Thursday, October 10, 2013

Protect Yourself by chanting Holy Names

05-022-Protect Yourself by Chanting Holy Name (Mumbai)-SB_5_6_4-dt_05_03_20

nityaṁ dadāti kāmasya cchidraṁ tam anu ye ’rayaḥ
yoginaḥ kṛta-maitrasya patyur jāyeva puṁścalī

An unchaste woman is very easily carried away by paramours, and it sometimes happens that her husband is violently killed by her paramours. If the yogī gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it, his mind will give facility to enemies like lust, anger and greed, and they will doubtlessly kill the yogī.

These words by Srila Sukadeva Goswami are of primary significance for those on the path of yoga.The actual meaning of yoga is to control the mind and what is the perfection of yoga man mana bhava mad bhakto- to always think of Krishna . Of all scriptures, rules regulations and teachings are meant to serve the primary essence which is to always Remember Krishna and never forget rishna. This remembering is the function of the mind. ant kae ca mamaeva , yam yam vap smaran bhavan- what we remember at the time of death is what we will attain. If we remember Krishna at the time of death that is what we will attain. Therefore in the Vedic civilization from the beginning of life one is taught how to train the mind.

The min is flickering
Because  the mind by nature is very flickering , very easily disturbed. The mind wants to wander into the realm of dictations of the senses. That is the very conditioned nature of the conditioned soul. How to curb that tendency and direct the mind in such a way that it will elevate us rather than degrade us. Human society there is unlimited influence to degrade our minds, to drag our thinking process towards egoistic selfish sense gratification. Therefore the mind must be trained to say no to those dictations and as a positive alternative to fix itself on those words, activities which bring about purification. The mind is to be controlled through the intelligence. Intelligence has a very important function- it is the function of giving the mind the proper information to make the right choice. what life really is from the time of birth to the time of death is a series of momentary choices and according the the choices we make we will either be elevated or degraded. every choice we make at every moment will either karmically bind us to passion or ignorance or bring us closer to God. This is what training the mind is about- moment after moment after moment the intelligence guiding the mind to make the right choice. When the mind contemplates the objects of the senses lust develop.s This is the system of how material nature works in a human being. It is infallible, no exceptions. This is how it works. When one contemplates the objects of the senses this contemplation is the function of the mind. It is not something you can see, it is not something anyone knows about. Contemplation  Worshipping the Deity on the altar everything thinking you are a wonderful pujari, but your mind can be in a permit room. Really where are you. You are where your consciousness is. Contemplation is very subtle, nobody knows what you are contemplating,- very hidden , very private- contemplation of the mind.

According to what we contemplate will define the direction of the rest of our lives. While contemplating the object of the senses lust develops.what is lust , it is a subtle energy  lust isn't the object of the senses, it is not the act- it is the disposition of the mind, When lust enters and takes control of the mind then we act accordingly. Arjuna asks Krishna - why is an intelligent person forced to act immorally. Good person dragged to engage in sinful activity. Krishna very boldly replies - kama ese krodha ese- he doesn't explain in a flowery way- he says it is lust only the deadly sinful enemy which later transforms to wrath. Three gates lead to hell- lust, anger and greed. These gates only lead in one direction to hell. When contemplation of the objects of the senses in the mind then lust develops . We strive to satisfy
 our lust on gross platform our subtle platform when it is frustrated it transforms into anger or wrath develops. What is anger- anger is not the act- acts is acts of anger. Anger is a disposition within the mind. You cannot see anger - you can see the manifestation  Contemplation, Lust, anger are very invisible things that are only within ones own mind, Only when you give way to these things can other people see them. You maybe raging with anger but you may not show it. When you surrender to it it is perceived outside to yourself. That is what happens. We surrender our minds in contemplating the objects of the senses, then we surrender to lust and when that lust is frustrated automatically that lust transforms to wrath- anger. Krishna continues that due to anger we become bewildered in memory. That means our intelligence - we forget- what is to be done and what is not to be done- we forget what is going to be the consequence if I engage in this type of activity. SP explains here and it is a very common thing in this world- when a wife is exploited by another man- sometimes the other man kills the husband and sometimes the husband kills the other man. It is the most common reason for murder in this world. Even years ago- I knew of someone whose wife was exploited by another man he went and shot that other man with a gun and he only got three years in prison. He didn't deny it- there was no question he did it. and he only got a few years in prison. because the jury understood that this man went insane- psychologically he was a fit person. But because that type of violation to one's lust frustration to one;s lusty propensities is so powerful they understood he is not really a bad person. He just gave in to anger. Hare Krishna.

