Tuesday, October 29, 2013

HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Maharaja - Varnashrama Seminar -06 Grhastha Seminar

BVPS 1997-12-02 Varnashrama Seminar-06 Grihasta - Mayapur

I will give a little bit of a synopsis, some aspects of what we discussed before.

First point we have to understand where culture comes from that is very important- then it makes it more easy to accept and understand the vaishnava culture. Basically speaking there is only the culture of the spiritual realm,    everything in the material world is a reflection or perversion of that culture. That means things that are in reln with scripture they are those aspects of behavior that brings are closer to that spiritual culture. Those things that go against the scripture, that is activities that take us farther away from Krishna's culture. Krishna says in BG that everyone follows His path there is only one path-you can go towards Krsna or away from Krsna.There is not many paths- no other option.

If we can understand the activities of the vedic culture specifically the gaudiya vaishnava culture then we can go all the way to Krishna- but if we don't understand and we are following to some degree- then to whatever degree we are following then we can get to different destinations between here and Krsna. If we maintain too much material desire then we will have to spend time in heavenly planets. IF we have a desire for control, for knowledge or great attachment for renunciation then we will find ourselves on the mahar jana tapa satya lokas planets. We can become Lord Brahma. But if we don't want to waste time in that millions or trillions of years as Lord Brahma then we must be careful to understand our own culture and devotional practice.

How to understand how our posn within the speifc ashramas connects with our progress BTG. This means we have faith in the instructions of the acaryas- they know the culture of the spiritual realm and out tof that culture they know what is useful for us to follow- they have picked some and left some. We must have faith that what they have picked for us will actually helps us go BTG.

This means that in the spiritual realm the qualification is love for krsna- that gives us our spiritual form. In the material world- depending on our condn nature that gives us our form. The cond nature has nothing to do with our spiritual nature. But since we are condn we have to deal with that nature- without being attached to that nature. We maybe hungry - we have to deal with it while doing service. But we are not attached to eating, we will eat in connection with Krsna - take Krsna prasads- the taste we get out of eating is not the material senses but it is the taste of Krsna prasad that what Krsna has tasted. If we understand this then we can understand what Varnashrama gives us easily. We will perform the proper activity for the proper situation we will not be bewildered. Following of the rules and regulations we are doing that bec we do not have love for Krsna- by following the rules here that will awaken our natural love for Krsna- Rules and reg have been given acc to our condn  nature.

Difference between the intelligence of men and women
We also discussed - psychology of how the intelligence works between men and women works there is a slight difference.In intelligence we have knowledge and the power of discrimination - the latter is most important in intelligence. Two sides of the brain- one side deals with emotions, the other deals with the analytical aspects. Men work with one side and the other - never both they may switch back and forth but its always on one side or the other. Women both sides constantly work there may be more emphasis for one side or the other- this gives strengths and weaknesses to both parties.

For the men their strength is if they look at something especially philosophical -they can look at it purely analytically  without emotion -and say this is right this is wrong- reject the wrong. their weakness is if they are emotional they don't actually analyze the situation. they just see what is the emotion and they move in the realm of the mind and go that way. Therefore they will do so many things- take an ism, take an issue and completely take it up without thinking what gain or loss may come or they become interested in sense gratification and absorb themselves without thinking of the consequences.

Whereas women, we see their strength is in the mood of a mother, means in the mood of mother- then the emotions are running at the same time one can analyze what is the best situation for dealing and helping others. In the realm of emotions they can see what is the proper thing to do. Like we can see in the realm of the house they can decide the furniture is like this , the colors are like this put this here , there, etc - that is their expertise.

Or we can see the child is crying-bec of the emotions the natural affection is there at the same time they
can analyse oh the child is hungry, tired, something is bothering them. Men cannot do that. Because of their emotions they feel they should do something for the child, but in that emotional state they cannot analyze what is wrong. If they try to analyze it then they would think- "what would I do with this anyway- its crying, its wet- like that" that is the strength of women . The weakness is then when trying to purely analyze a philosophical subject or a practical situation one gets caught between understanding the situation this is correct, this is the philosophy this is correct- but also the emotion "Oh but what about this, someone may say that, this one may feel this". then we discussed the proper training about the boy and girl.

Boy is trained in Brahmacarya and in how to care for others, to be sensitive to other's feelings and need. The girl is trained in chastity and to be satisfied in whatever the father, the husband or the son provides. With the combination of two such persons we see there is a natural match. The husband will be thinking what does the wife require and the wife will be satisfied with whatever he can provide.Then they can live very peacefully together.

If we don't have this training boy will not be sensitive and the wife will be wanting more than the boy can provide. The problem comes is that both will think the problem is the other one. those who are not first class but second class in their traning they think the partner is the problem instead of thinking "Maybe I am not acting properly"

Therefore Vedic Culture stresses so much on the protection of women and the protection of the Brahmacaris.11:55

HH Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami Varnashrama Seminar 01- Brahmacarya

From the lecture 
BVPS 1997-10-07 Varnashrama Seminar-01 Brahmacarya - Mayapur

We will start from the platform of the first ashrama Brahmacarya=- to understand  function well in the varnashrama we need to understand the total system- else we will not know where we are and what part we are playing. Varnashrama is situated upon the body of the Supreme Lord- that means we are functioning within the realm of the Lord's hands, arms, legs , then the whole body can properly function. Starts within understanding what is Brahman. Brahmacarya means who is following the path of understanding Brahman. a Brahmacari is not a piece of orange cloth, or a large well combed, oiled sikha, kavacas, nice fancy border - this is not a brahmacari- bec it means a consciousness-which means  the ability to understand what is matter, what is spirit and who are we.

