Friday, June 20, 2014

Pure Devotion - the only doorway to enter Srimad Bhagavatam - Part 1

Pure Devotion Only Doorway To Enter Srimad Bhagavatam - Part 1

SB 10.33.38: After an entire night of Brahmā had passed, Lord Kṛṣṇa advised the gopīs to return to their homes. Although they did not wish to do so, the Lord’s beloved consorts complied with His command.

Lecture Points:
dharma projitah kaitavo- that this cream of all vedic literatures does not take into consideration any goal except the supreme goal.  Pariksit Maharaj was to die in 7 days- emergency- no gradual religious education- wanted to go to the heart- what is the essence of all religions, what is the duty of a person about to die. answer given - sa vai pumsam -pleasure for the  satisfact ion of mind, senses is temporary. sa vai pumsam -pleasure for the satisfaction of the Supreme samsiddhir hari tosanam. The culmination of the SB is the tenth canto.
Prev cantos of Sb science of creation - inconcievable power and potency the Supreme. Culmination of the tenth canto is these 5 chapters.

Gopis simple, innocent and pure.They were already way beyond all the yoga processes. They just wanted to serve the supreme object of their affection In their total humility they did not think themselves superior to the others. This kind of mentality is due to some sort of starvation  the heart - here we have this need, I am better than others, its unquenchable, because however much we get there is always a competition that we have to somehow or other overcome birth after birth this insecurity to somehow attain a superior position and then against the odds of time and duality somehow keep this position- it is all like a drop of water on a lotus leaf. Our wealth our power, fame so called superior position. Drop of water cannot reamin- one little wind, the lotus leaf cannot keep the drop of water , against the power of the Lotus leaf the wind will come- water slips off and there is not even a trace that it ever existed. Thats the nature of these things- yet we see within this huge population everyone is trying to get that drop and trying to cling to that drop.

athato brahma jignasa this human life is very special very rare- opportunity to realize the eternal treasure of Krsna prem- the highest most inclusive liberation. But Maya is so strong - This illusory energy induces a human being that jivatma may have passed through 8.4 mn species of life. PL do not take this lightly - in each of these births we had bodies that we were attached to just as we attached to now. We had mothers, fathers , sisters, friends, looking for protection and pleasure. The animals , birds, suffer and cling to happiness just like we do. Death is traumatic. Yesterday I took airplane from Patna to Delhi. In the airplane- I was seated in the front- 100s of mosquitos flew inside the airplane- near the friend. Literally when you go in the airplane there was swarms of mosquitoes- people complaining- paid extra to sit in the front..........
For most people devotees are supposed to be different. But when we swap and kill the mosquito it is a lot of trauma because he is trying to enjoy with the body- that mosquito loves his life- tiny brain senses are so tiny and small. Us compared to the mosquito what are the senses of the demigods- compared to them our brain and senses are like mosquitoes. That mosquito is going through a major crisis an trauma of death-the concept of para dukha dukhi- makes us compassionate to all jivas but it also helps us appreciate the opportunity we have in our human life. Everything is so fleeting and flickering . we have gone through birth, old age, disease and death - probably way more than 8.4mn times. The same type of experience that you will have of death in this life- if you are not self realized- thats what it takes to come to this human form. We have the opportunity to understand our eternal nature, our eternal goal- all of our dharmas, all of our duties, religions, relns are meant to harmonize with and facilitate this ultimate goal of life. That's what Bhakti yoga is - path by which everything is harmonized with pleasing Krsna, loving Krsna, liberate any us from the ego and its attachments.

 Gopis only desire was to please Krsna- did the Katyayani vrat- just recently- where they performed simple austerities to worship Katyayan o gte Krsna as their husband, very young- they did not want Krsna in the same way as someone wants a Bollywood star as their husband. Krsna is supremely beautiful attractive in every way- so that they could exclusively without any distraction or diversionby anyone or anything else serve and please Him . It was not for them but for Krsna- Krsna performed the incredible pastime of taking the clothin of the Gopi and returning it to them and promising them that he will fulfill this desire. Sarat Purnima- orchestrated the whole of vrindavan to accommodate the deepest loving exchanges. This is what Vrindavan is in the spiritual realm. Vrinda devi is the supervisor of the various fulfillment of Krsna and Radha's desire. Thru orchestrating with the cows, bird trees and yogamaya devi purnamasi,  Balarama expands as Vraja Bhumi.They are all making everything a perfect setting for loving exchanges. How the mood rose- we get some conception of how utiul it is when mood rises. In Vrindavan this is all the internal potency of the Lord- it is not of this world- that moon rise Sri Radha thru her potency of vrinda devi, purnamasi and yogamaya She is making the most beautiful possible environment for Krsna's pleasure. When Krsna plays His flute- vamsi vat- calls all gopis to come to Him- they put every other consideration aside to give pleasure to Krsna - this is love. They risksed everything- physical and emotional security and safety ,being ridiculed and condemned by society, risked -being homeless dwellers of the forest without any consideration- because that was all inconsequential- the only thing imp was - how we give pleasure to Krsna, that is love.

We get a sense of that from a father or mother's love for their child in this world. When that spirit of selfless, unconditional love is purified and magnified unlimitedly then we get a hint of what that spirit of love for Krsna maybe. Krsna reciprocates with this love unlimitedly. when they came to be with Krsna- He tested them and then they danced. Suka G who is a great renunciate Sanyasi- what was his renunciation - so liberated from any desires of material enjoyment- he was content to remain in the womb of his mother- how content is that- why should i go anywhere else- aham brahmasi, Brahman realized- pure realized brahmawadi- why go out into the world- why do anything- this is where I am its good enough- 12 years he stayed there- mothers only you can understand what that situation that is - us men say theoretically "Oh that's a long time- 12 years." Ultimately Krsna and Vyasadeva had to induce him to come out by giving an experience of something higher than brahman realization- higher than moksha is prema- or according to the acaryas- the ultimate realization of moksha is prema. 

Prema means the awakening of ecstatic love. when we suffer, we want peace- but heart yearns for something more than peace- to feel Krsna's infinite love and to lov Krsna infinitely is the innermost nature of the soul. So Krsnaetnd Gopis- the rasa lila is the dynamic spiritual expression of that love for each other. In certain realms of the spiritual world- just existence is the bliss of peace. In vaikuntha realm - the love of the heart, of the soul- because there is no material body and no material ego in the spiritual realm - there is only pure Atma and the pure Paramatma- the supreme- pure Rasa- that loving reln is expressed in infinite varieties of ways. 

Krsna danced with the gopis. At the End of the discussion of Rasa Dance- Sukadeva Goswami , this great sanyasi- who considers this the highest perfection of spiritual perfection - he is giving us todays verse just to show us what he just explained is so Xcendent to anything of this world. This dance lasted an entire of Brahma- night for mosquito is the lifetime of the mosquito- 100 years for us is very different for a mosquito. some insects live a few days- they go through the same cycle we go in a 100 years in a few days. Brahma's one night is 4.32 billion years..... Part 2 continued