So this is the power of anger- to lose our memory of what we have been taught and what is the reaction and from such loss of our memory intelligence is lost. That is the end . We lose the power to discriminate we are totally controlled by our lower nature and we fall down to the material pool. From the very beginning we must curb this deadly sinful enemy and how to do that. yato yato niscala ati manas cancalam. Wherever the mind focuses with our intelligence we have to bring it back to the right contemplation and right activity.

Bring the mind 
BG  declares just like a boat on a water is swept away by the strong wind- even one of the senses the mind focuses on can carry away the intelligence of a man. Krishna explains what is intelligence tani sarvani samyamya - one who restrains the senses and fixes the consciousness on me is known as  a man of steady intelligence. To restrain the senses is one of the most difficult things that a person can possible do. People can run for President for on of the powerful nations of the world- raising economic standard, conquer other countries, political parties. But the person cannot restrain senses. Usually these things don not come out. Prev days it will come out after the person died. Couple generations ago, media had some ethics " we shouldn't disgrace him, he is doing good work" even of they knew they would never say. Now we know about it in the histories. 

But today as Kali Yuga progresses, just the mentality of fly is becoming very prominent esp in media.The rest doesn't really involve the public it is his own karma. But today one may do many incredible things but on incorrect thing then the fly of the media...............You can conquer entire nations all oppositions but very difficult to restrain the senses. There is only one way to restrain the sense that can have any continuity by fixing the mind on Krishna.rasavarjam raso pyasa 

Human life is meant for austerity
It is is very difficult to fix the mind unless we have the higher taste. Human life is meant for austerity- means even if it causes trouble  great pain, even of there is no higher taste- we will do the right thing and gradually the higher taste awakens. Being a neophyte devotee is a difficult situation, because to try to give up mental and physical SG is very very arduous  if we are not experiencing a higher taste it is very difficult. A neophyte does not always get the higher taste sometimes we get the hints of the higher taste which can keep us going for our entire life.Sometimes even the hints aren't there. Its like you are in a desert. Maya is presenting fresh poisonous cool water. She is convincing you it is nutritious nectar-Krishna says in BG what tastes like nectar in the beginning is poison in the end and vv. This is actually intelligence to know that what tastes like nectar in the beginning is poison in the end. How many enjoy drinking poison? Poison does not always taste good, by the mercy of Radha Gopinah and the vaishnavas we can get some taste of really nectar. Whether we are tasting the sweet ecstacy of Holy Name we chant with full attention. Whether we are tasting the sweet nectar of the Sb are not we read and hear SB. Whether we can see the three fold bending form we still come and offer our obeisances before the deity.

An idle mind is a devils workshop.In the Bible , before Jesus began his mission of preaching- he was tested in the wilderness by satan- who was giving him so many offerings gross and then he offered him prestige, fame power. He offered him to be the king of the entire world. Jesus "Said get out from here. I never want to see your face". The temptations- Maya will present so many temptations. Therefore to overcome them with sustainability we have to fill our mind and senses with purifying spiritual activities whether it feels good or not, it tastes good or not- it is very important we are busy. Because if our lifestyle is idle then our mind unless we are very strong in our realization our mind becomes very affected. SP was preaching to people who controlling the kind was ever even a thought they considered in their lives. Western Civilization very much is about in its modern context of enjoyment the more you become a slave of your mind and senses- eat drink smoke have sex animalistic. If you go to the colleges in the west- SG is the life of an animal people become offended - we want to e animals. They actually want to be animals. For them it is liberation to be an animal- some may say in a more sophisticated way but that is what it means. Therefore we should keep very busy. Unless we are on a very advanced platform of KC, the mind is an unchaste wife. The senses and their objects there are so many paramours  when the mind focuses on enjoying the sense objects then we should understand that the mind is unchaste wife enjoying others. This is the evaluation of SG Krishna is speaking through him to enlighten the world. One who is a yogi, wants to make spiritual progress- what is the result- this is very strong/. Pls be very careful when you listen to this its too strong - When the mind is allowed to associate with the paramours of the senses and their objects, the mind gives facility to the enemies of lust, anger and greed, they will doubtlessly kill the yogi- for sure- its not if or maybe its for sure doubtlessly the yogi will be killed if we allow the unchaste mind to associate with the paramours of lust, anger and greed three gates that lead to hell. What does it mean kills the yogi?- it means that he is no longer yogi- that consciousness of being a yogi is dead- it kills your spiritual consciousness. Bhakti Yoga is the most sublime process of yoga because only in Bhakti yoga the Lord gives such wonderful ways to immerse the mind and senses in wonderful thoughts and spiritual activities.

