Vaishnava.

Should we lament that we have wasted time or not been sincer enough?
We have just sung the song by NDT... " manusya janama bhaya radha krishna na bhajiya....""Xlation" - My life Oh Lord Hari I have simply spoiled- not served my Lord, no love for You, purposefully drunk poision- this is how the greatest acaryas have prayed to teh Lord- they are lamenting that they have not given their complete hearts to Krishna.

this is how the acaryas pray. HDT thought he was so wrteched, so sinful but still the Lord hari allowed him to chant- bvecause he was thinking like this he could chant so purely- devotees should lament and hanker always in this way.

je anilo preme dhana acarya thakur.... always hankering for the association of devotees- Ramamnda Raya when he was asked by CM about suffering he said to be without the association of devotees is the only suffering- tonight we have so many devotees are we grateful to Krishna for that.

To be in the association of devotees- to chant the HNs,to dance, hear Krishna Katha is the most precious gift in the world- the most intimate expression of Krishna's love that He has given to us- so we should hanker for these opportunities - if we have to stay at home hen there is a nice satsang we should weep cry that we are missing it.

So let us celebrate this great occasion by giving our humble obeisances to Nathji Prabhu, Maithili Priya Mataji ...for making these wonderful arrangements so. that we could all come together  to chant the Holy Names of Krishna.