Friday, March 9, 2012

What is responsibility?

Excerpt from the lecture:
1997-052 What Is Responsibility SB-02 08 21 Mumbai - 13-03-97 IDesireTree
Actual love, is the natural energy of the soul expressing itself unconditionally for the pleasure and happiness of the Lord and the Lord's devotees. That is love. Human life is meant to realize that love. sa vai pumsam... to love Lord Krishna unconditionally and serve him accordingly is the Supreme occupation for all humanity and it is only that type of unmotivated uninterrupted service to the Lord can we find true satisfaction.
That is the responsibility and purpose of life
Material people try to find more and more for themselves but ultimately what is the result- SP explained how terrible that Maya cheats such souls at the last phase of their lives. Napoleon was the greatest conqueror , world was trembling before him. He and his armies were marching terrorizing everyone. when he was dying he had lost everything, mouth was dry with the thirst and he was saying " Please give me some water". such a powerful man, entered the Vatican ordered him to make him the King of France. So powerful, but last days he had nothing, he did not have water and they gave him a cup- he drank it- it was the urine of the horse- frustrated suffering and died, that is material existence.

Hitler world was trembling before him . all the big countries were coming together to discuss what to do about him. At the end of life - he was hiding under the hole in the ground like a rat and committed suicide he lost everything

these are the greatest most powerful egoistic persons.

KC - to learn what is real happiness, not to control nations but your own mind and senses. Hiranyakaspiu was miserable bec he could not conquer mind and senses.

How to conquer the mind and senses? Krishna says by serving Him with constant practice and detachment Krishna Himself  By His mercy if he sees we are sincere and humble in your attempt to serve under the direction of his authorized devotee- Krishna himself will help you control the mind and senses. He is Hrishikesh- master of the mind and senses. He lifted the Govardhan Hill effortlessly to protect His devotees. Similarly He can lift us from the onslaughts of our material desires these unwanted anarthas pollutions of lust, envy, pride and illusion- agents of Maya that are conquering everyone individually and collectively on a mass scale internationally.The forces that induce such lower tendencies that induce such raging fire - but Krishna is all powerful. at Davanala JKund when there was fire around all His devotees, simply in one moment he swallowed the Fire. How to please Krishna- CM has given the instruction worship Krishna and chant the holy Names.
kaunteya pratijanihi - Krishna will always protect His devotee. SP is speaking so intimately not only the profound highest truths abut also his direct realizations. This material existence is like an ocean and we are like a little boat in the ocean and we are completely dependent on the mercy of the ocean. If there is a storm, fog, wind, cloud, there is every possibility of being drowned no one can control the whims of the oceans however materially equipped. this material existence is filled with unlimited waves in the form of temptations obstacles, waves of success failure, wave of good health and disease, of honor and dishonor. The dualities keep us under tight control.

In this ocean we are always aspiring for what we do not have and lamenting for what we lose. No peace. How tpo cross over this ocean? We are actually in a very helpless dependent condition. We may be doing very nice in our spiritual life.

If you are not chanting 16 rounds, at any moment you will fall victim to Maya. SP put great emphasis.
4 reg principles, keep association of devotees, hear SB and BG. When SP was on Jaladuta - he had direct experience of being in a tiny oat in the middle of the ocean- very difficult situation. Middle of Atlantic Ocean when a storm comes what do you do- you cannot decide lets stop here for sometime, or lets go home- nowhere to turn to- all there is is something darkness and waves, winds, you cannot see where you are who you are. what is your condition, you are helpless and hopeless. In that condition SP had two heart attacks, sea sickness