There are different levels of consciousness

Anna maya - platform of the mind , the senses, anything we can perceive and deal with the senses- arts, science... and of course eating sleeping mating and defending

Prana Maya- being able to understand that others also have life- This means we have to be able to work with others- recognize others exist they have desires, needs, and our attempts to get our needs and desires met cannot conflict with others. from this platform comes economic development, material justice- anything where one person has to deal with others.

Mana Maya- platform of religious principles- it also means jnana because there is knowledge- but this knowledge is the knowledge that the mind has affinity for. Bec the mind likes following of this principles. Where we say mind is going crazy means there is no standard to connect it to, thinks anything - all social principle san drules an regulations are meant to keep the mind peaceful If we let the mind go a little nbit- it runs away with the senses ... By the social rules and regulations the mind is controlled.This is the platform of dharma.

Vijnana Maya- we understand we are not the body we are the soul- this platform of the soul we view the the world- Brahma Bhuta platform- brahaman levelThis is the bottom level of transcendence. We know we are the soul but do not know we war the servant of Krishna.

Ananda Maya- To know we are spirit soul and servant of Krishna. and we are trying to serve.

Asuric Varnashrama and Daivi Varnashrama
If we look at this from the platform of Varnashrama these levels correspond to the levels of consciousness of the material varnasharama system. Asuric varnashrama- Following the rules and regulations of Varnashrama without God in the center. This is known as pravritti- the path of sense enjoyment. The jnanis, yogis, karmis bhogis all these kind of people. The other half is Daivi Varnshrama - God is the center of all religious principles. the path of nivritti.

Now we will see an interesting difference-

For Sudra is the platform of occupational activity is the senses because to do the arts you require the senses. Their situation is ann maya.

Vaishyas are in Prana maya- economics, justice- to make agovt  road- this is prana maya- your trucks have to go down, to make all this kind of things is prana maya

Next level of dharma that is the realm of the activity of the ksatriya- platform of dharma. First is kama, artha, then dharma 

Brahmana means that who knows brahmana.Brahman there are three levels-

  1. dvija- right to study perform vedic rites and sacrifices and learn the vedic knowledge. But he knows nothing. 
  2. Next level is vipra- one who has knowledge- he has studied vedic knowledge and has become expert- you also called them pandit 
  3. Next level-once they understand why, what is the goal of knowledge, what is it for - who is it for- when the realize it is for Krishna then they are vaishnava. So that means a vaishnava is automatically a brahmana- this means they have already done all these things in prev lifetimes- the basis is consciousness- that makes a vaishnava.- they have done all the varnashrama duties

Therefore sometimes you SP glorify the vaishnava or realized  Brahmana and sometimes you hear him talk about the useless brahamanas the smartas, so called vaishnavas in the dress of a vaishnava.
This is bec vaishnava mean consciousness not the dress-this must be kept in mind.

Culture of Vaishnavas is common
This creates a very interesting situation -the culture of the vaishnavas is common- same for everybody- bec everyone as a vaishnava is a brahmana and minimum the devotee is accepted as, though we may be doing the activities of a brahaman ,a ksatriya or a vaishyas or sudra  but it is all for the Lord  So then this creates a different situation we are dealing with the arms, legs, head of the Lord, the transcndeetal form of the Lord. 

Difference between asuric and daivi
The asuric Varnashrama is different parts of the Lord's manifestation as the universal form.
Even if the same rule is followed we sit in a  line to take prasad and the smarta do the same thing-the flavor of the two systems is different- bec one is the Xcendental form of the Lord, whereas the other is the material manifestation of the Lord;s energies.When we say something is smarta it means it is being done without the understanding of the Lord.
The smartas, the karmis, the jnanis the yogis do not know that the activities are to be done for the pleasure of the Lord while the devotees do. Bec in the mundane VA this understanding is not there. Therefore Prana maya is better than the anna maya, the vaishayas are better than the sudras, ksatriya are superior to vaishyas, brahamans are superior to the rest.Understanding brahmana is superior.

But the perfection is the vaisnava. Bec they do things for the Lord-therefore on the Lord's body it is not that one part is better than the other(e.g i will not touch the feet bec head is better)- In the daivi varnashrama system these things are not seen - we are looking at kanishtha , madhyam uttama and not what service they are done.

Vasihnavas culture is common not different like the asuric. But in the asuric varnashrama - one is better than the other and each have their own culture- ksatriya, sudra, vaishyas , brahmanas have the same culture as the consciousness is the same.

If we can understand the difference between the two systems - then when we can make it work. If we want to follow daivi varnashrama but if we follow a rule just as its a rule and dont know its connection with Lord then what is the difference between us and the smartas-. Bec the difference between any situation in the material world is simply consciousness, nothing- your consciousness is Xcendental you are in the spiritual realm and if your consciousness is material you are in the material realm.

8.4 million species is based on consciousness and our posn in varnashrama is also based on consciousness.

