Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What happens to those who chant without understanding the Holy Name?

The Holy Name is like fire. If a little baby who does not know anything about fire touches fire what happens?If the chief fire marshal of Mumbai touches fire, what happens? Same thing, they both get burned, because fire burns.
So even if a person does not know anything about they Holy Name, if they hear the Holy Name and if they chant the Holy Name, there will be a powerful spiritual effect.

Srila Prabhupada our Gurudev tells a story about his Gurudev who was giving a lecture at a particular place and two newspapers publiched articles.One was praising the devotees and the other was seriously criticizing the devotees. When Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur read both artciles he said, "This one is much better" and it was the one that was criticizing the devotees. The devotees asked, "How is this better?". He said ,"The first one is praising but it only says the name of Krishna only once.This one is criticizing has the name of Krishna so many times. So whoever reads it is hearing the name of Krishna." When you read, reading is sound vibration. It is the written word, you read it, but in your mind its a sound. They are hearing Krishna's name so many times , how much they will feel connected and purified.

But as we make some spiritual progress then at that point our attitude, our character, our sincerity -Krishna reciprocates with that. The Holy Name is always pure, but our attitude accesses the grace of the Holy Name very much so.

Lecture: Chetana-Power of Sound Vibration