The Higher Taste
I remember taking years ago taking a Zen Buddhist meditation course. learning to meditate between the crack between the wall and the floor- wasn't very exciting. Another teacher - on meditating the experience of the third eye- imagination, on a flame or a leaf get everything else out of your mind just that. So some people do that it is very difficult  Meditate on something impersonal- Krishna tells in Gits- that this process to meditate on something impersonal is very difficult for personalities- it is really against our nature to meditate on nothing. But in KC Krishna has personally descended into this world to give us such immensely wonderful vibrant alternatives to mediate on. Beautiful forms of the duties dressed differently everyday. So many festivals with different decorations on the altar. Devotees are finding great satisfaction..........some difficult situations no food- eating horse food, no toothpaste, hardly any sets of clothes, what id they have, but when the curtains opened- every devotee knew every detail of the outfit of the deity because there was not anything to meditate on. They knew the details of the outfit, the name of the outfit. I can still remember those outfits. When the curtains would open people would faint to see the Deities and talk about it all day and so many wonderful philosophy , people who are philosophically inclined KC is the greatest SG. SP paraphrases all the great philosophers of our Sampradaya esp JIva goswami - when you read his book tattva sandarbha the thing that will strike you, I already know all these things but he presents in such a simple and palatable way that a common devotee knows all these things even if he is not a philosophers.

Engagement for everyone
 So if you like to indulge your mind in philosophy how deep and how profoundly you can speak on the philosophy of acintya bhada abheda tattva for the rest of your lives. Krishna pastimes- stealing butter, afraid of his mother, Dwarka lila, Mathura Lila, Some devotees ksatriya by nature their lives are all about Narsimha Deva. One devotee he does puja for hours for - he decorates Narsimha Deva. Radha Gopinath we give kadamba, flowers, peacocks, flutes. He decorates Narsimha Deva with swords, axes, bows and arrows, diamond studded chakras to cut of demons heads and ruby studded knives. Every type of weapon you could imagine- and just to dovetail contemporary things I have seen him give narsimha deva machine guns and karate weapons nam chuks. Narsimha deva has ten arms - every arm has a fresh weapon. Krishna has performed such incredible lila and unbelievable services to render. Preaching is one of the occupying service- you really have to engross your mind- just repeat the message of God- it consumes so much of your consciousness and attention that Sense Gratification doesn't exist. there is not time. SP would send people on book distribution you are convincing somebody to do something they do not want to do- praying to Supersoul in their heart to give you the inspiration- its like samadhi, why? - if we understand the nature of the kind and we understand the results and reactions of not proper controlling the mind- then we will take shelter of the process of devotional service,We will be enthusiastic internally and externally and of all ways of completely subduing the mind the most powerful is nama kirtan. - the Holy Name in every situation we could call out Krishna's name whether we are responding to the call of nature.
.... or whether in a taxi, train, wherever we may be laying in bed- we cannot do so many things- we can necessarily worship the deities, preach but somehow or other fill the mind with harinam.

 If we allow our mind to associate with the paramour of lust they will doubtlessly kill our propensities. The enemies are attacking- are we going to surrender to our enemies they are not coming to protect us but to kill us but in that state take shelter of the Holy Name. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna..... and as we become more and more conditioned in training the mind to just always be turning to Krishna and his name then we are liberated, because ultimately if we are sincere who is within in name, bhagavatam deity - Krishna will protect us. To always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna is the ultimate goal of our lives. trnad api sunicena- without practicing this verse it is impossible to qualitatively chant the Holy Names . Krishna reciprocates with the quality of our chanting. Lets put this verse on the string of the Holy Names and chant the holy Name.s