Monday, July 8, 2013

HH Radhanath Swami Seattle June 20th 2013

Beauty is in its perfect setting when it is an offering to Supreme Lord Krishna- otherwise beautiful things distract us from the true purpose of life and implicate us in suffering. Krishna is all beautiful- all beautiful things are a spark of His splendour. Janam ady asya yatah- He is all attractive

Whatever comes in contact with Krishna becomes beautiful . When we offer nice architecture f the temple- offering to Krishna through such a pure devotee as Srila Prabhupada- it is Xcendentally beautiful. BSSt tell us do not see Krishna but try to serve Krishna in such a way that Krishna is pleased to see you.

As you grow older you are dependent on relatively unconditional love otherwise nones really cares much. Krishna is nava yauvanam- resplendent with beauty- when we offer our hearts, body mind and words then Krishna's beauty shines through us- then we have unlimited beauty. That is the greatest experience, when we accomplish something there is a fleeting sense of satisfaction- but when we genuinely humble ourselves and surrender our hearts to Krishna's will and we experience Krishna doing things through us- , SP doing things through us - that our beyond our capacity then that is real happiness. As long as we think we are the does the happiness we get from it, will be transformed to suffering in due course.

When we really accept that Krishna is the does and I am the instrument of His will- preserve/carry and we have so little to preserve and so much to carry- when Krishna manifests through us we can actually transform people's hearts , we can actually do wonderful things on a spiritual level. When you realize its not me then the more we realize its not me, the more humble we become- we realize I am not doing it- How great is Krishna and if we dont accomplish so much on a material level , we are trying to live in a spirit of seva Krishna sees - even the smallest thing as very great. When Hanuman is building the bridge across the ocean. The little spider with his little legs is kicking sand to build the bridge and he was in Hanuman's walkway- who was carrying mountains. Hanuman asked him to get out of the way. Ram enlightened Hanuman- He is doing as much as you. From a material perspective a mountain peak- million so kilos and wt of one of grain of sand - impossible to calculate- what is the space they both occupy?

Rama said " With unconditional love he is the best he can and with unconditional love you are doing the best you can" Srila Prabhupada writes in the CC " Krishna does not see the thing that you have offered, but Krishna accepts the intent purpose in which it has been offered That is Bhakti." Duryodhana and Arjuna doing the exact same thing - But D motivated by greed and envy, but ARjuna was motivated by love for Krishna dn compassion for others. Bhakti is the change of heart- from the desire to exploit to the desire to serve.becoming an instrument to execute His will.

Ramanujacarya living in Sri Rangam- giving classes everyday- what a wonderful experience to be hearing from him everyday. Had a group of very intimate disciples who were coming everyday for his classes- intimate circle of very many devotees- Explaining the glories of Tirupati- how Balaji is very pleased when he is offered flowers with devotion. Sripad Ramanujacarya - such humility to please Krishna or Vishnu. From his heart of hearts - at this time Balaji is living on top of hill extremely remote hardly anyone goes there- it is a jungle - anyone serving Balaji- Balaji likes flowers - no garden up there - I would be so grateful to anyone of you to live on top of the hill for the rest of your loives growing flowers for Balaji- Would anyone like to go- nobody wanted to go- For sevreal reasons:
It was dangerous place, hard to get to. Just to survive up there. Most of all- here in Sri Rangama they were with each other and with their Guru hearing instructions everyday- If you go there you would not see him or others for the rrest of your lvoes. On grhastha devotee ananthacraya  with all humility and folded palms said " Gurudev if it pleases you. I nwill go. Serious surrender. Ramanujacarya stood up and embraced him and called him is favorite most. Because he was willing to live to serve even in separation , in hardship

with a spade Ananthacray amade a little garden and grew flowers. That was his life- just somehow or other making the flowers grow- dealing with the seasons , too much rain , too little rain- nothing is easy in the world, whether we are living very close t nature - deal with sun ,rain, cold, frost, insect attacking crops- so many challenges. But then again we try to do it a modern way- with chemical pesticides and machinery we create so many problems we have to dealk with.

You cannot escape problems in this world- you cannot escape challenges in this world.Things will come in such a way that we dont expect them.

