Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Dying to Live - HH Radhanath Swami

Lecture Clip Episode: Dying to Live

The great philopher from Germany- Hagel spoke very strongly aboutt he principle Die to Live which is very much in harmony with the essential knowledge of the BG and the VEdas. If you want to lvie in truth, you will have to die as you are in the present stage of consciousness. Material consciousness is of exploutation, real consciousness is of service. Death to the Ego is a process- most imp process very basis of all spiritual paths.

Longer the Gold is in fire, more the original natural shine manifests, becomes more and more beautiful.Sandalwood the more you rub it the more its natural beautiful fragrance is manifest. Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis can be undertsood from various points of view. From one point of view wew can undertsand that theoretically we are eternal servants of Krishna . However in our life and in the process of purification and making actual progress there will be many challenges and obstacles threatening what we want to achieve.

If we with proper integrity and proper spiritual direction pass through those obstacles they bring about realization. There is gyan and through the process of overcoming so many obstacles in the path we develop vijnana or realization which is the synthesis the holistic understanding of who we really are , what is our relationship with the Lord, reln with other living beings and our relationship with material nature.

To make progress , to properly die to live, there must be elimination of our conditioned state, of our very ver deeply rooted desire to exploit, accumulate and possess. and acceptance of the path of humility , purity and service.

Seva or service really means death to the ego, it is very powerful, our constitutional position.

It is not our desire to simply die, we want to die to live. Not only do we want to dismiss the ego, or cause death to it, but we want to live according to our real ambition. To live in a state of complete fulfillment. Divine life and divine light.

Freedom means to surrender to the truth. To serve the mania of the society of the world is slavery but this is the ignorance of the world. We are thinking that slavery to our mind, our senses, and our ego. is freedom and we are thinking to live a spiritually oriented life is slavery.

Milton , he had written the opinion of Satan - "that to  reign in hell is better than to serve in heaven". That is the modern day philosophy of life in a very blatant and honest form. But if we want  real life actual life we have to understand that real peace means I am meant for the enjoyment of God. My constitutional nature is to serve. Sacrifice is the quality of real love, not to take , not to accumulate, not to possess, to give, to serve, that is spiritual quality, that is our nature and that is where we find real happiness.

Actually, death means transformation on the gross physical level- when a person dies, it means the transformation of material elements. Those material elements do not cease to exist they may turn into ashes if put into fire, dust if put into the earth. Similarly, death of the ego means the transformation of our consciousness and in that transformation, there is real life.

One of my Godbrother's wrote a beautiful song- caterpillar crawling around enters into a cocoon but through that process of tapasya, it is transformed into a butterfly. Nobody thinks the caterpillar is very beautiful, but butterfly is one of the most beautiful insects.

Transformation of the heart is what is reqd, Xformation of our desires- from living according to this
egotistical conception of I want to enjoy, to the conception of I want to serve.

Is anyone ever really satisfied by whatever fame, prestige or accumulation of wealth one may achieve . People even in the wealthiest parts of the wealthiest countries in the world are spending money on psychiatrists, taking sleeping pills, anti depressant pills, or even suicide. So much dependence on intoxications to ease out the frustration of our life.  Fame, power, material wealth cannot bring happiness and ultimately we are living for these things and what is the culmination - death, its all taken away. This is not pessimism- this is simply reality. Xformation means to actually have the proper attitude to strive for what is real- what is eternal what is everlasting, what is temporary is ilusion.

People may challenge- how do you know the soul is eternal, how do you know there is a God?

Unless we have faith in these principles how will we strive to live for that when there is so much opposition- philosophically,logically and socially. Scriptures and the great saints of every religious path of every religion throughout history they have lived and died for this truth.

Throughout history who are the greatest people that lived - are they the politicians, the scientists,the athletes or are they the saints who dedicated their lie to everything- willing to sacrifice their whole lives to enlighten people . They actual rsis, they live completely pure, completely peaceful, completely intoxicated with love for God and they spoke the realizations of God which such illuminated hearts , with such realizations that they transformed millions and billions people's lives. So who to believe- people taking sleeping pills addicted and saying that there is no God or people living the most pristine lives of  compassion and sacrifice of love for all living beings without discrmination is for each of us to decide and especially the great Rsis of India spoke with such deep philosophy and profound knowledge the science of God Consciousness not just some sentimental life, but presented the existence of God in His three features, Brahman , Paramatma and Bhagavan in such deep sound scientific and logicaly ways with realization.

We do not have to die to realize God, God is within us, God;s energy is everywhere, it is the art of utilizing whatever talents we have in the spirit of servitude. Sometimes the example is given of when Prabhupada was living in the estate of John Lennon of the beatles in London . George Harrison he became so deeply moved transformed that he gave his heart to Krishna. He was a multimillionaire with so much fame, prestige, and property, young and handsome, he had everything. One of the most popular people in the world, with more money than what he knew what to do with.Yet he asked Prabhupada if he could shave his head and live in the temple, bec he explained that there was no happiness in any of this and he met nobody who was happy with all these things. Prabhupada said KC does not mean giving up things it simply means giving up the ego -arry one with the Beatles, play the Guitar, live in your estate, but transform your consciousness, understand how everything is the grace and property of God and reciprocate with lvoe in the spirit of service and he deidicated the rest of his life to do that and int he 1970s wrote one beautiful son- The Art of Dying where he explains that nothing more beautiful than the Art of Dying. Art of livign these days is possible, but a higher level is the Art of Dying. He said that there is nothing so pleasurable,so glorious, so great as the Art of Dying- He was not just talking about the Body,just  the heart stops, the pulse stops and you drop dead.

He was talking about dying to live - the art of dying to this egoistic misconception of selfish life, you cannot live until you die to live. There is nothing so beautiful as the art of dying written by a man sung by man who is living the way practically the whole world wanted to.