Thursday, July 12, 2012

Krishna Steals soft butter like hearts of His Devotees

From the lecture:

Being very angry and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, Kṛṣṇa, with false tears in His eyes, broke the container of yogurt with a piece of stone. Then He entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter in a solitary place.
It is natural that when a child becomes angry he can begin crying with false tears in his eyes. So Kṛṣṇa did this, and biting His reddish lips with His teeth, He broke the pot with a stone, entered a room and began to eat the freshly churned butter.

Lecture:(not verbatim and points have been missed)
We are reading about the Damodar Lila wherein the Absolute truth Parabrahman in the form of a very small baby child Krishna is performing pastimes in Gokul in such a way to conquer the hearts of the devotees and ultimately give every living being the opportunity to be attracted to the infinite sweetness of Krishna.

In conventional religion or spirituality God reveals Himself as an all powerful creator maintainer and destroyer of all that exists, pronounces laws, absoluate laws that are meant for everyone to follow, gives heavenly rewards or hellish punishments as per how they respond to those Laws. THe AT manifests incredible power, stregth . magnificance, strength. People initially obey out of fear of what will happen if they will not obey. Gradually after obeying out of fear we get purified and gradually love awakens from within us. Sometimes Human beings attach their own false ego upon their particular conceptions of God and if all God is an all powerful destroyer then on behalf of God we should be all powerful destroyers- if God conquers everyone we should conquer everyone.

the power of God is not supposed to boost our ego- the powr of God is understood to humble us.

Here we find that the AT, cause of all causes, as a very innocent baby who has just learned how to walk and although as the almighty God tells people to be obedient here He is acting very disobedient. why? Some people do not understand who Krishna is- how does He expect us to follow rules if He does not follow rules. Krishna His power, He has a Sudarshana Chakra- when He was only 1 or 2 days old He showed us what He could do to Putana. In the same little size He has- He delivered this incredible demon- no person who could be as demoniac as Putana in this world. We have some terrorist and evil people but can we imagine if Putana was here tonight.

She was very evil, killing babies, could manifest a form 12 miles long. Extremely evil. what to speak of aghasura, Pralambasura. Krishna in His childlike way would deliver all of them would not only stop all atrocities but also deliver all of them. What Supreme Court justice can give a person liberation what to speak of elevation to Vaikuntha. when He is acting in this way - it is simply to give pleasure to the devotees and to attract the hearts of the world. We have free will- whether we are willing to open our minds to be attracted by Krishna's beautiful pastimes.The ultimate power of God is God's  beauty is God's love, God's sweetness- it is infinitely greater than even His powers- it is His greatest powers, because He is Rasa Bihari.

We are conquered by the love of Krishna and Krishna willingly is conquered by the love of Hid devotees. In this beautiful story a revelation of the Spiritual World- Yashoda Mai is churning butter into Yogurt and she is sining songs about Krishna. VEry early in the morning. As she is singing about Krishna her mpotherly love intensifies and milk starts flowing from her breasts., Krishna who is bed, wakes up and is hungry to taste her milk- in other words Krishna is hungry to taste His devotee's love. He stops her from churning , climbs on her lap and she begins to feed him her milk.Ecstacy of her heart is increasing every moment and the milk gets sweeter bec the milk is her ecstatic love. Krishna reciprocates according to how a devotee approaches- by seeing His beauty her milk gets sweeter- Krishna reciprocates by making His face more attractive. This is the Spiritual platform- His beauty is ever oincreasing- this is acintya- how the Supreme ly beautiful all pervading beauty increase ininfitely. Does that make senses- it cant make sens- it is beyoind our imagination. How the summit of all beauty which is completely whole- it contains everyting nothing can exist outside of it - yet it is veer increasing every moment for eternity. That is Krishna inconcievable.

