Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Modern Accepting Culture vs Vedic Accepting Culture

Modern Measuring Culture vs Vedic accepting Culture
HH Bhakti Vijnana Goswami
How deeply we are in Maya?

People and they have this habit to measure everything . They come closer to otehrs only to measure them. They look down at people.
Whoever we look upon we try to see how they are less than ourselves.

We just want to show I am greater than you.

Standard dialog between people who have ahankara "who do you think you are?" and the standard answer is "Who do you think you are?"

That is unfortunately a manifestation of our pride and that is our mentality we want to measure how big everything is. One tsp is trying to measure an ocean. WE are doing this constntaly ona  daily basis and thats why we are here. Unless we change this mentality and outlook of this world. WE change the approach to everything how we see we may not leave this world.

We may get a posn that maybe a little but more advantageous that we will measure everyone.

Our attempt to measure is to prove our own greatness to our own self. The very fact that I cna measure something means I am greater. Scientists are trying to measure everything. Modenr science is just an attempt to measure - a little atom or a big universe. Its ridiculous. The mentality behind this is " I know what it is " " I know how much greater it is than me , but bec I am measuring it I am greater"

The very approach is rotten . They are trying to measure anything and for that they have to really- to measure somebody or something you have to make it dead.

This attempt is only to create problems.

Beautiful example of this is very interesting- new achievement and modern astronomy.
e.g Bing Bang Theory....
New theory is that it explodes all the time- again and again and again. There are cycles in the universe .

To understand anything you have to bow down.This is the secret of Vedic Culture. If you want to understand something you have to worship. Anything we do in this world has to be an act of worship. When the musician in Vedic Culture plays he first bows down and pays his obeisances to the instrument - I am not playing , I am an instrument. Ia m worhsipping this instrument so that I can perform something. Whatever you take, any act- the essential teaching is how to worship.

Modern people deride vedic Culture they says primitive people- worship stone, trees, rivers, . But they are not primitive., Ultimately they worship god- because they worship God they worhsip everything else. HH RNs said " If you are humble you are humble in front of everything" If you are not humble in front of anything then you are not humble. Humulity means you are humble in front of everything. Our lack of humility manifests in trying to measure.

This is the teaching of Vedic Culture how to live in this world without distraction.

Its is also beautifully described in the SB verse 10.14.12. He says anay radhita nunam.

Maya means I bring something closer to me to measure. SG says what Radharani does- she is called Radha she is the best of the Worshippers. anaya- brinigng closewr to herself.- whatever she does she is worshipping. Whatever we are doing we are trying to measure. This is the situation of Maya.

We need to learn this if we want to change something categorically in our hearts. How to worship the Lord? and not just the Lord. That is the mistake a prakrta bhakta does- I will worship the Lord but measure everyone.

Thats why the beginners are called prakrta bhaktas.- There is no real acceptance of the Lord in the real senses. Unless and until ithis mentality is there- destructive mentality means the destruction of everything around you and ultimately of yourself. Ahankara is the destructive element of this creation. Siva is the Lord of Ahankara-

Why do we have to die because of false ego. Those who do not have false ego they are immortal. False ego is the very cause of destruction beginning with our very own self.