Why do we need varnashrama?12:00minutes.
Problem because of the condn nature. If we are Xcedental we simply hear about  the Lord we become immd devotees and act on the Xcendental platform, Eg Kumaras smelt the tulasi l;eaves they become self realized, SG hears the pastimes of Krishna and he became self realized. We have heard SB and have smelt tulasi leaves we may or may not have gotten self realized. This is bec of the condn nature- it takes some practice to change that- VA helps us get rid of condn consciousness- most essential point of VA- all rules and regulations are simply to destroy the material concept. e.g SP him or another small child- wanted to stick his finger in the fan, relatives told him no- uncle said first pull out of the plug and when it becomes slow then you can stick your finger......kid stuck his finger in the fan - it made a big noise, the child got his finger out and ran off never put his finger in the fan again

This is the purpose of VA- whether we are big big brahmacariss, mature grhasthas, realized vanaprasthas, dynamic sanyasis - the system is given so that you can put your finger in it and realize you are none of these.Thats what its for. The Vaishnava sees things as they are- but he is realistic also by looking at the system - this is what it is but we do not take it lightly.

This is the diff between the kanishtha and the madhyama adhikari- the kanishtha has difficulty finding the balance whereas the madhyama can find the balance. This means kanishtha not follow the rules- that is for fanatics or he will say they dont care so much. Neither of them understand what is the purpose. We have to understand the purpose , goal and how these things technically work. A vaishnava has the intelligence to understand. - at least we can understand we need to follow.

Varnashrama accommodates all kinds of people
VA must be followed- Vaishnavas to please Krishna, karmi wants some pious result- wealth , place in the heavenly planet. , jnani- wants subtle aspects of this-to be God, controller, yogi wants mystic powers. Devotees follow the rules to please Krishna. VA accommodating all kinds of people.

Within so many rules and regs in VA the acaryas have picked out those that will help us in DS. This means the ones that will get you to heavenly planets or get you into the brahman have been left. Those aspects of the culture that helps us elevate our consciousness and become pure devotees- Sanatana Goswami technical principles in HBV and further explanation by RG in NOD.Principles of sadhana bhakti and this VA are very much confirmed. Devotional activities our sadhana . We do activities according to our nature and this is our tradition. They are very much connected.

Questions on this topic? 18:50 minutes
If SP wanted VA  to be establish for society in general and if acaryas have cut of aspects of karma, jnan then what about those people who are interested in that?
Answer: SP was not interested in giving those, as those things are already going on, we need to touch how to develop our love for Krishna this is called Bhagavata Dharama. ... diff between the two system is consciousness..Only secondary rules have been left........ Those devotees who think those rules are for fanatics, we dont worry for the rules- If we would know what rules ahve already been dropped we would not soncider simply following SP.

Example- you breathe- by breathing we kill so many living entities , by driking water, sweeping, lighting fire , by walking by these activities alone much reaction has achieved- to free ourselves just from those we would have to do a yagna everyday, instead the acaryas have given us just chant hare krishna.

Example if you do not offer the shradha the pind, then all the forefathers go to helll and all those forefathers if no one is feeding them they get hungry- imagine one year not eating. So one will go to hell. What are we doing for that? We recognize Krishna is the father, the great grandfather, the grandfather- because of this by chanting and serving Krishna we are serving our forefathers. So when we say we just chant hare Krishna and o not need to follow the rules - one has to know what those rules mean- otherwise it is not enough to say we do not care about these rules and we will stay independent how we like-staying independent , aloof from everybody else.this is where kanistha has a problem when it comes to rules and regulations where i have to control oneself - they say i just chant hare krishna but when it comes to eating. sleeping , mating defending then I will do it the way I like. This is not a sign of advancement, but a sign of false ego. We cannot just pick and choose what we like.

Its like the goose with the Golden egg- very nice we get golden egg- the man thinks Ah! I will cut the back and keep that and throw the front - but then he sees that it got him nowhere. SP gives this example of we dont pick and choose the acaryas pick and choose and we follow what they have chosen for us. And those must be seen as RG has through our acaryas- not that we pick up the HBV- we have to know the mood and consciousness of following the rules.

since the principles are intact anyone can follow- If your consciousness is on the ananda maya then you get a Xtl result, if on the Brahmana platform- you can get that, if you want dharma, karma, artha, moksha you will get that.Whatever you want, you want you come to Krishna, follow the bhagavata dharma and not asuric because you are recognizing Krishna.Krishna will say you want this, take it- DS is anotehr question.  The system is not hard to follow it is easy.They think I chant Hare Krishna I get this- but we are saying you should understand you chant hare Krishna and go BTG.

Bhagavata Dharma gives all the stories if one who is following the dharma but consciousness is not pure- then whatever you think at the time of death that you will achieve. The life is a prep for death- what you do in life is what you will think at death.

Different levels of consciousness- the progression through them how does it work 
So basic principle is devotee is trying to situate himself on the platform of ananda maya- we have the condn of the other levels. If that was not there- we just meet the guru and he says chant 3 lakhs of  names and we chant three lakhs of names and then BTG. Bec we have the condn of the 4 levels of consciousness- therefore the principles of panchratrik system and daivi varnashrama are there to purify these habits.If that is how to approach it, this is the type of consciousness I have, this is the best situation for me, I follow these aspects of varna and ashrama. Therefore buddhi yoga- the yoga of the intelligence- bec you have to be intelligent to understand where you are situated  and also that I cannot fully understand I must take shelter f someone who can understand - therefore we must take shelter of others- develop that mood of taking shelter and surrender to Krsna.