She hears milk boiling over. She puts Krishna down and ran intuitively and the acaryas asks why in the world would she put Krishna down for some milk boiling over? Because that milk was meant for Krishna later in the day- special Pushpagandha Milk- she would get the best grasses- she would water the grasses with the 8 best cows of all the 900,000 cows then she would feed that best grass to the best cows. That milk has teh fragrance of Lotus Flowers. In Kali Yuga today even Lotus Flowers hardly have any fragrance- this was unimainable fragrance this milk. This was very sweet very delicious and when she soul use that milk to make preparations for Krishna sandesh, barfi kher and Krishna would enjoy it so much.She was thinking of the future and she was thinking only of the moment. That is how parents are thinking of the future and children think of the moment.- nature of babies is not so much planning the future. Parents duty is to plan for the future and harmonize with the present.- if we do not havoc. So she put Him down to save the milk tat would nourish Him for the rest of the day. She had her plan of what she would do, so she ran. Krishna became very angy- not actual anger- it is ultimately meant for the devotee's well being- He wanted to give Yashoda Mai the Highest every increasing happiness. She bites His lips with His teeth and starts to cry false tears- SP explains. How could the absolute truth have anything false - ecause it is simply for the sake of loving relationships.
He picks up a stone and breaks the pot of milk. He runs over to anotehr room- takes   a wooden grinding mortar and climbs on it and gets to the butter hanging from the ropes of the ceiling so that monkeys and Krishna cannot get it. He climbs up and gets it and calls the monkeys and feeds them with His own hands- distributing- Food for Life- mid day meals- giving the poor monkeys nice butter and they are very happily eating.

Taking butter churned by mother yashoda for Krishna hHe is putting it in His own mouth a, then putting that same hand in the pot and giving it to the monkeys- how fortunate are the monkeys. They are tasting Mother Yashoda's love. As He is eating His butter it is becoming Maha prasadam- and personally with His own hand He is giving it to the monkeys- all that love and compassion is going into the butter- what is that taste of such spiritually surcharged butter. Just then Yashoda Mai comes back and seh sees the mess that Krishna created and sees that all the butter she made - He is giving it all the monkeys- so many monkeys in her house. She smiles but as ather she has to teach Krishna a proper lesson- she picked up a stick- she came behind Lord Krishna very quietly- the monkeys saw Yashoda mai with a stick immd ran away fear in their eyese- this is a very serious pastime- the psychology in it is so deep. We read bhaja hure mana sri nandana- when we take shelter of Sri Nanadannana we become fearless- these monkeys took shelter of sri Nandanandana - they were ecstatic when the ate the better but they were so afraid that were very ready to leave that scene of Krishna feeding them with their own hands. But their fear was not like the fear of this world- that inhibits happiness. this fear on the Xcendental level is the perfection of fearlesses- taken shelter if Krishna but the fear os the love of Yashoda- they are overpowered by Her love and it can make Krishna cry- even Krishna became afraid- He followed the monkeys

Kunti's dependence on the Holy Name

1995-009 Kunti's Dependence On Holy Name SB 01-08-38 - Radhanath Swami Mumbai 1995-01-07
Queen Kunti who is the mother of the Pandavas is well aware of the power and glory of her five sons. Arjuna was the greatest archer, even Siva was defeated by him. He was the intimate friend of Sr Krishna.Bhima was the most powerful person of the entire world. With one stroke of his club how he could annihilate 100s of the most powerful elephants. Queen Kunti saw with her own eyes as he pulverized even the most powerful Rakshahs . Sahadeva and Nakula were glorious maharathis in combat. Yudhishthira was the personification of dharma- because of his unexcelled piety he could never be conquered. By their birthright they were meant to rule the entire world. Here we find that after the great victory of the Pandavas they were installed as kings in the great palace of Hastinapur. Every king in the world was surrenederd at the feet of Yudhisthira. Yet , queen Kunti upon seeing that Lord Krishna was about to leave them - she offered these prayers.

She is praying here:  

SB 1.8.38: As the name and fame of a particular body is finished with the disappearance of the living spirit, similarly if You do not look upon us, all our fame and activities, along with the Pāṇḍavas and Yadus, will end at once.

Queen Kunti is recognizing that even the most powerful wealthy,successful, famous, of all personalities- her own sons were completely dependent  on Krishna's mercy for their very existence.
Krishna is the life and the soul of all devotees lives., infact Krishna is the life and soul of everyone- devotees recognize and appreciate that fact. And those who are not devotees cannot appreciate this fact.

nitya nityanam cetas.... we are all dependent on ?Krishna- He is the intelligence of the intelligent, he is the strength of the strong, the power of the powerful, He is the ability in man, everything is being enacted in this creation on the basis if Krishna's energy. Without Krishna's help we are blind, deaf dumb, our heart cannot beat even once, our lungs cannot breathe for s second, all the basic functions of survival are being enacted by Krishna's energy- the existence of the rains, the earth,sun and our body is completely dependent on the will of Krishna. So devotees are always anxious to remember Krishna with a grateful heart at every moment.

