![]() | 2013-12-28 SB-10-33-38 - Only By Pure Devotional Service One Can Enter Into Srimad Bhagavatam - Radhanath Swami Maharaj ISKCON Chowpatty |
Srimad bhagavatam must be explained in terms of the relationship to pure unalloyed devotion between the jivatama and krishna.
Lord CM is Krishna in the mood of Sri Radha. The very culmitaion of the SB is in the tenth canto where Krishna leaves all the Gopis to be with Radhaa.. She is the origin of all prem, she is origin and total fullness of all love. Krishna is madana mohan, cupid or kamadeva is bewildering everyone ... but she attracts even He who is bewildering cupid. So sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Radha Herself is explaining what is SB. It is all meant to understand the purity , completeness, inclusiveness of Bhakti. Every word, shloka of every chapter of SB just explain it in this way, through the eyes of pure devotee or pure bhakti and then Lord CM said something very very important, because we see many people - scholars and yogis- their conception is that Bhakti Yoga brings us to a path of state where when we come that liberation then there is no need of bhaktio. Its like a map- when you get to the destination then you dont need the map. We do kirtan, hari katha, vandana, puja, seva and ultimately when we go beyond the dualities of material existence then we can leave all these things behind. But Lord Caitanya explains that Bhakti is eternal, this is the pricniple of Srimad Bhagavatam you must teach. The love between the atma and tha paramata, soul and God is the highest ertenal reality. The love between Radha and Krishna is the highest eternal reality and we are all part of that lila. He explained that matsya appeared within this world , varaha appeared.... but their appearance and disapearance of these incarnations is not the beginning and end of ..... Similarly Srimad Bhagavatam , the message of Srimad Bhagavatam the lilas of the Lord are eternal they are ever existent. Whenenever you speak SB speak about the eternal nature of bhakti and Lord CM- this was His beasic principle of teaching- jivera svarupa- eternal loving servants of Krishna. The true realm of Bhaskti taught by all great saints this is the foundational pricniple, aham brahmasmi- within the realm of Brahmana there is the spiritusal world where loving reln is eternal , where is form and reality is the ultimate cause and the eternal objest of our love. When we begin to enter into this udnerstanding of the value and glory of devotion then we can get a hint of entrance into the rasa lila. Lord CM blessed devananda Pandit now you go out and teach SB in this way. Not only will you reach the highest perfection but you will inspire the highest perfection in everyone. Golokera Prema dhana harinaam sankirtana - this kirtan oif the Lord's name has descendedn in the Holy NAme. In otehr words SP was asked what do you hope to get by chanting hare Krishna he said the goal of chanting hare krishna is chanting hare krishna not that you give up at a certain state. Now we are chanting to purify of our heart buit when the heart is clean we chant with ecstacy of pure love foreevr bec this kirtan has descedend from the sPiritual world, no ego, Krishna is in the center of everyone's heart., eeveryone is harmozed perfectly with each other because their life is dedicated to serve Krishna. Lord CM brought to this world the eternal pastimes of the spiritual world. jive ... govinda damodaraa madhaveti. Gopis, and vrajhawasis whatever they are doing are seeing the beautiful names of Krsna. This is how we udnerstand SB. Thank you very much.