Sunday, February 26, 2012

The correct Anchorage- by hearing about the Lord

(not typed verbatim. not all points have been noted)
8th chapter process of dying- death may come at the least expected moment but it will surely come .
In English when you absolutely know something is a fact- sure as death- no one can argue how sure is death. 
Lord Krishna declares yam yam vapi samarana- that whatever you think of at the time of death that state you will attain - and one who thinks of Me will surely attain Me. But we have doubt in this simple stmt.
If we study BG in the association of the devotees who have dedicated their lives to the study of the BG as a regulative principle then surely alla doubts will be removed from our mind. 

SB and BG is not meant to be heard only for 7 days. but nasta prayesu abhadresu--- by regularly, daily hearing nourishing one's intelliegce of SB and Bg all the doubts and misgivings are removed from our heart- it is not that we get the blessings of some saint and hear for 7 days and we are liberated it is a constant regulated life disciplined to hear the Holy scripture in the association of saintly persons and thru that process the doubts are removed and when the doubts are removed hearing BG is the sweetest. SB is for paramahamsas because it deals with the highest topics of the exchanges of love between the Lord and His devotees.Those contaminated by doubt and material attachment sometimes this sweetness of the essence of the Lord's words is difficult to hear.
In the material world when you love someones and they whisper something in your ear you get chills al of your body- but when God whispers His message to us in our ears we fall asleep- we given our heart and love that belongs to Krishna to someone else.....................

Waves of material world toss us in different directions, wave of success takes us up , some waves take us down.
The only stability we have in this ocean is if we anchor ourselves consciousness in the remembrance of God- then whichever way the waves toss us, we have stability security . It is not that when we become a devotee we do not get tossed- as long as we have material body all dualities will come to us- but if we are properly anchored then we are undisturbed in this world - brahma bhuta- the topmost priority in our life is how to anchor ourselves in the Lotus feet of Krishna and the process is given by Krishna- man mana bhava - always think of Me. How to always think of Krishna by hearing abt Him in the association of purified souls who have dedicated their lives- not by prof reciters- but sincere honest devotees who have dedicated their lives because their words and their song has the potency to remove our doubts. By hearing with them and chanting we can always keep our mind on Krishna. Lord Kapila Muni told his mother- there are so many 100 of scriptures in languages, many rules and regulations, pooja and worship, injunctions, so many philosophical  ways of presenting conclusive truths. Two most imp instructions always applied- Always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna life is perfect. Gopis celebrated as topmost Xcendentalists- greater  that all yogis, gurus, sanyasis - village girls what was their qualification - always thinking of Krishna whatever they were doing . They prayed whatever we are doing we always says the sweet Holy Names of Krishna.Our spiritual master always said Chant Hare Krsna. Thank you very much.