Kunti was such a devotee. She understood that all this kingdom, fame, glory is all useless without Krishna. She had know reason or purpose to survive without Krishna. Like a fish cannot survive without water a devotee cannot survive under any circumstance without remembering Krishna. This is the quality of love. It is this love that is the perfection of human existence. We are not these bodies, the body must die, it is inevitable. The function of this body is like a vehicle it is meant to help us in this human form to achieve the goal of life. But how we misuse this opportnuity of human life, trying to exploit the resources of nature through enjoyment of the body. Such activities only entangle us in ignorance and bondage. Whoever we are, KC is that method that teaches the natural function of the soul, which is to engage in the loving service of the Lord. The few moments that we have in this life of ours we must use in the service of the Lord. Whether death comes today or deach comes tomorrow. In the eyes of eternity it is matter of few moments in fact, what we will do with these few moments is the greatest and most imp consideration in our lives. Kunti did not care about the for any of the glory and opulence oif this world, she was only concerned with having Krishna.

When she had nothing, everything was taken away- she was chanting the names of Krishna and when she had everything the world at her feet she was always chanting the names of Krishna. Queen Kunti has been worshipped and her prayers have been studied by the greatest saints and rsis- although her prayers are a simple offering a mother- she was not a scholar, tapasvi, yogi- she was a mother but the simplicity of her prayers embodied the essence of all knowledge. The conclusion of all the Vedas- because they were in pursuance of always remembering Krishna.

Queen Kunti is remembering Krishna in so many wonderful ways- How Krishna the Supreme AT appeared in the beautiful land of Vrindavan and enacted wonderful pastimes to attract everyone's hearts.

srnvanti gayanti... SP would love to quote this prayer of QKunti:
To continually to chant, hear and repeat and take pleasure in other's doing so are most dear to Krishna.Krishna reveals His Lotus Feet only to such souls. By one glimpse of those Lotus feet, we neevr have to face the repetition of birth and deatch again. So Lord Sri CM has come to this owlrd to teach us how to continually chant, hear and repeat the glories of the Lord and take pleasures in otehrs doing so. Harinaam Sankirtana and Krishna Katha is the means by which we can achieve the Lotus feet of Krishna. SP the great descedent of Sri CM's mercy taiught by his example how the devotee takes greatest pleasure in others chanting and hearing. Kc is a movement of selfless compassion- movement of greatest welfare and charity- it is a movement where everyone can take part in this wonderful opportunity in giving Krishna to others. This is our pleasure in life. We see it is very very difficult to give up the objects of the senses. The senses are very strong- even a man of great discrimination is victimized by the senses. Only when we experience a higher pleasure can we give up the temporary pleasure of the senses. The greatest pleasure is to see others progressing in recieving the mercy of Krishna. As long as we are aspiring to help others in becoming Krishna we never become stagnant in this path. If we are selfishly concerned with our own Spiritual progress- often times we become tired and frustrated in spiritual activitie. Sometimes devotees have this difficulty.

If we are apsiring to take pleasure in seeing otehr's progressing then ur enthusiaism for Ks will always increase. If you feed a hungry man you solve his problem for a day. If you give a sick man medication you solve his problm for sometime. But if you enthuse a person to hear and chant the glories of the Lord you put the person on the ath where there is no more suffering and no more birth and eeatch.