Krsna just walked in the door right now what would you do - someone who knows Krsna on the Xcendental platform they immd relate to him according to their rasa- cowherd boy- immediately service is there. But what will we do- therefore sadhana bhakti to awaken our love for Krsna what he likes does not like- we don't know what he likes to eat, when how, he likes to wear dhoti and chaddar.

Without rules and regulations we will not know what kind of music he likes.we will know kartals, mrdanga sing in a certain way.

We have to address where our consciousness is at and get purified- we get purified when we do what Krishna likes. We have to learn these things- this is the purpose of VA- the devotional rules and regulations. Some say many paths but one goal -we say one path but many goals- wherever you want to stop on the path that is what you get. Therefore when we face Krishna we move there get him- we face Krishna and desire heavenly planets then we get that and if we don't face Krishna we go down- therefore the rules and regulations are there so that we face Krishna and move in that directions. So we have to be very very careful what we want- its not that we go through the bhakta program.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Who is a Vaishnava? -Part2

Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 7.4.33) Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami On Who Is A Vaishnava given in Mumbai in the year 2008.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08eUbk-TcpE

Audio File of the complete lecture with all three parts is linked here

You can read the transcript and get the link to the part 1 lecture here:
Who is a Vaishnava- Part 1(Prahlada Maharaja's Qualities)
Completely free from Unnatural pride
Even a beggar who has nothing is proud. The mind will think of something to be proud of. You are laying on the side of sewage ditch with others and a rat comes up you will say the rat is like me better than you-- your mind will think of something to be proud of. But here you find somebody who is wealthy- what happens when you are wealthy- so much power from your wealth- so many people ask favors and depended on you because of your wealth. Very learned very adept mind- to find solutions quickly to be able to cite different books, equations , aristocracy, beauty- Prahlada was very beautiful  so charming he attracted everyone because of his beauty. But he had no unnatural pride- If you put yourself in the center then you have to be proud of these things but if you put Krishna in the center you can never be proud.Krishna says in Gita whatever opulence you see in this world is only a spark of my splendor. Punar mushtika bhava- Krishna can make you a lion Krishna can make you a mouse. Nothing to be proud of . God is great and SB tells us how great is God. 
Overcome envy towards Vaishnavas
dhyayate visaya pumsam
dhyayate visaya pumsam
 Greed is a type of lust for money, envy is lust to hurt somebody, pride is lust for prestige and distinction, Anger is a lust for vengeance. Lust and then the flame is getting better- the warning signals are getting stronger we have to do something about it. But if we keep feeding it then lust becomes frustrated it gets converted anger. Anger is stirring in our heart. Are we going to do something about it- subdue it or divert that energy in a positive spiritual way - if not anger bewilders the memory- that means all the 100 and 100s of SB classes where we learned all the nice things and all the times we read the scriptures and all the prayers we offered, bewildered memory means means its not there at that time.
 When memory is bewildered intelligence is lost- we do things we know we are not supposed to do, but in that moment our intelligence just cannot discriminate and then we again fall down again in the material pool.
What is the solution?
 Most of all connect ourselves back to Krishna fill our minds with His Holy Names.Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.....it takes great determination." Unlike the other asuras he was never envious of vaishnavas"-
 So when the envy comes into our heart toward another vaishnava then we should not feed it, yes yes, and the mind contemplating more and more faults of that Vaishnava or do something, rather we should check it, we should understand this envy in my heart is an asura a demon- am I going to allow this asura to conquer me, to take me away from Krishna or am I going to fight this asura of envy. How do we do that? By really trying to appreciate that vaishnava, by philosophically understanding that if Krishna is empowering this Vaishnava if I am envious of him I am envious of Krishna, who am I to dictate to Krishna who he should empower and who he should not. We should feel Krishna is pleased , Krishna is conquered by one who feels joy in the success of others. Krishna is repelled , disgusted by one who is envious of the success of others. So whatever is there in our heart let us act according to what we should be doing , let us speak what we should speak- that will show our sincerity of not being an asura. Sorry about that .
He was not agitated when he was in danger"
"He considered everything material to be useless"
when I was on the airplane i saw news.-- throughout the ages India has been infamous for poverty- considered as a dirty poverty stricken place. Of the billionaires in the world- top ten- there are billionaires in the top ten from india than other places. America had two billionaires , India had 4. america was in the second place.That means India had twice as many billionaires than any other country in the world and most of them within Bombay.
So all these billionaires - PM is saying everything material is useless- bec they will lose it either in this life or next. All those millions can do nothing for the soul for anyone- but if you really understand what is useful our relationship with God and our devotion to God that is the only useful thing with permanence only thing that is real, then yukta vairagya- then we can use all those things in a useful way- millions of dollars- right purpose with proper consciousness then the thing itself is very useful. everything material or spiritual in this world is spiritual as RG explains. om purnam adah... how can darkness come out of the sun- only when you turn away from the sun there is darkness everything is Krishna's energy and if you looking toward Krishna and using Krishna's energy for Krishna's pleasure then everything is spiritual. But when we use things looking in the darkness of the shadow then it is material.
So for Pm everything material is useless  That means anything separated from Krishna is useless. Therefore he could use the whole kingdom and all the resources in useful ways in the service of God and what is the greatest service to God- to bring the souls closer to God- that is the mission of god. 
In the SB 3rd Canto it is described that the whole purpose of material existence to facilitate conditioned souls to go BTG.Thats the reason of creation. And all the suffering, heaven, hells, dualities, three modes is all just facilities- somehow or otehr it is whta condn souls need to go through to make the wise choice of going BTG.