In that situation whats important is we live with integrity and character- highest character is Krishna is the Propreitor, enjoyer and my best friend- samsiddhir hari tosanam- do it in a way that Krishna is please.d

Rewind a couple yugas- there was Rama and sita living in Panchavati- 5 wonderful Banyan trees and Suparnaka waznted to enkoy Rama and in doing so wanted to kill Sita.............................

Rama embraced Jatayu as His dearmost loving friend and devotee. with His head in Rama's lap Jatayu chanted Rama Rama and Rama promised jhim that he would go to the spiritual world and liberated eternally as the friend.
The question is who won that war. Ravana or Jatayu- who wa sthe winner. By material stds Ravana won Jatayu won- Jatayu lost- The diff is Ravana motivated by greed, arrogance, envy,lust and ultimately he lost everything , but Jatayu may have lost the battle but he pleased Rama and  he attained the highest perfection of life. this si the basic teaching of Bg. We should not be attacehd to result of our actions- we perform our duty with integrity, duty and eveotion- Sanskrit it is called seva- Waitress gives you things - that is not seva . Seva means to act with character and integrity for the pleasure of Gyuru and Krishna= That consciousness is victory. Jatayu is glorified as one of the greatest devote of all times and he lost the fight . But he won , the Supreme ultimate goal of life and he wasnt even a human, he was a bird and Sri Rama Chandra - He was crying and embracing the corpse of Jatayau- Rama said there is none in this world I can love more than Jatayau- He gave everything for me., for my beloved Sita.

Nothing pleases the Lord more when we put ourselves out to help anotehr devoitee. Mad bhakti puja adhika- worship of devotees is more than worship of me- When we make sacrifices to worship and serve anotehr devotee that gives the greatest plasure to the Lord-. After George Harrsisson met SP- it was the Lord loves those who love those who love the Lord rock n roll way of saying servant of servant. Love means to serve - selfless service real victory is not in the material result but in the degree we please Krishna by our sincereity. SP wanted us to cooperate, to be an international society united on a higher principle- love Krishna dn share Krishna's love with the world.

If we are hurting each other creating divisions that is not pleasing SP. we are not making spiritual advancement- water on twig, brach it makes it look nice, but if we doi not water the root it is not substantial . What pleases Krishna who is the root of the true, what pleases SP who is the means by whom we can connect to tohe root of the tree. Sp warned us on many occassions BSST's movement there were divisions, competitions, broke things apart . Lack of that unity power of thwat his Guru had estb was not funcioning in a way that his Guru wanted to spread CM movement in the world. Sp was telling us what will actually pleae him- put aised our superficial sectarian tendencies and unite at a higher pricnple- to the degree we are united in the temple with all of its variegated people from India, Europe, males females, educated, not educated, wealthy, poor, grhasthas, sanyasis- whenever there is a difference we find so many reasosn to distrust and fight.

Some o\are book distributors, pujaris, GBc's - there can be competiions. X cendental competions is we are all trying to inspire each other to do their best and are happy seeing them do their best.

It is humbling and embarrassing to see someone practice this who does not have any idea of our philosophy.
Baseball Managers in history of Baseball manager of Ney York Yankies Joe Torray- He explaind how he brought his team to 4 world series winnersand entered into 8 playoffs. He said its very high level of competition. Whenever his team would lose- he would speak to them inspire them through the loss to deeply learn what we did wrong and what we do better. Beyond that do not feel bad about your losses feel good that the other team is so happy winning. Honoro and respect your opponents and feel happy thsat they won. Be happy in their happiness and learn from mistakes.

When we have all the Vedic Literatures to explain what is seva- then among devotees when somebody deoes something wonderful we should happy for them that Krishna is pleased - it is not about you it is about Krishna is pleased. If Krishna is pleased with what somebody else is doing then if I am happy and Krishna is pleased with me. But if I am envious, if I feel threatened by that then Krishna is displeased with us bec I have the worng attitude.Unity means to see everyone flourish around us and to be united . why? Because it will make SP happy. We are all here just to make SP happy. we may have families of Guru and disciples but we have broader family.

