Monday, October 6, 2014

Although Seeing Jarasandha could not fathom Krsna - HH Radhanath Swami

17 times consecutively Jarasandha got massive armies and Krsna delivered them all. Now one may ask why didn't  he have the intelligence- he has been defeated 17 times and every time he has been insulted- OK  you go now- we do not need you here. Because that is the nature of envy- when you have envy you loose your intelligence- logic, rational and philosophical conceptions, they vanish. WE learn to justify anything. These 6  anarthas- lust, anger, arrogance, envy, greed. They put us in such an illusion that we lose our intelligence. dhyayato visaya pumsam- When we fall prey to these anarthas our intelligence is lost. We lose the memory of what really is for my well being and what isn't. Sometimes we see when people are intoxicated , they do things they do that they never do when they are intoxicated. They lose their sense of judgement. Things like anger, lust, envy, they are like an intoxication. , like a cloud. So he wasn't seeing that Krsna is better than me. He an Balarama singlehandedly have annihilated my army 17 times. He was convinced that he was going to defeat Krsna. It was just his karma- some technicality why he was losing and he was thinking he was right and Krsna was bad- Kamsa was a nice person and Krsna unfairly defeated him. He was rationalizing Kamsa being good and Krsna being evil. These anarthas like envy they cloud, so that you cannot see anything rationally, and so often people in world history we find that when they get this power and this arrogance and they are infatuated by it and when they fall prey to things like anger and envy then they think they can get away with anything and can cause massive damage to the entire planet. The worst evil that has been done ti this world by dictator jarasandha are always rationalized and justified for the good. Hitler - he  was convinced he was cleansing the earth. How could he not see it, the screams, the torture, the death- his heart was so hardened by that arrogance and envy.

After 17 times Jarasandha gathered the 18th army, to attack the enemy. Meanwhile Kalyavana was born for the purpose of fighting the yadus, had supernatural abilities to fight.......

Around 37:56
Mucukunda- nice king, no problems in his kingdom. Demigods attacked by asuras could not withstand their strength. They approached Mucukunda for help- he was sucha selfless person- knowing them to be Krsna's devotees- he fought to protect the devas for a long long time- asuras could not defeat the devas as long as he was protecting them. Eventually Kartikeya was born of Parvati and Siva . Thus the devas had their own general and they told him we do not require your service anymore and we want to offer any benediction you like. The devas were extremeley grateful
Mucukunda understood what he was doing- the sacrifice he made. The devas told him because you have been fighting in our abodes, you have been in our time zone and you have been fighting so long and in our time zone you could live so long- but you should know that in the time that you have fought all your queens, all your children, all your ministers and everything you had its all gone, by the power of our time- everything that was dear to you have all died- generations after generations have died. Now he has done his service and it was not that he could go home to his family, nothig existed that he had and no one. So that was his willingness to protect Krsna's devotees the devas- they said bec you have made such a sacrifice we would like to give you a benediction. wE can give you anything in this world the only thing we cannot give you is liberation- bcause only Vishnu can give liberation.

So Mucukunda - he had good realization of the nature of this material world- everything that was dear to him was lost- but he did not sleep for years and years and years- that was his devotion and sacrifice- he put his heart into it- defending the devas without sleeping - guarding defending- if he went to sleep something could go wrong.This is how meticulous he was in his service- now that he did not have to do it anymore , it was all catching up to him.. When you are really in the passion of getting something done- you do not realize what is happening to your body- now that his service was finished he was really feeling tired in his body- he had not slept in ages.

He told the demigods that if you want to give me any benediction just give me the benediction that I can go to asleep and if anyone tries to wake me up they will burn to ashes.

 Why will anyone want a benediction like that?
For a couple reasons. One, he really wanted to sleep - in this world there is always someone who wants to wake you up. He wanted to make sure that of anyting happened with Kartikeya Indra would come to him and say Mucukunda we need you again- but now there is now way Indra would bother him again- they would be burned to ashes- he was assuring himself of good sleep.

But ultimately, he was truly a devotee of the Lord , Krsna in his heart had a purpose to serve through him. This is Krsna's lila- he hasked for this incredible benediction because Krsna wanted him in the SB teaching us great lessons. So Krsna knew His beloved devotee Mucukunda was sleeping and He wanted to wake Him up. He wanted to honor the demigods benediction. Wanted to wake him up because he was His dear devotee.

Kalyavana- Mucukunda. How to get rid of someone like Kalyavana?
Mucukunda is asking beautiful prayers to Krsna telling Krsna who he is and what his past is- beautiful prayers- because in these prayers- Mucukunda is describing the nature of the world because now Krsna is offering him any benediction and Krsna can offer him every type of liberation. Mucukunda is already seeing the power of time- everything that was near and dear to him was washed away by the waves of time. The greatest kings, sitting on enormous elephants best of weapons, mystic powers, - just a matter of time, the power of kala that the person will be eaten by worms- great body will be a pile of ashes. Nothings lasts . The illusion is that things are going to last for a long time- in the estimation of eternal time this little flash of a lifetime is insignificant- even in satya yuga where lifetimes was a 100k years last for a long time , even that is such a small life, Lord Brahma 311 trillion years - life is a little flash- what to speak of us in kali tyuga at most we can live a 100 years. SP wanted us to be healthy so that we can utlize this body for DS and he wanted us to be happy doing it. But the balance
of finding and giving that happiness of living in this world for Krsna's service must always be balanced with the focus on what is beyond this tiny little lifetime. Bec the human birth is especially meant to invest in our eternal future. Mucukunda is expressing the value of this human life- its the time we can awaken the eternal soul- a time where we can reconnect with the true self, beyond birth and death, But unfortunately the world of maya is so powerful and complicated that even while having this human form of life we become so entangled. Even people fall in the illuison that they are very learned and powerful they are constantly being conquered by their mind and senses. Janasya Moho aham mameti - this body , those people in reln to this body are my family and those things in relation to this body are mine. and living in this conception moment after moment human life will lose opportunity after opportunity and inevitable death will come. what have we gained. Human life really begins when we seriously make the commitment tot he path of self realization. Sp a poem he wrote in VRidnavan- he is looking at the great personalities of history who made a mark in this world- what to sepak of everybody else. In his history how many people have  a made a mark in this world. In some of the books, most prominent people and after a while they are forgotten. The most there is a , is a list of names , Nothing is left of the greatest conquerors, philosophers and prophets of this world, whether you become a multi billionaire or whether you become world famous still all that is left is a name- there is not even connection with your soul to all the things you left behind anymore. So mucukunda , Krsna's offering Him any benediction - this is his meditation - whats the use and we find that the only blessing He asks Krsna is to serve Him, let me completely take shelter of you and let me engage in your loving service.