He was completely free from this unnatural pride that might have risen from the good qualities he had- riches, beauty, aristocracy, high education and so on. This is a very very divine quality- you have everything but you are not proud. 

And although Prahlada was born in a family of asuras, he was not an asura- he was a great devotee.
Here is a very key sentence that may cause us to tremble. "Unlike the other asuras"- very strong language- these are the words of SP, SG, SG Narada Muni- so I feel bold enough to speak it."He was never envious of a vaishnava" What does that mean? Very powerful statement. Do you understand what that means? What are you if you are envious of a Vaishnava? Say it loud. I am hearing you say sura, please emphasize the first syllable. Acc to SB if you are envious of vaishnavas you are asura. How many f you have some envy towards another vaishnava in your heart. You maybe a vaishnava- everyone raised there hands that means they are asura- so if I am envious of them I am not and asura because they are not vaishnava- this is the way the mind justifies things. It is an asura quality. That envy is an asura quality- if this anartha esp the anartha of envy, lust, pride greed, illusion are also like sparks- if we are not very careful to monitor them to control them to subdue them- that takes effort- if you do not do that- that will grow.

 dhyayate visaya - in the beginning we contemplate the objects of the senses , we may contemplate envy, greed, or pride any of these things. From such contemplation attachment develops. From attachment if we don't curb it, if we don't monitor that spark it becomes a flame- it becomes lust- lust means a craving- we could just identify this at the physical level but on a subtle level all these things are lust.

 tani sarvani.... the solution is we must restrain our sense but simultaneously we must fix our consciousness on Krishna. We cannot just restrain our senses, can't just say no no no- we must say no but we must divert our attn to Krishna, keep ourselves busy in KC. Idle mind is a devil's workshop. When Maya attacks in this way in the very beginning at the time of contemplation and is it grows we should just start reading from Srila Prabhupada books start doing some active service to occupy our mind and senses.

Because he had faith in Krishna.

This is very interesting.Because he was 5 yr old but later he became king- kings have to deal with many materialistic things, he was ruling his whole race. He had a crown- Brahma put crown on Him- he had throne palaces and everything else. How can you be running a kingdonm when you think everything material is useless. Bec he was seeing useless from the perspective of what is of real value- there is only one thing of value- bhakti- neha bhrikaman sosti- any devotional service you render will never be lost. Anything else you earn will be lost- the more you earn the more you will suffer when it is lost.

There was another survey of the 25 dirtiest cities in the world- Bombay was number 7, how many of you think Bombay is cleaner than Delhi- Delhi was number 24. Calcutta is dirtier than Bombay? Your pride is finished- Calcutta was thoroughly examined it is not even on the list and Bombay is number 7 we are far filthier than Calcutta- what that has to do with class - I will try to figure out a connection but it was an interesting connection.

He was always controlled his senses and life airs and being of steady intelligence he subdued all lusty desires.

We must first of all have steady intelligence- comes by hearing regularly- sravana- first process of bhakti- hearing Hari katha- not hearing newspapers - we may get some info to use in Krishna's service but we should enjoy them- we should take inspiration in hearing about Krishna - hearing about bhakti- by hearing regularly our intelligence is steady- but with that steady intelligence determination is reqd to practice it no matter what- even when confronted by temptation danger threat, we should be determined- to be steady in our intelligence to make the right choices.

Recently in Mayapur, our God Brother Anutama a Pr defined the meaning of responsibility- Srila Prabhupada said we make advancement in Kc according to how we accept responsibility- so this is a very important word- how can you accept something if you do not know what it means. How many of us really know what responsibility means. He gave a very nice explanation - two words- Ability and response- so whatever comes in our life whether it is temptations from within or without -c confrontations from within or without how we respond is what will either elevate us or degrade us- our ability to respond in every possible situation in Krishna Consciousness - is how we make progress-. The choice that we make in every provocative situation in our life. Often times in lecture of marriage- we say don't worry about love because you don't know what love is- especially between a man and woman that is the most bewildering defn of love- bec it is based on physical features, personality traits, maybe theoretical astro compatibility  it maybe about attraction not love- but attraction is very much emotional and physical- what happens to that- how long does it last- few hours, few days, few years, but then familiarity breeds contempt and soon the attractions gone. The thrill of our reln that thrill is gone, forever. I start feeling some thrill is coming from somebody else now. Marriage is about Responsibility-love, affection, attraction may or may not be there, don't worry about it- what is going to keep people together and keep people happy together- is responsibility- our ability to respond to each other, to situations , to everything i a away that is pleasing to Krishna. Living in Brahmacari life- amazing thing is I see as much love between brahamcaris much more than husband wife not in terms of physical ,sexual, amorous but in terms of real responsibility- we have responsibility to each other.

Steady intelligence- determination- determination hear means in this sense really means responsibility - to be able to respond properly in every situation.

Srila Prabhupada in his purport , .... , a person is not qualified or disqualified by birth- it is a matter of how one takes these responsibilities to live by divine characteristics."From this verse we discover that a man is not qualified or disqualified simply by birth. Prahlāda Mahārāja was an asura by birth, yet he possessed all the qualities of a perfect brāhmaṇa (brahmaṇyaḥ śīla-sampannaḥ). Anyone can become a fully qualified brāhmaṇa under the direction of a spiritual master. Prahlāda Mahārāja provided a vivid example of how to think of the spiritual master and accept his directions calmly."