This is so pleasure of a devotee to see others joyfully dance and chant and to take part in the process. Queen Kunti is telling us that the life of all life is Krishna, to satisfy Krishna is the real satisfaction of the soul. To help to see others satisfying Krishna is an even greater pleasure t the soul It is so simple and so wonderful. when Lord CM was living in Navadvipa Dham this was his message to everyone. The common people who were materialistic but receptive to hear the truth- He would teach them this message. That at your own homes, worship Krishna- no need to change your occupations worship Krishna, speak about Krishna, hear about him, associate with devotees of Krishna, always chant His Holy Names, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare........In this way we can always be connected intimately with Krishna- the natural aspiration of every sou;l. The residents of navadvipa followed His instruction. Everyone was chanting Krishna's names - not all but- at least innocent souls. the envious people were angry to see Ks spreading everywhere. The common people wherever they went whatever they did- they would all relate to one another by chanting Krishna's names. This was heard everywhere- what a wonderful civilization and Lord CM e took the greatest pleasure in saying this... although He was always absorbed in the divine ecstasies of this love and whoever would accept it would give him the pleasures. T\even the elephant, rhino, snakes, lions, deer and rabbits- bec they were taking the names of Krishna they gave Him the greatest pleasure. Little Narayani- when Lord Caitanya told her chant the names of Krishna- she began to chant- tears flowed from her eyes and she went into ecstacy and feel on the ground, this gave CM the greatest pleasure. What gives Krishna pleasure should give us pleasure. Let us repeat the divine message the highest truth in this age of Kali Yuga that we could all become spiritually joyful- purified of the reasons of all sufferings by just hearing about Krishna, by remembering Krishna  and chanting His Holy Names. Hare Krishna.,.....
these elephants, deers, tigers snakes, where not very advaned in understanding the scriptures- but they sincerely and innocently took the names of Krishna. IF we have good brain that can scrutinizingly analyse difference matter and spirit and the higher rasas then we must study the Vaishnava scripture. Unless we are philosophically convinced then material nature is so powerful that she will take our conviction away from the faith in the holy Names.

Just today, I was speaking to my Godbrother of a devotee who is convinced about KS but because he heard from philosphers who were offensive to Krishna- then he gave up the path of bhakti and became a materialist. It is very important that we hear from the proper sources to gain faith in harinaam sankirtan that comes by associating twith sincere devotees of the Lord. But if we do not have such a capacity then Krishna is availble by simply being attached to the devoteesand the Holy names. SB explains that whatver attachment you have now- transfer it to sadhus- if someone is really attached to associting with devotees that person will go BTG very soon.

SP, for children would give cookies and by doing like this the children would become attached to Him. Because what would they understand in Sb class but they understood cookies and that SP was giving cookies. and then they became attached to SP- because SP was so nice and by giving them that attachment he gave them KC. To become attached to a devotee means we are become attached to Krishna. If we are attached to devotees that means we will try to please them and to please devotees means to please Krishna.Only way we can really please the devotees is by chanting the names of Krishna.

CC is the most advanced work of philosophy on the earth planet. SP translated the entire work in 18 volumes. In one very illustrious purport he explained that all the philosophy and propaganda in this world is to induce people to sincerely and attentively chant the Holy Names of Krishna. Because Krishna is non-different than His name.ceto darapana -- Name of Krishna has the potency to cleanse the most dirtiest most sinful of all hearts- It is the foremost process of devotion to hear and chant the names and glories of the Lord. So Queen Kunti she is so much praying to Krishna that without you my Lord what is our kingdom, what is our fame, our wealth- without You it is like a dead corpse no life no meaning no pleasure for us. You my Lord are my life and our soul, and our meaning and pleasure to life is utterly dependent to Your presence. So we should all aspire to develop this quality of consiousness- that nothing has any value without Krishna. this world is a burden if it is dicsonnected from Krishna and everything of this world is most wonderful when it is connected to Krishna. Krishna is so kindly appeared within His name- let us make the hearing and chanting of the names and glories of Krishna be our life and soul- let every aspect of our life revolve around the hearing cand the chanting of Krishna';s name in the company of His devotees.
This whole world is becoming a place where people are become attached to more and more objects of the senses. Let us attached ourselves more and more to Krishna's devotees. Krishna's glories and to Krishna's Holy Names.

we are so happy to be hear again in Matunga Railway colony. In english Language when a person is always thinking in terms of accomplishing one thing he is called to have a one trackj mind- we all want to have one track minds- Krishna and the pleasure of Krishna.

Many of you working in the railway helping to make life comfortable for people traveling from one place to another- devotee are also thinking like this, we want to put the whole world on track to that place the abode of Krishna. We want to create such a wonderful atmosphere that people love to stay on this train going back home BTG. By having nice prasad nice relns, nice pravachans, nice kirtans  that no one ever leaves this train going BTG. This is the pleasure of our lives. Thank you very much.