Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who is Krishna and how can I feel Him?

Krishna is the all-attractive object of your soul's love. Every living being is seeking pleasure. The essence of pleasure is the pleasure of love,we need it.Without loving someone and being loved by someone life is very empty and superficial. The origin of love is the soul's love for God and God's love for that soul. We are attracted to someone who is beautiful, someone who is powerful, learned, famous, renounced and someone who has wealth. These are opulences which attract our heart. The name Krishna means he possesses all opulence in full. He is the source of all beauty, all strength, all knowledge, all wealth ,all fame and all renunciation. His love for the soul is unlimited and unconditional. This is Krishna. He is our eternal Father, our eternal Mother, our eternal Friend, our eternal Lover and we could feel him through the path of bhakti.

Bhakti is the process God has given us in which we could feel Him 24 hours a day. Krishna is within our hearts, Krishna is within the heart of every living being, Krishna is in and between every atom through His various energies. But ultimately the source of everything is that Divine Person, that all powerful, all loving, all attractive Person who we are eternally longing to be reunited with. Bhakti Yoga means to be reunited with our source, with God - through acts of devotion - by remembering Him,by hearing about Him, by chanting His Names and His glories,by praying to Him, by worshipping the deity, by rendering service to Him , to His devotees and all living beings. These are ways by which we could always feel the presence of God.

Lecture: Chetana-Power of Sound Vibration