Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Be Sensitive to Mind Body and Soul - SB 10_7_4

From the lecture:
A devotee is supposed to narottama - best human beings. Unless we come to mode of goodness we cannot Xcend the modes of nature. Sometimes we are overcome by mode of ignorance and passion and we want to go right to Cdendence without coming tpo the mode of goodness. 4 reg help us bring to mode of goodness - when we chant, hear do service.

Being human is a very integral part of being Xcendental- It is not that I am this body or You are not this body we can cruel to each other. We are not this body, mond or soul but Xcendental people are most compassionate to the mid and the body.

Story of SP invited all devotees for Gaur Prunima. Only one building which was still under construction- exapnsive fields, countless mosquitoes, no sanitation. SP called everyone there - when they were sleeping - he would walk around making sure they had proper prasad, sleeping arrangements, neecessities. He wasnt saying you are not this body - sick maya- he was more human than any human could be and at the same time he wanted to liberate their souls. This body and mind is a medium in which we serve God through reaching the soul.Because we have ears - when they are used to hear Krishna Katha- they facilitate liberation, eyes, toungue.

Recently I went to very famous place in Italy- where there is a huge magnifecent cathedral built in honor of this saint and they had his tongu in the cathedral. He lived about 700 years ago. That tongue spoke and enlightened so many 1000s of people. The words that were spoken were written down and inspiring 100s of people.

The tongue is dried up doesnt look like the deity but it is treated like one- What is the tongue a  strange piece of flessh- flips around like a snake.But the Gopis are praying to their tongue please taste the nectar of the names Govinda Madhava and Damodara. Through simply utilizing this material facility it opens the door to the highest liberation. The devotee see the body and mind in this way- yes it is temporary but it is a wonderful facility to connect ourselves back to Krishna.

sometimes devotees have a misconception that Grhastha life is simply meant to suffer so bad that you ultimately become detached. Getting married- having children, a house- so much botheration trouble. The only purpose is to suffer so terribly that you become detached and join the Brahmacari ashram. Then your spiritual life will begin. SP is explaining that in the Vedic civilization there was so much joy- festival for every little detail that we do not notice here.

Such refined sensisivity- the child is first slanting his body and turning over and they say call the Brahmins and musicians- abhisheks, chanting mantras, its joyous- Mother yashoda is inviting all brijwasis- dancing singing receiving guests. Krishna knows everything even if he is a baby but ordinary babies do not underdstand what is happening.Incredible. everyone is so happy- because the baby is getting blessed- so much love, affection and care.

same type of civilization when the devotee is sick, dying, there is same type of care to give inspiration tot he person.Here ew find Yashoda and Nanda are having this beautiful festival- baby Krishna is 3monmths old- starts to yawn- Yashoda Mai sees that He is tired- such refined motherly love- she is Vrajeshwari- queen of Vrindavan- every single people of Vrindavan are all willing to do anythign for them. Do you think it would be difficult for them to find a baby sitter- she was taking care of so many things. she wanted the highest quality of happiness of rKrishna- she understood Krishna needs to sleep. they made a bed under the cart and yashoda mai lay down with Krishna embracing Him- He was feeling the love of His nother and went to sleep. Yashda mai then got up and started taking care of all the people and arrangements.

Interestingly- who is the person with such refined details is appreciating the mother's love and the festival of teh brijwasis. It is sukadev Goswami- the most advanced Xcendentalist. He had a n exp in the womb of his mother- son of Vyasadev , Brahman realized from his conception- so little- emulsification of semen and ovum and a little life form comes- the life transfers and teh body begins to develop- from that state he was aliberated brahman realized soul fully conscious. As he grew up from the womb- he was meditating on the brahaman even before he had hands and legs. when it came to 9 months- time for birth- like liberation (it is pretty boring in the womb- you were there- if you are not careful you will do it again) total darkness- movements are restericted - months in a womb- curled up- mother weats something to spicey- or she gets acidity- it burns you- you are helpless- cant talk, walk, sit, lay- just curled up. Birth is nice because see the light, move around eat stuff through your mouth.Sg understands this world is Maya , entanglemenst, duality- "I will be distracted" all the pleasures we are attacted to in this world- hesaw it as distraction form is meditation on the brahman- he decided will not leave the womb- will live and die there and neevr forget the Brahaman- he just sat there curled up and he was rowing and growing-  remained int he womb of his mother for 12 years.- size of the 12 year old child. Father wanted to see him- he refusde to come out. This is how Cendental SG was. G\Finally CVyasadev and Krishna spoke the glories of Krishna nd SG understood this sweetness of hearing about Krishna is better than Mukti- Bhakti is a higehr platform of Xcendental than lieration thus he came out to engage in the service of hearing and chanting about the Lord.

SM speaking with SBBhattacharya- very highly liberated person- worshipped unmanifested brahman all his life- mukit was ultimate object of everything he did.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

The correct Anchorage- by hearing about the Lord

(not typed verbatim. not all points have been noted)
8th chapter process of dying- death may come at the least expected moment but it will surely come .
In English when you absolutely know something is a fact- sure as death- no one can argue how sure is death. 
Lord Krishna declares yam yam vapi samarana- that whatever you think of at the time of death that state you will attain - and one who thinks of Me will surely attain Me. But we have doubt in this simple stmt.
If we study BG in the association of the devotees who have dedicated their lives to the study of the BG as a regulative principle then surely alla doubts will be removed from our mind. 

SB and BG is not meant to be heard only for 7 days. but nasta prayesu abhadresu--- by regularly, daily hearing nourishing one's intelliegce of SB and Bg all the doubts and misgivings are removed from our heart- it is not that we get the blessings of some saint and hear for 7 days and we are liberated it is a constant regulated life disciplined to hear the Holy scripture in the association of saintly persons and thru that process the doubts are removed and when the doubts are removed hearing BG is the sweetest. SB is for paramahamsas because it deals with the highest topics of the exchanges of love between the Lord and His devotees.Those contaminated by doubt and material attachment sometimes this sweetness of the essence of the Lord's words is difficult to hear.
In the material world when you love someones and they whisper something in your ear you get chills al of your body- but when God whispers His message to us in our ears we fall asleep- we given our heart and love that belongs to Krishna to someone else.....................

Waves of material world toss us in different directions, wave of success takes us up , some waves take us down.
The only stability we have in this ocean is if we anchor ourselves consciousness in the remembrance of God- then whichever way the waves toss us, we have stability security . It is not that when we become a devotee we do not get tossed- as long as we have material body all dualities will come to us- but if we are properly anchored then we are undisturbed in this world - brahma bhuta- the topmost priority in our life is how to anchor ourselves in the Lotus feet of Krishna and the process is given by Krishna- man mana bhava - always think of Me. How to always think of Krishna by hearing abt Him in the association of purified souls who have dedicated their lives- not by prof reciters- but sincere honest devotees who have dedicated their lives because their words and their song has the potency to remove our doubts. By hearing with them and chanting we can always keep our mind on Krishna. Lord Kapila Muni told his mother- there are so many 100 of scriptures in languages, many rules and regulations, pooja and worship, injunctions, so many philosophical  ways of presenting conclusive truths. Two most imp instructions always applied- Always remember Krishna and never forget Krishna life is perfect. Gopis celebrated as topmost Xcendentalists- greater  that all yogis, gurus, sanyasis - village girls what was their qualification - always thinking of Krishna whatever they were doing . They prayed whatever we are doing we always says the sweet Holy Names of Krishna.Our spiritual master always said Chant Hare Krsna. Thank you very much.