This is the key that opens the door to the Spiritual world- All of these virtues and divine qualities of PM are all built on the foundation of his accepting the directions of his SM.If we study the DNA and genes , coming from the semen of Hiranyakasipu - is a very dangerous situation and all the demigods- are greater scientists than anyone on the earth- they know how DNA, genes and how you adopt different qualities from the mother and the father- Like father like son, chip off the old block.

They are dealing with Hiranyakasipu and here comes another one- when he was away- like espionage they stole his wife- kept her in a prison of their control with the sole aim to murder the child when it was born. Narada Muni came and aid this child will be a great maha bhagavata- they trusted him- He preached to the mother and the embryos- PM in thw womb surrendered his life to the teachings of Narada Muni and gave all credit to him He was preaching to his father...............he said the best knowledge you have learned in school- "One who considers the body to be the self..... give up all your ignorance, you are in a dark deep well" Who are you to tell me that? "Give it all up and go to vrindavan" where did he learn this. When he was preaching to his friends - they asked him where did you learn. "He said everything I learned is from my Guru Maharaja 

Narsimha Dev came only for the pleasure of PM, liberated his father- PM asked with folded palms- I am an asura, born in the lowest, but due to the mercy of narada Muni, my Guru- that is my only qualification. SO PM under all circumstances, responsible- he responded to blasphemy- temptation of being king of universe, dangers of thrown in ocean, pits of snakes, fire- anyone if we see a little snake we run away- he was thrown into a pit of venous snakes- how did he respond by taking shelter of the direction of the spiritual master- he had that determination.

PM provided a vivid example of how to think of a spiritual master and accept his direction calmly. Srila Prabhupada had such great faith in this principle otherwise how could he go to the western world- there were no Brahmanas in the western world- he had complete faith that if one truly accepts the instructions of the Spiritual master on is a vaishnava greater than a brahamana- that is the main thing BSST - he was not allowed in the temples of vrindavan - he was ridiculed, blasphemed- because he was  giving brahminical initiation to those who were of lower caste- why did BSST and SP endure so much persecution because ofr that- because it is the truth. CM and AC gave the most exalted posn to HT. NDT was kayastha but was giving initiations to Brahamana s. The heart of a vaishnava is something very deep. Today is the disappearance day of Jagannath Das ?Babaji - he appeared in mid or late 1700s and in Bangladesh.

After he became a babaji he would spend half the year in Vrindavana and half in navadwipa- He lived at Surya Kund. Many beautoifu stories.We dont have so  much time- I will share a couple stories that will illustrate the principles of the verse that we read today. He lived over a 147 years.

BVT in trip to Vrindavan first met him and accpeted him as the Guru of his life. Even declared him to be the commander in chief of all the Vaishnava community. When JDB was in Bengal Amalgar- BVT visited him there and deepened the quality of the their association- BVT invited him to come to Navadwipa.
He was licing in Kuliya area- He was very old- servant named Bihrai- who was very strng- He would JDB on a bastket on his shoulder. Biharilala arranged for s simple but nice guest house to stay in- JDB said he would not stay in a guesthouse but was licing under a treee- BVT built him a bhajan kutir under the tree- some other wealthy people built some other little huts closeby for his disciples oteher babajis to live- JDB would love to go with BVT from village to village chanting the Holy Names- he did that the whole day- japa kirtana and serving the vaishnavas - that was his life and Soul.

One time in his hut he was doing madhukari- one street sweeper obviously sudra class  gave some roti so JDB and he very gratefully accepted it and ate it- Otehr Vaishnavas criticized it - what kind of vaishnava- he is taking food from a low class- they challenged him- why have you done this- grains cooked by street sweeper. JDB responded very boldly- " He said there is no higher purifictaion than the dust of Nava dwiapa Dhama- every grain of dust is more valuable that all teh wealth in Brahma's creaytion- we read in all the scriptures how purifying it is to roll eat and put the dust on their head. Street sweepers - all the time covered by dust of nava dwipa adhama - covering their bodies 24 hrs a day and are performing such menial service to Nava dvipa dhama therefore I have taken their rotis for my purification.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Who is a Vaishnava- Part 1(Prahlada Maharaja's Qualities)

Srimad Bhagavatam (SB 7.4.33) Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami On Who Is A Vaishnava given in Mumbai in the year 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uczzLNOWu4

SB 7.4.33

nodvigna-citto vyasaneṣu niḥspṛhaḥ
 śruteṣu dṛṣṭeṣu guṇeṣv avastu-dṛk
dāntendriya-prāṇa-śarīra-dhīḥ sadā
 praśānta-kāmo rahitāsuro ’suraḥ

Although Prahlāda Mahārāja was born in a family of asuras, he himself was not an asura but a great devotee of Lord Viṣṇu. Unlike the other asuras, he was never envious of Vaiṣṇavas. He was not agitated when put into danger, and he was neither directly nor indirectly interested in the fruitive activities described in the Vedas. Indeed, he considered everything material to be useless, and therefore he was completely devoid of material desires. He always controlled his senses and life air, and being of steady intelligence and determination, he subdued all lusty desires.

