Friday, November 22, 2013

Dying to Live

Material illusory consciousness is a consciousness of exploitation , real consciousness is a consciousness of service.

Lecture Link:
Dying to Live
Death of the ego is a process- most important - basis of all spiritual paths.

Just like Gold- put it in fire the fire burns away all the gross coverings and as long as the gold is in fire the more its natural shine emerges- more and more beautiful.

Sandalwood- the more you rub sandlwaad the more its natural beautiful fragrance manifests.

From one point of view we can understand theoretically we are eternal servants of Krishna . However in our life and in the process of purification , making actual progress there will be many challenges and obstacles . If we with proper integrity and proper spiritual direction we pass through those obstacles it brings about realization.Jnana begins Vijnana which is synthesis- the holistsc understanding reln with God, other living beings and material nature.

In order to make progress in the spiritual path- Die to Live- there must be elimination of our condn state to exploit to accumulate and to possess and acceptance of a path of humility purity and service. Seva or service means death tot he Ego- very powerful our constitutional position. Not only do we want to dismiss the eog or cause deatch to it. We want to live acc to our real ambition to live in a state of complete fulfillment divine life and divine love. Freedonm means to surrender to the truth. To serve the mania of this world is slavery, but this is the ignorance of th world- we are thinking that slavery to the mind and ego is freedom and to live a spiritual oriented life is slavery. SP- Godbrother spoke to Lord Deathlin- He had a deep appreciation for BG and Vaishnavas and he asked can you make me brahmana- Yes we can its not a matter of birth but of quality- simply follow these four principles- He honestly looked to the saint and said - impossible- How will I live? From the purpose of reality to be addicted to all these things and hta infatuate the false ego that is slavery. Milton had written the opinion of Satan - To reign in Hell is better than to serve in Heaven- that is the modern day philospy of life in its blatanat and honest form. If we want real life we have to understand the opposite principle.Krsna says bhoktrarama - real peace is to understand that I am meant for the enjoyment of God- my constitutional nature is to serve. Sacrifice is the quality of real love, not to take, not to accumulate, not to possess but to give to serve. That is spiritual quality our nature- that is where we fine real happiness. Actually death means Xformation . Gross physical level when somebody has died - body undergoes Xformation.
Death of the ego means Xformation of our consciousness and in that Xformation there is real life.

One of my Godbrothers wrote a beautiful song here he describes how a caterpillar just by nature's process- enteers a cocoon very restricted place- but through that austerity process- it is Xformed to a butterfly- caterpillar not very beautiful but butterfly is the most beautiful of all insects.

Area of Garbage dump- we mad eit into a very nice garden with scented flowers and trees and now spo many butterflies are coming.

Xformation of our heart is reqd- Xformation of our desires from living the desire that I want to enjoy to I want to serve.

Is any one really satisfied with any amount of accumulation of wealth, prestige. People in the wealthiest parts of the world are speckidng their money in Psychiatry, anti depressant pills- even suicide- dependence on intoxications- just to ease of the frustration of life. Fame , power, material wealth cannot bring happiness and ultimately we are living for these things - what is the culmination - Death it is all taken away. Xformation means to have the proper attitude to strive for what is real , true. nasato vidyate bhava- what is real is eternal everlaasting, What is temporrary is illusory. People may challenge how do you know the soul is eternal , how do you know there is God?- unless we have faith in these principles how will we strive to live for that when there is so much opposition?

Philosphically, logically, socially the scriptures and teh great saints every religios paths and saints througout history they ahve lived and died for that truth.

When we are given this name of the servnat of God- that is the process in which we Die to live. I am now leaving behind my false ego temporary designations- I am now identifying myself and living according to my real identity of a servant of God. The Spirit  Soul is infinitesimal only a tiny spark. Surrender the spirit of dying to live to wholesale offer everything we have for the pleasure of the Lord- it is not that such a little particle of ourselves only wants to offer a small particle of a small particle. Material senses surrender means to lose- just like Gandhi did his nonviolent process and Bose helped with violent process. Ritain had to give in. India won, British lost. Aliied forces won and the Axis lost and they lost because they surrendered. Surrender is undesirable by force. But in sanskrit the word Saranagati is something very different, it means when Krishna says sarva dharma partityaja- surrender is the most positive expression of our gratitude and our love. It is ultimately the most joyful experience of the heart. There cannot be love without surrender. Love is selfless for the beloved. SB explains sa vai pumsam.....The Supreme Occupation for all humanity is loving service... unmotivated uninterrupted.

One thing can give pleasure of the heart- sitting place of soul and that is love- to love and to be loved. What is the meaning of love? Described in CC- kama expression in which we enjoy for ourselves- it cannot be satisfied- as long as we are trying to enjoy for ourself- it is like fire the more you feed it the more hungry it grows. Love is the complete giving of the heart for the object of our love. The most satisfying relns are not the Romantic affairs you see in the movies- real pleasure of the heart comes through satisfaction of the beloved.