Jatayu lost and died but he was supremely victorious because he pleased Rama. Ravana displeased Rama supreme failure.

Anantacarya was growing flowers- simple service- pluck flowers , make garlands and ofer to Balaji- Balaji was very happy- in those days there was no fame in doing that- except for Krishna and Ramanujacarya who was 500 kms away nobody knew about it.He was willing to live his life in that situation . Ramanujacarya was so happy - He came all the way just to encourage Anantacarya. He walked from the bottom of the hill. Shailapurna he was living on the top of the Hill disciple of Yamunacarya. Anantacarya came down to see him . R and S giving class. R embraced A with great happiness. A said come and take darshan- R said I cannot - 7 hills body of anantasesa - I cannot walk on him. I will saty at bottom and offer obeisances.

But a wanted to show the garden and pond with same littl epond- kund water could be stored to water the garden.It was an offering to R but R would not go up. A said if you cannot go up how can I go up there what is my justification when you would not walk at all on the hill. R said I have given you the order , I have given you the seva. a told R if you do not go up the mountain nobody will go there. Balaji is there to liberate the whole world. Then r went up.

But when he was at a certain part not to far from the top of the hill- he was hungry- Shailapurna disciple of Yamunacarya , great knower of Vedas, learned came down personally from the hill to personally ive him prasad and water. R said why did you personally come down- you are an acarya, you could have send it down with somebody else. S yes I know that is the etiqutte i could send with someone who is my junior but I could not find anyone junior to me, that I wasnt the servant off- then I had to do it myself- he was speaking from the heart- this is Bhakti- they went up the hill together . R met A and saw the beautiful flowers growing, the garlands and how they were offered to Balaji. He pleased His Guru- what more could one possibly desire.

Just to show how happy he was with A , when R was going to leave ( after hearing Shailapurna for more weeks to hear a senuor vaishnava) A knew that he would probably neevr see his guru again because he could never leave that hill- flowers were waiting for him. R in his love before he left he had a deity made of himself - he embraced the deity and told A "I am in this deity" , it is not diffierent from me- any questions you cna ask and have my darshan everyda.

When we see A spade- it is a piece of iron just hanging there- but for 1000 years it has been honored and worshipped by millions of devotees because of what it represents the simple humble selfless spirit of seva. Lord CM taught is that it is that spirit of seva that makes our hearts fertile, when the heart is fertile when we water the seed of Bhakti by chnating the Holy Names our love for Krishna takes deep deep roots and grows higher and higher and higher and produces the fruits of prema. That is the purpose of our life.

I am going to end with one analogy that A give to one devotee . Devotee asked him what our the qualities of a true devotee- he gave several examples - he said a true devotee is like a crane bird.Cranes are usually white and stand on one leg.It will be in s tream of water standing on one leg looking down into the stream and so many small fish pass- carne just watches lets all the little fish pass- but as soon as he sees a big fish he goes down with his beak and eats him.

A was a vegetarian - its about a principle. Crane is not distracted by little fish, grabs the big. Devotee is sara grahi seeking the essence. So many little things that happen- so many mundane things that bother us- Oh I have to have this, have that- fliustered about what happnes in this world- we get so bent out of shape over teh eevnts- caused by providence weather, otehr people our own mind, but a devotee lets all the superficial things pass - always eager to catch what is really important big fish- what is really please Krishna- inspite of all the things that are happening I have the holy Name param vijayate Sri Krishna Sankirtanam. that is big the prime benediction for humanity at large- chance to serve read SB, serve who did what , said what- inspite of all things that nourish PDS they are all like small fish- we get so caught up- its not important. If you are KC taking shelter of big things really favorable to KC, then higher taste helps us see evrything in a perspective by which we can keep grwoing. Petty consciounsess sees pebbles to be an enormous mountain- because of the emptiness inside. When we are seeking the essence we see the pbble for what is and we seek out the real mountain Giriraj- Lord sri Krishna . A said that is the lesson of crane always looking for the opportunbities to serve - all the otehr things that happen let them pass- deal with detachment not to become obsessed with the,m. This principles is essential when it comes to our relationship with each other.
Thank you very much. Srila Prabhupada ki jai!