Develop character

Qualities of Sri Prahlada Maharaja are being summarized here. By studying them carefully we can truly understand what is a vaishnava. We may read volumes and volumes of philosophy  memorize many teachings and even have the power to speak in such a way that people are mesmerized. In these few verses of SB it is clear what is expected of us. What are the characteristicss that we must sincerely strive to live by in our lives.As CM has spoken one cannot really understand Krishna or how to love Krishna even by studying scrutinizingly all the various scriptures, but one can understand by observing the life of a pure devotee. Mahajan yen agatah- this is the path of perfection to follow in the footsteps of Mahajanas. Because this is the culmination of the essence of philosophy. This is where all the philosophy is trying to bring us to achieve - these personal qualities. These do not necessarily come by getting a position- temple president, counselor  sankirtan leader, GBC , guru anything but you will not necessarily adopt those qualities by having a position- it is these characteristics  that attract and please Krishna.They are not easily achieved. In fact if we study these verses describing Prahlada Maharaja it is very difficult but yet we must strive, pray , do our sadhana, study scriptures with the aim of developing these qualities. Narada Muni tells the qualities of Prahalada. He was completely cultured as a qualified Brahamana. SP has told us that this movement is especially meant to create a class of true brahmanas and for one who is a vaishnava all the real essential qualities of a brahamana are there even if he may not be performing all the activities of a brahmana. 

We must be determined to develop these qualities
Having very good character and determined to understand the absolute truth, having a learning, yearning, eagerness determination to understand the absolute truth. In school for most people- if they want to do well there has to be a determination to understand the subjects.When we read the books when we come to the classes, it should not just be because we are supposed to, it should not simply be for social purposes, to catch extra rest. We come to class with a determination to understand the absolute truth, if you are determined then you will be awake. To be determined means willing to fight all obstacles- that is the quality of determination.

Prahlada Maharaj's Qualities
"He had full control of senses and mind and he was kind to everyone"
It explains his relationship with others.How and all of these qualities can only take place in a person who is not envious or at least the beginning stages of not acting out of the influences of envy that may be lurking within our hearts.

 To respectable persons PM acted like a menial servant.
Very interesting- he is the fav son of the king, usually some in that posn is naturally very proud. But he was willing to serve them in any way- menial servant does not discriminate between high, low, prestigious or something people would criticize you if you do. Menial servant means that you will do whatever to please that person.

"To those who were poor,PM was like their father"
- very profound- a father doesn't just give something in charity- a father really cares- if your child is sick- does he say here is some medicine.A father really cares wit his heart for the welfare- extend himself and make sacrifices. PM saw every poor suffering person as his own son. He himself was only 5 years old.
This was the standard of his devotion. Practically everyone who was poor was old enough to be his father-
but he was seeing them as his own children- why because he had something help them to serve them.
Its not just about money. Its about respect also.We read about SP when he was living in the bowery- ghetto of Manhattan island. There were people who were really really poor, not only poor economically but poor in every sense of morality. They were alcoholics, drug addicts, sleeping on the roads and nothing due to their addictions they lost everything they had- completely totally rejected by the whole society.

Srila Prabhupada's example- gave people a sense of dignity and value
SP had less money than they did. He had practically nothing but yet, he was intoxicated with Krishna's love- he would walk among them he always showed respect, honor them. He was the only person who gave them respect or honor. They would open the door for him to reciprocate with him. they would not do that for anyone. He was giving them a sense of dignity-  when you give someone a sense of dignity you are actually giving them the strength to give up their bad habits and improve themselves. Just give them money you are not really helping them very much. Because the medicine, money, food is not going to give them the strength to overcome their suffering. But if you give them a sense of dignity then you can give them a sense that their life has a value, there is something in me that is good- I don't see it, nobody sees it, but this person sees it so it must be there. That gives the strength to overcome so many obstacles, to come out of Maya and attain Krishna. PS was like a father. PM 5 years old was also like a father. He respected everyone, he gave honor and dignity to everyone- How is that possible? 

SP's giving dignity to them  was different from how modern psychiatry and psychology view dignity, self worth
From a psychological perspective you can analyse how it is very vital for encouraging a person who is a depressed condition. But PM< SP and the great souls are seeing from a different perspective. vidya vinaya.... samadarsinah. They are seeing the ultimate good in every living being, Brahaman, cow , elephant, cow or dog eater- they are seeing beyond the external dress- body and mind are dresses. Body outer clothes mind is like the underwear. But the soul is the person.Now you may or may not like a person's clothes, you may not like the underwear, but its the person that is important. Every living being, whatever designation they maybe- they are part of God-they are sat cit ananda - they are our brothers sisters, Krishna is our father- everyone is pure. There is love of God there everywhere. If someone sees that in you- sees Godliness in You, see godliness in you, divine love in you. That person can really encourage you and also empower you,. In the psychology, psychiatry and various new methods to deal with mental problems, there is a sense of giving a sense of self worth- giving them the comfort that I am important, I am valuable. In this world there are so many situations that can be depressive to a person's mind. There is a movement of self care- self value, but when that is only on the material plane. It can make you feel better, But it can also inflate your false ego and give you an illusory sense of your value. But SP, PM and these great souls they are not just trying to pump our depressed ego- they are trying to give us knowledge of who we really our, what we really our what our real value is and if you understand your value according to their perspective then you cannot think I have real value and they don't.

Modern systems could bring you to I have value but others don't, I am better than you. But here we understand who we really are and we understand everybody's essence is full of bliss, of inconceivable value. Sometimes SP compares the soul just and infinitesimal part of Krishna vibhu to a spark or rays of the sun.

Bringing the soul to its real glory by bringing it closer to Krishna
From the perspective of a spark what is the significance of a spark so tiny  so small anu very little cannot illuminate very much. The farther the spark is away from the fire the less it glows the less value it has. But when that spark comes closer to the Lotus Feet of Srimati Radharani who is the source of all love and devotion then that spark glows brighter and brighter. When that spark is very close to Sri Sri RG then it can generate a light that can illuminate the entire universe- that little spark.

In actually trying to give a person their real value, we convince them that you are spirit soul , part and parcel of Krishna pure love in your heart, unlimited joy in your heart. Theoretically that can make a person feel nice. Real inner fulfillment has to go beyond the theoretical.

But if we convince people of this concept, of this truth and bring them closer to the Lotus feet of Sri Sri RG then their real sense of , that little infinitesimal soul starts glowing brighter and brighter and its divine virtues become more and more manifest  In the spiritual world we find , although there are unlimited jivatmas.- rats alone in mumbai are countless, what to speak of the humans and the mosquitoes, microbes and cockroaches, how many jivatmas are there? Could human intelligence could create a number to estimate the number of jivatmas in the cosmic manifestation- unfathomable. This is just the prison. 

People in prisons are small % of society. How many are there in Goloka Vrindavan- Vrindavan, svetadvipa, dwarka and Mathura, Unlimited vaikuntha planets. How many living entities  Yet because each jiva's heart is so close to Krishna due to love, he can make everyone feel, I love only you. My full affection is just for you and that doesn't give you  a superior complex over others?You are not envious when you see Krishna loving others? why doesn't one feel envious when one sees Krishna someone else more- bec they are so totally satisfied by Krishna's love for me.When they see Krishna loving someone else it makes them more thrilled gives them happiness. So yes the closer the soul comes to Krishna the real value of the soul is brought out. A real father who is trying to help the poor- is not only giving them some physical symptomatic relief but gives them the knowledge of who they are and brings them closer and closer the Krishna.

Therefore Lord CM is given the instruction - that we should all perform the highest welfare work for human society to bring people closer to Krishna- to feed and nourish people on the spiritual platform- our physical and emotional welfare work is connected to the needs of the soul People are hungry give them food- they are hungry again- give them prasad they will be hungry again but in the process of eating you have brought them closer to Krishna awakening them to their full glory.
 If you can heal a person's sickness but put them in an environment where their souls are being awakened - burned out little spark laying in the dry sand no light in it, if you can somehow bring them closer to the Lotus feet of Radha Krishna then that type of philanthrophy is para upkara. Ceto darapana- prime benediction for humanity at large, is Krishna who has descended in his name with all of His fullness His opulence.He has manifested in His Name.

Therefore the greatest strength charity we can offer to another with real care real love is to bring people closer to Krishna by inducing them to take shelter of the Holy Name.Hare Krsna Radha and Krishna We can be close to Krishna in every situation and allow that little soul in our heart to blaze with love and all good qualities and the Holy Name is something we cna take shelter of Krishna at all places and all times. 

This was Prahlada Maharaja- although he was a Little 5 yr old boy- he cared for everyone as a father not just poor in wealth but poor in heart. In the Bible Jesus said "Blessed are the poor in heart"- those who have humble hearts - who realize that nothing is mine everything is the property of God.the more we realize that the more we come closer to God.

To His equals, PM he was attached like a sympathetic brother.
 To other vaishnavas who are equal- not just a friend- we should have friendships ,
but what is the spirit of his friendship there was attachment to them like a sympathetic brother- you deep down really care about that person. His problems are my problems, joy , suffering success. You really care- no matter what. Sympathetic brother.

How can devotees be attached to one another?
Developing attachment on that level- Mayawadis are again any type of attachment- devotees also we read so much about vairagya we get the idea we should be detached from everything everyone. But in Vaishnava Society, PM his is attached to his equals but not to exploit them, not for his sense gratification - he is attached because he knows that they are his brothers and sisters. They are Krishna's children and he is attached to serving them with love. that is how we should try to cultivate relationships with all of our peers- attachment to serving them with love.

RG explain the 6 loving exchanges- to be attached to those exchanges with each other is very good- its the symptoms of a Mahajana. He considered his teachers, that means siksa Guru's spiritual masters, SP said he treated his older God brother's as good as the SPG- His teachers, Gurus and older God brothers.

How was he able to do this?

 He was completely free of unnatural pride
- why unnatural? In spiritual life there is natural pride- based on truth- to be proud of Krishna is natural pride- to be proud of other vaishnavas for the good things they do bec they are empowered by Krishna. If you are proud of Krishna, will you not be  spontaneously be proud of anything Krishna does thru someone else. When we glorify Krishna and show our pride in Krishna- this is our GOD. When we read about SP our hearts should swell with pride- pride in SP. We see anybody serving nicely, being empowered we should be swelling with pride- how my God brother or somebody else's disciples how they are empowered by Krishna nd the Parampara to do wonderful things. This is natural pride. - focussed on Krishna.

False pride- we put ourselves in the center. Natural pride in Guru, Krishna and Vaishnavas unifies us. Helps us to transcend all ency and disputes. Unnatural pride- creates disunity, creates envy, destroys our humility. Natural pride increases our humility- when our pride is with Krishna and others in the center it makes us humble. When our pride is with us in the center it makes egotistical, arrogant